

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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79 Chs


Chapter 12: : Publish works, Yu Chuan, the handsome mother

   As one bite went down, more cucumber juice exploded in her mouth and flowed into the body along the esophagus.


   "Um~ it's delicious and fresh."

   praised with happiness and satisfaction.

   In the next few seconds, half of the cucumber has been completely wiped out by her.

   After eating, he put out his tongue and licked the juice from the corner of his mouth, and said: "I don't seem to feel that tired of my mind anymore."

   Lu Yunqi saw that Qi Xuanxuan liked it very much, and quickly handed the other half of the cucumber to her mouth.

   A hearty lunch starts with eating cucumbers.

   "Yun Qi, where did you buy the cucumber?" After eating, Qi Xuanxuan picked up a cucumber and gnawed it.

   Lu Yunqi was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "This is what the lady I rented before gave me yesterday."

   He certainly can't tell Qi Xuanxuan that he has a breeding space, and this kind of child is indeed given by the landlord's aunt.

   "Well, go ask, see if there are any more sold, and buy some back. This cucumber is very special. Now I feel full of vitality and my mind is clearer," Qi Xuanxuan said.

   "Okay, as long as you like to eat, I will make you more good things to eat in the future." Lu Yun picked up the lunch box in his hand and replied.

   "Are you trying to grab my stomach?" Qi Xuanxuan had finished eating a cucumber in a blink of an eye. She picked up her teacup and rinsed her mouth, watching Lu Yun start to say.

   Lu Yun picked up the lunch box, looked at her with some emotion in his eyes, and said, "I have to hold on to such a good wife."

   Facing this sudden sentence, Qi Xuanxuan felt a bit hot on her cheeks, as if a deer was bumping in her heart.

   "Lu Yunqi, honestly, do you often say this to girls?" Qi Xuanxuan looked at him pretentiously.

   "Heaven and earth conscience, you are the only one, and it's the first time." Lu Yun replied with red ears.

   After all, it would take a lot of courage to speak such an earthy words in the eyes of the goddess.

   Qi Xuanxuan wrapped her arms around her arms, staring at him calmly, and said, "This is the first time?"

She knew that before Lu Yunqi set up a street stall outside the university town, there must be some lip service. She also knew that before her, Lu Yunqi had talked with a girlfriend, and she still used the kind with deep affection, but the ending was very different. Not good.

   "It's definitely the first time." Lu Yun nodded heavily.

   "Well, I believe it, remember to pick up the child in the afternoon." Qi Xuanxuan turned and returned to her boss chair.

   As soon as I sat down, I heard someone knock on the door.


   "President, this is the laptop you want."

  A female assistant walked up to Qi Xuanxuan with a brand-new computer bag and said respectfully.

   "Well, let's get out!"

   Qi Xuanxuan said lightly with the file in her hand.

   The female assistant glanced at Lu Yunqi secretly, and then exited the office.

   "Hey, in order to thank you for the lunch, and reward you."

   Qi Xuanxuan put down the file in her hand, took the computer to Lu Yun before she got up, and said.

  Wearing the reputation, there was a silver apple with a gap printed on the computer bag. Lu Yun smiled and took it over, "Thank you!"

   For Lu Yun, he said that it is still very important to have a laptop of his own. After all, if you want to write at home, it is not very convenient to use Qi Xuanxuan's computer.

   More importantly, he still doesn't want Qi Xuanxuan to know that while being a dad, he is also doing another part-time job.

   Qi Xuanxuan nodded and returned to her desk to continue working. Lu Yunqi also packed up her things, said goodbye, and left Haochen Building.

   Back to the villa, Lu Yun picked up his computer and sat in the garden.

  The assistant platform has been registered, and now I'm thinking about what book to write.

   There is still a certain difference between the literature of this world and the earth. According to Lu Yunqi's observation, whether it is current reading or starting point, the two platforms are mainly fantasy and urban.

   "Well, just write about the "Dragon Ba Bu" that I like to watch when I am young. I probably remember the plot, just think of my childhood again."

   After making a decision, Lu Yunqi started to create a work on his assistant: "Ba Bu of Heavenly Dragon".

   Then it will be the code word.

   Although Kaidian 's review is relatively strict, Lu Yun said that he was not worried about whether this book could be reviewed. This is a classic on earth, and review is necessary.


   My fingers began to jump quickly on the computer.

   There is a crackling sound...

   It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon when the phone alarm rang, and Lu Yunqi stopped his movements.

   "Hoo···" took a breath.

   I came back from Qi Xuan Xuan's company, it was about two o'clock, and now I have written nearly 20,000 characters, and I feel full of accomplishment.

   Click to publish directly. Generally, Kaidian's new book review takes one to two days, so the next step is to wait for the review on the platform.

After    was released, he put away the computer and went out.

   came to the school gate and just parked the car.

   A Lamborghini stopped beside Lu Yunqi's car.

   The cool scissor door slowly opened, and a pair of shiny little leather shoes came out of the car. Then, a man in a small black suit, who looked like his twenties, got out of the car.

   The slightly thick lips, shallow dimples, and a pair of small eyes are greatly enlarged by the brown eyeliner, which is 'pulled' by the brown eyeliner. When paired with the brown Korean Chinese style, it looks a bit 'handsome'.

   At first glance, it was like a flower picking thief in the rivers and lakes, and he wanted to attack an innocent flower bone.

   "Buddy? Pick up the kids?" The man raised his eyebrows at Lu Yun.

   Lu Yun was startled, nodded and said: "Well, pick up my daughter."

   I don't know if this guy's thinking is too avant-garde or his brain is pitted. I go to kindergarten and don't pick up children. Is it because I came to see beautiful women? However, seeing his handsome appearance, he had no choice but to respond.

   "Hey~~~Then our goal is different."

   The man smiled, the dimples on his face were deeper, and he even subconsciously stretched out an orchid finger to cover his mouth. I lost it!

   Lu Yunqi wanted to say, buddy, did you just come back from Taiguo?

   "Man, what do you call it?"

   The man took a look at Lu Yunqi's clothes, looked at the car behind him, and started to make friends: "My name is Yu Chuan, and my future girlfriend will teach here."

   "Oh, my name is Lu Yunqi, and my daughter is studying here." Lu Yunqi said with a faint smile.

   "Hey, the relationship is good, maybe your daughter is studying in my future girlfriend's class." Yu Chuan chuckled.

   "It should not be possible!" Lu Yunqi shook his head in his heart, and replied.

   Naturally, he also met his daughter's teacher. Judging from the current impression, Xu Min would like this one?

   At this time, school time has come.

   Suddenly, all parents lined up in an orderly manner, one by one, picking up their baby in the car.

   "Dad, daddy!"

   Tangtang and Guoguo waved their little hands excitedly and greeted Lu Yunqi.

   Lu Yunqi also waved to the two cute little ones. Looking at the smiles on the faces of the two sisters, he knew that today was another happy day at school.

   The two cuties are still being led by Xu Min, and they are walking towards the school gate.

   The expressions of the two sisters were very happy, but Xu Min's face was a little bit depressed, and even a little dull when she arrived at the door.

what's the situation?