

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 8:

Chapter 8: : 1 bowl of fish soup to conquer 2 big beauties

   "That, handsome guy, do you need help?" Bai Cha said with some idiots.

   There is no way, a handsome man who can also cook is too lethal to her.

   "No." Lu Yun shook his head, rejected Bai Cha's offer to help, and said, "You just wait and eat."

   After speaking, Lu Yunqi turned around again to continue the operation.

   The white tea was taken by Qi Xuanxuan to the sofa to chat. Although she was chatting, she still stared at the kitchen from time to time. Even Qi Xuanxuan peeked at it no less than ten times.

   "Hey, Xuan Xuan'er, tell me honestly, where did you find such a handsome guy?" Bai Cha took a piece of potato chips into his mouth, and asked curiously.

   "What are you doing?" Qi Xuanxuan glanced at the direction of the kitchen, lowered her head and whispered, "He is my child's father."

   "Huh?" Bai Cha almost choked out of breath, and said, "What? He was the scumbag who got your stomach up five years ago and ran away when he lifted his pants?"

   At this moment, Lu Yunqi's little goodwill that had just been established in Bai Cha's mind was instantly defeated.

"Hey, you are dying, why are you so loud?" Qi Xuanxuan hurriedly leaped over, covering Bai Cha's mouth with her hand, and explained: "It's not what you think it is, and he is willing to come. It's better for the child. .?"

"Well ??? Well!" White nodded his head, indicating Qi Xuan Xuan clutching his mouth to let go of that hand.

   "Hoo..." After Qi Xuanxuan let go, Bai Cha let out a sigh of relief, and then said: "What? You mean, he was not because of you?"

   Qi Xuanxuan showed a wry smile on her face.

   She still doesn't know what Lu Yunqi thinks in her heart. The last time she said she was going to get the certificate, there has been no news until now.

   Lu Yunqi did not say, she was too embarrassed to ask.

   "Xuan Xuan, are you sure he has nothing wrong with his brain? You have such a beautiful beauty..."

   Bai Cha couldn't figure it out. She thought the two liked each other, but her girlfriend liked it one way.

   On the other side, Lu Yun started to cook very quickly.

   Of course, it was mainly because the villa was also equipped with a professional stove like a restaurant, so I speeded up a lot. With his superb cooking skills, this dinner was even more delicious.

   It's not a long time, and the dishes are delicious and delicious.

   With the help of the villa nanny, Lu Yun made twelve various delicacies.

   Finally, Lu Yunqi brought a bowl of white fungus and lotus soup on the table.

   Tangtang and Guoguo were already sitting in the child seat and waiting, and Qi Xuanxuan and Bai Cha were already seated.

   At the dinner table, Bai Cha looked at the various delicacies in front of her, moving her index finger, her gaze fell on Qi Xuanxuan.

   Although she has a carefree personality, she is a guest at someone's home after all. Even if she is a good girlfriend, she can't lose her etiquette. You have to wait for the master to move the chopsticks.

   After Lu Yun sat down, he first served a small bowl of fish soup for the two babies, and then took Qi Xuanxuan's bowl over, and after it was filled, he handed it back and said, "Try this fish soup first."

   Qi Xuanxuan took the fish soup and thanked: "Thank you."

   felt a warm feeling in her heart. Although she is a domineering female president in front of outsiders, she also has the side of a small woman in her heart, and she also longs for a man to spoil herself.

   "Beauty, give me the bowl, I will help you fill it!" Then he looked at the white tea again, stretched out his hand and smiled.

   "Thank you!" Bai Cha handed her bowl to her and said with a grin.

  At this moment, she seemed to understand why Qi Xuanxuan chose this man. It was too warm. If she was herself, she would definitely grasp it firmly.

   Here, Qi Xuanxuan scooped up a little fish soup with a spoon, and slowly put it into her mouth.

   After entering the milk-like fish soup, the rich scent that makes people groan, burst out in the mouth, and then flow into the body along the esophagus.

  In an instant, there seemed to be a warm current flowing throughout the body, and the whole body also became warmer, more comfortable than taking a bath in a hot spring.

   "Well, not bad!"

   "Wow, Dad's fish soup is so delicious!" Guoguo couldn't hold back, he had already drank several mouthfuls, and then exclaimed excitedly.

   "That's, didn't you just see the posture of father cooking? It's super handsome." Tang Tang said with a spoon in his mouth, his little head raised slightly, and his face was full of complacency.

"I said Tangtang, Guoguo, are you two a bit too exaggerated!" Baicha just took over Lu Yunqi's prepared fish soup, glanced at Qi Xuanxuan's enjoyment, and looked at the two cute little ones. Said.

   "Aunt Bai, you don't believe me, just take a sip. It's as white as milk, so delicious." Tangtang looked at the white tea with big round eyes, and his face was full of pride.

   It is also the first time that they have eaten the food that Dad made. They have been fascinated by this bowl of fish soup before they start to eat other food.

   Qi Xuanxuan sat aside and nodded to Bai Cha, indicating that she could try it for herself.

   Sure enough, after taking a sip of the white tea, the expression on her face was even more exaggerated than Qi Xuanxuan, like a hungry wolf rushing to eat, directly after the bowl was dried.

  While stretching out a bowl for Lu Yun, motioned for him to have another bowl, and said to Qi Xuanxuan: "Xuan'er, I've decided. I will come to your house every day to eat dinner, and I will pay for the food."

  According to the value of white tea, what kind of delicacies of mountains and seas have not been eaten, but it was actually conquered by Lu Yunqi's bowl of fish soup?

   This is incredible.

"You ask him if he would like to make it every day." Qi Xuanxuan was actually fascinated by this bowl of fish soup, but she didn't show it on her mouth, but when she saw her good girlfriends, they liked the fish soup made by her husband. www.uukanshu.com is also extremely happy.

"handsome guy···"

   "I listen to her!"

"Oh..." Baicha's face was speechless. At this time, I felt my stomach was full, and even the delicious fish soup suddenly didn't fragrant anymore. "Would you like to take care of my feelings as a single person? Is it really good to feed dog food in front of me like this?"

   "Auntie Bai, we don't have a dog in our house!" Tangtang, who was immersed in the fish soup, suddenly raised his head, and said with an unclear expression.

   "···" The white tea is speechless.

   Lu Yunqi suppressed a smile, and drank the fish soup to himself. After looking at Qi Xuanxuan, she found that there was still no expression on her face.

   "You taste all the dishes, and then give me a score, 100 points!" In a slightly embarrassing atmosphere, Lu Yun turned off the topic and said.

   "Dad, I'll give you 100 points!" Guoguo stretched out her small tongue, licked her lips, and said milkily.

   "Dad, can I only score one hundred points at most? I want to give you one hundred and one points." When Guoguo rushed to answer, Tangtang replied unhappily.

   "Baby, thank you, come and taste this shrimp." Lu Yun immediately picked up two shrimps when he saw it, first peeled one and put it in a sugar bowl.

   immediately peeled another one to Guoguo, otherwise she would be unhappy again.

   "Well, handsome guy, as far as this fish soup is concerned, I can give you 98 points." The white tea drank the fish soup tastefully, giving a score in his mouth.

   Lu Yun nodded at her, then set his eyes on Qi Xuanxuan again.

   "95 points."

   [Ding, congratulations to the host, I finished cooking for my wife once, and received satisfactory evaluations and rewards (great-level writing skills). ]