
The Goddess Third Life

Alijah verlise the goddess of butterfly that has killed her partner brutaly in her 1st life sentence by God to cannot love again in her other life if she does fall again her lover will die by slowly feeling weak.in her second Life she met crown prince Arwin and fell in love with him but because of her punishment Arwin slowly getting weak..Alijah was so worried and beg for the cure the god answered her.the only cure is if she bath her Self with her Heart blood and die is the only cure..Alijah loved Arwin so much that she is willing to do that.alijah is now covered in blood redder than Rose's hi guys I'm author rose I will upload 2 chapters per day and I am a new romance writer please support me and try to read this novel pls in trying my best to make this a beautiful story>.

unnie_Rose · History
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Chapter 5

4 days later

in the past 4 days I just met the Carlo 3 times we talk about what blessing I give to the castle and how is my stay in master (Arwin) castle I just call him master since its disrespect to call him by his name without permission...I just forgot to ask if I can call him by his name

Everynight I dreamed about our first met in the past and sometimes I dreamed about when I was so scared when he was dying in

my dream I will wake up everytime in the night b'cuz of nightmares

I sometimes dream about him saying that I was wrong

what does he mean I'm wrong?

I also dream about that master is him?

****magic tower***

Jeremy talk to Arwin



why don't you just go rest you've been working for 1 week straight you had become her fiance but now you don't meet for 1 whole week ...why don't you just go rest in your castle since there is only little work left I can just handle some of works

how is she doing?

oh the goddess?

she just met the prince Carlo 3 times as they said and she just stay in the castle this whole week

what do they talk about?

Arwin face is so serious and scary

oh uh ah about the goddess blessing and some of personal favorites they talked like a close friends as the rumors say the crown prince really is a Playboy even the goddess fall in love with him

Arwin just raised his right eyebrow


ah also there is a virus that is spreading recently it's called vouklomous a lot of people have that now in the armannia village

they said that virus can make humans lips and nails black

where did they get it?

they said it's from a poisonous plant one child eats that and he is the one who spread the virus he is dead now...the temple is also moving and finding cure

inform all our healer to go there and cure everyone as many as they can...


I'm going to the castle I'm going back tomorrow and let's go there

******Arwin castle*****

Arwin look around the castle and looking for a lija


it's dinner time why is the goddess not here?

oh master the goddess said that she don't have appetite now and will eat later

Arwin immediately go to alijah room

worried b'cuz what if she got the vouklomous virus too



"it his first time calling me by my name"



"I suddenly remember him(the past Crown prince) calling my name"

why?why!! are you okay?

Arwin immediately grab alijah shoulders after she shouted

i....I suddenly recall him call me just....now


arwin angrily ask her

my past lover

" her past lover"

Arwin let go of her shoulder and sit on the bed next to her

by the way you can just call me Arwin


oh okay....by the way I'm alijah verlise just call me alijah

is work really a lot?

are you really that busy to not come here?

I suddenly ask him that I feel like I care about him

oh yes there is still a little left but Jeremy said he can just handle some of it

Jeremy? he is the one who handle some schedules here and there I'm so proud he has done a lot to you

ah I Heard recently that there is a virus did you know it Arwin?

oh yes it's called vouklomous


they said that virus can make humans nail and lips black they get it from a

plant..?! don't tell me it's the popoliya plant?

"she already know? I didn't say it's from a plant yet"

oh yes

where is the village that got the virus? how many is infected?

a lot of people has already got infected and its in armannia luckily the virus don't go to other villages yet...how do u know?

huh?oh the plant?

well im living in the forbidden forest called the goddess forest it's full of poisonous plant and healing herbs I sometimes donate it to people that's is why the past emperor make a deal with me that he will make a goddess day in that day the people will enter my Forests..

why can't they just enter everyday?

oh I hate being disturb and there is a lot of wild animals mostly a leopard

so you are the unnamed forest goddess?

oh so that is my name

I chuckled

oh I will go there tomorrow do you want to go with me?

oh!! yes!!

i smiled brightly and said that

then shall we eat first?

oh okay..! "actually I don't really have appetite to eat but b'cuz of him I feel like eating"