
The Godlike Liar

Nineteen-year-old Eliot Grayson, facing a terminal illness, wishes only to experience life to its fullest in his remaining months. But a bizarre twist of fate , a lightning strike through his window, whisks him away to a mystical world reminiscent of the medieval times, where supernatural powers are the norm, and the extraordinary is everyday. Miraculously cured and physically transformed, Eliot finds himself without powers in a world where magic reigns.

KingDiazie · Fantasy
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25 Chs

World Twist

Chapter 2

Under the moon's gentle glow, the village seemed serene, but Eliot's mind was anything but calm. He pondered if this newfound place would be his permanent abode, if he'd forever be a foreigner amidst its customs and people.

His musings were interrupted by the arrival of royal soldiers, their presence disrupting the peace with their stern demeanor and swift movements.

"We choose this piece of scum," one of the soldiers declared, their words slicing through the night air with a chilling finality. Eliot's heart raced with confusion and fear as he struggled to comprehend their meaning.

Before Eliot could even gather his thoughts, the villagers clustered around him, their faces a blend of anxiety and resignation. The once-cheerful atmosphere had shifted, now filled with whispered concerns and silent murmurs of dread.

"Is it our village's turn for the pickings?" one of the villagers dared to whisper, their voice trembling with the weight of the unknown.

"W..what do they mean , am i really about to die" Eliot thought to himself with intense fear.

Eliot's heart raced with each moment, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion amidst the unfolding turmoil. Was he merely a pawn in a game he couldn't comprehend, a victim of circumstances beyond his grasp?

With the soldiers drawing nearer, Eliot realized he was at a crucial juncture—a moment that would define his fate. Summoning his inner strength, he steeled himself to confront whatever challenges awaited him.

Eliot felt confusion tightening around him like a vice within the cold, damp confines of the dungeon cell. His mind spun with disbelief, grappling to make sense of the surreal chain of events that had landed him in this bleak predicament.

Was this a cruel twist of fate, or had he unwittingly crossed paths with arcane forces beyond his understanding? The echo of the soldier's finger snap lingered in his thoughts, a chilling testament to the mysterious power that had abruptly torn him from the familiarity of the village square.

Eliot felt lost in a whirl of confusion, surrounded by the cold smell of stone and the hard touch of metal. He touched the bars cautiously, hoping they might disappear. But they stayed solid, reminding him he was trapped. In the dark, he felt like someone was watching him, making his skin crawl with unease. "Is this magic?.."

The ideas are flowing my brain with this one!!

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