
The Gods Adopted Son

Plokrell · Fantasy
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10 Chs


half an hour latter Jethro and his family arrived at the island this of course not being there first time here over these six months. when they arrived at the party was already in full swing as many of the guests were already completely hammered. the laughter and singing from the soldiers filling the air as everyone was having a great time with Damien at the grill. cooking up a storm the smell of the food was like magic as it danced through the air to their noses. The party seemed to have been going on for hours by now but I'm reality it had only been thirty minutes. at least for the rest of the world, when they got to the other side of the party Jethro and his family. greeted Damien, Jethro's wife asking many questions about how he and his daughter had been.

(Damien) "well Maria we have been very well though you guys are a little late to the party."

(Maria) " well to you maybe but to us it has only been thirty minutes to you it has been how long."

(Damien) "for us it has been about half a day now though it is still slowing down back to the normal time stream, and it will align back together by tonight."

(Jethro) "I still don't understand how that spell works your explanation makes no sense to me or my wife and we are the best mages ever on this planet."

(Damien) "Don't be too hard on yourselves not even the mages of the emperor could understand. I can explain it again if you would like or I can give you an abbreviated version if you would like." 

they both nodded at Damien indicating for him to continue so he began to explain the gist of it was that her had taken the island out of the natural flow of time and put it in its own. With a faster time, stream than the one they are in now you see in this world time has a set time flow and is not one to be trifled with. In other words, it likes to push back on toughs that try to mess with its flow so you must in some way take you or the object you want out of the flow. so that you don't mess with it directly or you could destroy yourself completely.

After he got done talking to them, they looked at him as if they were idiots the next thing that they did was ask some questions about the subject. realizing that they would not have the ability to cast this advanced spell ever in their lifetime. so, they decided to go back to the party and just as Damien said the two-time streams synced back together.

later on, during the party Damien called everyone one over as his daughter had asked him to play a song for them all. when they were all gathered around him and the bonfire, he summoned two of his instruments the flute and the violin some mysterious enlarge emitting off them. that no one could place but they knew that it was powerful, much more powerful that any of them had ever felt before. then when they began to play the way they all began to feel was so moving that some of the people present began to cry.

almost as if all the gods of music were playing in front of them the flute was being played with Damien's wind magic as it floated in the air while he was playing the violin by hand. after the music that filled the air slowly faded from its embrace, and the two instruments had disappeared they remained silent for quite some time. when finally, someone spoke breaking the silence this person was lily.

(Lily) "That was beautiful dad but why did you have to play such a sad song."

(Damien) " well it is time for the party to come to an end as I don't think that anyone can handle any more food or drink, but I do hope I will see you all again one day Lily, I do believe it is time for you to go on an adventure of your own. I also hope that the emperor over their will let you take his son with you."


(Gerald) " of course I agree if he wants to go then I will let him but i do hope that you will stop by to visit sometimes."

(Brandon) " of course father we will when we can."

(Damien) " just remember that my parents and I will always be watching you so don't even try to do something bad to my daughter boy do you understand."

Brandon gulped and then nodded in acknowledge to the man he had come to respect and fear. the next thing that he said shocked the emperor and his family when the party was came to a close.

(Damien) " now that the party is over i would like to ask both Flora and Samantha to accompany me on my journey. It is of course up to them whether they would like to go but I would like for them to come along."

the two women looked over at each other and nodded in agreement after their silent conversation. they then turned to the others and said what was on their minds at the same time speaking as one.

(Samantha/Flora) " we would love to go with you, but you should know that we do have feelings for you as we also know. that you are pretty dens so just know that since we are coming with you that we will be try our best to get you to feel the same way."

Damien kept his voice the same deep monotone as ever not letting anyone know what he was thinking as he said that he was going to welcome it. just when the sun started to set for the day Daimen froze in the middle of what he was doing looking off into the distance. When his mask morphed into his helmet his blades appearing in his hands and that is when everyone else sensed the danger on the horizon. Daimen yelled at them to run for their lives or else they would die a deep ferocious growl emanating from where he was looking. 

Not needing to be told twice all of them began to run well except for Samantha and Flora Lilly tried to stay. Sadly, Brandon grabbed her and dragged her to safety and maybe just maybe if he had not done that the outcome would have been different. the monster they were about to face was filled with the aura of death as if it was deaths incarnation thousands upon thousands of tentacles. wiped through the air cutting it like a hot knife through butter all that it was made of a giant eye. but in truth all it was, was a mouth that opened up to an abyss of teeth on the ends of the tentacles was what looked like harpoon tips. 

when Damien got into a fighting stance as the tentacles came flying at him and the two women. These creatures have a very distinct thing they love to do to their prey as they will wrap them in a field. Of about a kilometer sized sphere and then teleporting them to a totally different location it takes about thirty minutes to charge. but once it is, they can literally go to any singular location in the dimension that they are in. so that is exactly what this one did and took them back to its nest by the time it was ready the three of them were the only ones left. so as the fight raged on untill suddenly a rift formed in the sky that was.

Black and dark as void of nothingness this is what the creature dragged the flouting island through. the last thing that the onlookers saw was the three of them fighting of several tentacles each as most of them were wrapped around the island. Then they were just gone as the rift closed and their family stared at where they had been. Thirty minutes later lily fell to her knees wailing in pain and sadness they did not know why she was like this as she was so confident. Only moments ago that her father as well as Floura and Samantha would all be just fine. When Brandon was finally able to get her to calm down she was finally able to speak .

(Lily) " I can't feel any of their life signature any more"