
The Gods Adopted Son

Plokrell · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Ch 6

The two women were in shock at what they we're seeing. As they slowly flew towards the floating island which was Damien's home. When they landed on the new dock with the flying boat that they were on. Because lily was not strong enough to survive teleportation spells with how weak she was. As well as he kind of wanted to show off to Flora and Samantha because he thought the looks they gave him were funny.

Samantha ( how do you have a acre sized island floating in the sky I thought that only royalty could have something like this.)

Flora ( my sister is right so who are your parents are you some kind of secret Prince?)

Damien ( okay for the first and last time no I am not a prince and my parents are no mire king or queens. They are so much more powerful so much so that they could kill all the kingdoms nations and empires combined.)

Both Samantha and Flora looked at Damion with amused expressions thinking that he was exaggerating. Not caring what he was saying anymore they began asking about the floating island.

Flora ( how big is the Island?)

Damien "--"

Samantha ( what are all those buildings for?)

Damien "--"

Flora ( where do we stay?)

Damien :{

Samantha ( how long can we stay?)

Damien ( are you done talking yet by the god's will you let me talk already!)

The two women nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard him yell. The edge in his voice was filler with venom but no killing intent. Almost like a parent scolding their child regaining their composure they nodded their heads.

Damien ( good now the island is now six acres but it used to be three some of the buildings are new. I don't really know what they are I'm guessing one of them is a guest house. The Viking longhouse over there is mine you are not allowed to enter under any circumstances. As for how long you stay I really don't care as long as you pull your weight around here. Do you understand all the things that I have said to you as of now?)

Samantha ( I understand.)

Flora ( So do I.)

In total there were four new buildings as well as a small field and the docks for the flying ships. The four new buildings were one guest house and a small bar next to each other , a storehouse and finally a mine-shaft. For gathering materials for Damien's new armor and weapons whenever he needed them that is. When Damien saw that there was a bar he warned the two women that they probably should be careful what they drank there. Thankfully by this time lily was inside asleep so they could talk freely now.

Damien ( Don't drink anything above the bottom shelf.)

Flora ( what the actual hell do you think we are children or something.)

Samantha ( Ya we are grown ass women don't tell us what we can and can't do.)

Damien ( I'm going to stop you right there, the reason I said that is so that you don't kill yourselves. The bottom shelf is like the best top shelf liquor you've ever seen anything higher would kill you. As the alcohol content could be as high as the real thing too so if you have a death wish, be my guest. But considering that you still don't believe me take a whiff of this it is from the one just above the bottom shelf.)

when they did they nearly passed out as the fumes alone were like chloroform in a sense. Because they got drunk instantly their cheeks reddening as soon as they took a sniff. He almost had to catch them before they fell but two chairs moved behind them before he could. After all this bar was magical like everything else on this island, so he cast a spell to sober the two women up.

Flora( holy fucking shit thanks.)

Samantha ( ya what she said that could have ended really bad. But how did you know that the booze was that strong.)

Damien ( I looked at the sign .)

with that he pointed a finger at the sign above the bar that had all the drinks on it. As well as the degree of alcohol content was in it. When Damien turned back to them he could see the embarrassment written all over their faces.

Damien ( so about how long will it take for your brother to get here?)

Samantha ( about six months why.)

Damien did not say anything but just thought ( so she will be 18 by the time he gets here, great hopefully I don't have to kill anyone.)

Six months later lily had grown into a beautiful young woman of 18 years. But Damien was now even more protective of her and so were Samantha and Flora. As they became like her new mothers the two of them had also gotten closer to Damien as well. They were kind of like a family but not quit that at the same time though deep down the two women wanted. To be closer to Damien sadly though he was totally oblivious to it all but no one should blame him with his past. As he has never had a romantic relationship, (authors note just so all of you know he will not always be dense as all hell but he will until he learns more or they tell him.)

Damien had been training his daughter for the entire six months getting her ready for something. But he would not say anything about it other than that his daughter had said something to him he was not to happy about. When the six months had come to an end Damien seemed to get more and more agitated. During this time so when they heard a trumpet sound with royal fan fair he almost lost it. Storming out to meet the guests which consisted of the emperor his wife and their son. They soon started to talk and introduce them selves to Damien as Lily was still inside.


Emperor( my name is Gerald i am 39 years old .)


Emperors wife( I am Carmen and you don't need to know my age.)


Emperors son( Hi my name is Brandon i am 18 years old.)


Damien( so you are the one aye...)


Before he could say anything else Lily and the other two women walked out but as soon as Brandon saw Lily he froze.


Lily ( Hello handsome how are you?)


Brandon( y-you a-are the one from my dream.)


Damien ( you better watch what you say to my daughter boy I still have not excepted you yet.)


Every one looked at Damien questioningly wondering what was going on at that moment. So he motioned for them to all fallow him into the bar when inside he picked up a bottle off the top shelf.


Damien( first off i need to have a buzz to even start talking about this. So my daughter has a skill called future sight which allows her to see the future of her and her lovers. Sadly she has forbidden me from killing any of them on the spot and to clarify Brandon is one of them. Thankfully i got her to agree that she will not jump into any of these relationships head first. So no marriage for at least half a year also if any of them step out of line i have the right to punish them, which i will enjoy immensely.


Lily ( dad what the hell for the love of the gods will you stop talking.)


Damien ( what did i do?)


Samantha and Flora began to laugh at the way the father and daughter were now arguing back and forth. Between each other though the other three were as confused as ever. Soon Gerald had to jump in the middle so that they could get to why they were all here.


Gerald( so could we all get back to the topic at hand pleas?)


Damien( ah yes sorry about that what is it that you would like to know?)


Gerald ( first i would like to know what kingdom or empire you are affiliated with. Next i want to know why you are in my kingdom and lastly what the hell you want with my son. Because that story was obviously a total lie no one has received that skill in thousands of years.)


The smile that covered Damien's mask soon scared every one present to the point of all of them breaking out in a cold sweat.

Damien let a little of his Aura slip out as his mask smiles with razor sharp pointed teeth. Just like a Cheshire cat again this was enough to scare them all. Except his daughter, Flora and Samantha who simply looked at him like he was an idiot.


Lily ( dad can you please stop, this is so damn embarrassing?)


Samantha ( Lily is right and although I know that you are annoyed right now. You don't need to scare the living shit out of my brother and his, wife and son.)


Flora ( Damien you look like an idiot so just stop. Besides there is an easy way to solve all of this Sebastian can just use his appraising eye skill.)


Damien ( well then you should have led with that damn it!!)


The three women looked at Damien with anger and a hint of amusement in their eyes. Soon they called their butler Sebastian over and when he saw her skills. He stumbled back in shock she had two rare skills one was the future sight skill and the other was monarch of the harvest.

They are both (sss) class skills they are also not meant for combat roll.


Sebastian ( how the fuck is this possible you have two (sss) skills.)


Gerald ( what how is that possible what are they.)


Sebastian ( well the first thing the gentle man over their did not lie. On the second note is a new one even for me Monarch of the harvest. I do know that their are others but i can't see them but I don't know why.)


Damien( that would be because she does not want you to see them.)


Gerald ( we are not going to get any more about this out of you are we?)


Damien ( no.)


Gerald nodded and waved his hand to continue with answering his questions.


Damien ( I will say this one more time I am not affiliated with any Kingdom or empire . Secondly I did not come hear because I wanted to my parents just sent me on this planet to start my own adventure.)


Gerald ( do I even want to ask who your parents are?)


Damien ( you probably wouldn't even believe me if I told you.)


the conversation continued like this for several hours so while their doing that. let's tell you what Samantha and Flora look like shall we. Flora is 5' 3'' with strong check bones emerald in eyes and a cute little button nose. She has an hour glass figure being slightly more on the petite side but with an elegant demeanor. Her sister on the other hand was 5'2" red curly hair a light dusting of freckles olive brown skin. She is also more on the curvy side with her ears being slightly pointed now lets get back to the story.


Damien ( pleas tell me that you are done because I need to go take a major piss I think that I drank to much though i'm still not drunk which relay sucks.)


All of them looked at him as if he had just slapped their mothers with a dirty old shoe when Lily, Samantha and Flora all face palmed at the same time. All yelling at him at the top of their lungs with many curses and slurs.


Flora ( you cretin.)


Samantha( what the actual hell jackass?)


Lily( your a blockhead father.)


Damien ( what did I do I just said I had to take a piss.)


again the looked at him with horror and then he realized why. They were embarrassing that he was so direct about it. As none of them had thought that he would be so disrespectful around a emperor.


Damien( man you three should know me better by now I mean come on. Oh ya I almost forgot where will you all be staying. On you ship or will you be staying in your floating castle on your island.