

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 70: : The royal treatment, good news

Chapter 70: : The royal treatment, good news

Lu Yun heard the words, reached out and took the mobile phone, and started to operate it. He grinned and said, "Hey, wife, wait a moment!"

After speaking, Lu Yunqi's mobile phone screen began to change continuously.

About a minute later.

Finally, he found the resource he wanted from a website called K Broadcasting.

"My wife, here is an instructional video, just follow her to learn it." Lu Yun started to open the phone screen that had returned to the normal page, and said with a smirk.

"Slap!" Qi Xuanxuan slapped his back and curiously said: "Husband, you actually..."

I didn't expect that my husband would still have such a serious video.

"Wife, I just went to K broadcast to find this, I have never watched it." Lu Yunqi quickly explained. Your image of a good man can't be ruined like this.

"Oh" Qi Xuanxuan pouted, then took a piece of fruit from the fruit tray on the bedside table and fed it to Lu Yunqi's mouth.

The picture at the moment is very harmonious.

Lu Yun puffed and ate the fruit while Qi Xuanxuan was learning the massage techniques in the video seriously.

Gradually, Qi Xuanxuan's pretty face became more rosy as the video progressed.

Although this is indeed not a serious massage video, in the end, Qi Xuanxuan still learns the technique in the tutorial and starts to massage Lu Yun.

Lu Yun got up and said to the enjoyment.

Well, Beier is cool.

As Qi Xuanxuan's massage deepened, her cheeks were hot at this moment, and her body was too hot.

In particular, what kind of essential oils are there to open the back, massage and so on.


The next day, after having breakfast, relatives all left one after another.

Qi Xuanxuan went back to work at the company, and Lu Yunqi was doing nothing at home alone, and was about to turn on the computer to see what was interesting recently.

As a result, as soon as I turned on the computer, I saw a pop-up window of hot news.

According to the latest news from the Yudu Land Resources Bureau, the land of NA 23984 and NA 23986 in the NA area will be auctioned this afternoon.

Out of curiosity, adding this number seems a bit familiar, so Lu Yun went in and took a look, and found that the location of the two pieces of land was very close to his own.

Lu Yunqi took out the land property rights file in his system space and took a look, number: NA23982.

"Huh, I was scared to death. Fortunately, this is not the same piece of land." Lu Yunqi let out a sigh of relief, and the stone in his heart fell.

I can just take this opportunity to see how much money that piece of land can be worth.

Another piece of news is that the Weibo post about the Tianlong Babu is already a press release, which makes Lu Yunqi quite expectant, mainly looking forward to what kind of Wang Yuyan the white tea will bring to everyone.

At this time, Lu Yun's phone rang:

"Hey, Yun Qida, are you planning to open a new book recently?" The voice of Qidian Literary Network instructing Zhou Yan came from the other end of the phone.

"In a few days, there are other things recently." Lu Yunqi said lightly.

Since the end of Tianlong Babu, Zhou Yan has made a phone call or WeChat almost every day, and the first sentence at the beginning is always asking about new books.

"Yun Qida, many people have composed music. If you want to buy the copyright of the lyrics, do you want to read the score?" Zhou Yan asked tentatively.

He had to treat it this way, because Zhou Yan received more bonuses than the salary of many responsible editors for several years.

"You send it to see!" Lu Yunqi said lightly.

In fact, this song has been given to his wife's company insider, after all, the music scores submitted by Haochen Entertainment came from Lu Yunqi's own hands.

If I let people from other music companies find out, I'm afraid I will vomit blood.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yan sent a dozen copies of "Unforgettable Sutra" on WeChat. Lu Yunqi scanned it directly and replied with a message.

"Haochen Entertainment!"

After receiving the information from the headquarters of Qidian Literature Network, Zhou Yan notified the company's department responsible for discussing copyright.

Then he sent back a WeChat message to Lu Yun: "Okay, Yun Qida, you must remember to find me when you open a book here. New book recommendations can be arranged at any time."

Lu Yun sat in the villa, looked at the message on the phone, and smiled.

This is the result, the editor's attitude towards the author.

Humble to the extreme!

The morning passed quickly, and Lu Yunqi cleaned up his planting space a little bit. In addition to seasonal vegetables, he also planted a few fruit trees.

However, due to the problem of the growth cycle, fruit trees must not bear fruit so quickly, so they have to wait slowly.

At noon, Lu Yunqi prepared lunch as usual.

Came to Qi Xuanxuan's office.

"Husband, here you are, I'll tell you good news!" Qi Xuanxuan's face looked blankly at the file, but when she saw Lu Yunqi, she immediately smiled.

Lu Yunqi put down the food and looked at Qi Xuanxuan curiously, "My wife, what makes you so happy? Could it be that he thought of a unique skill?"

"Bah, what do you think about you, all day long, there is something wrong in your head!"

Qi Xuanxuan cursed and walked to the dinner table.

"Qidian.com just called me back. We got the copyright of that song." Qi Xuanxuan continued with a smile after sitting down.

In her opinion, the music composed by her husband can still win from more than a dozen scores. Her husband is really amazing.

Hearing this, Lu Yunqi wanted to say something lightly, it was all basic exercises.

Just to pretend to be a beep like this, he was afraid that if Qi Xuanxuan found out that all of this was written and directed by Lu Yunqi.

Then he had to endure the boxing technique that Zhou Huiying personally taught Qi Xuanxuan.

"Congratulations to my wife, I heard that the TV series is also starting to be filmed, and it seems that I will be able to meet the audience soon!" Lu Yun quickly turned the topic off after making a perfunctory congratulatory sentence.

After all, Lu Yun felt a bit sad about his conscience when he talked about music scores.

"Yeah~www.readwn.com~ Now the theme song is also available. I will ask my assistant to find the company's singer to record it. When the time comes, I can use it directly after the show is finished."

Qi Xuanxuan is also very excited when she thinks about it. This is her first work since she took office, and she looks forward to achieving good results.

Lu Yun laughed, did not speak, and after opening all the lunch boxes, he sat on Qi Xuanxuan's boss chair.

Now, every few days, I have to check Qi Xuanxuan's computer to prevent any accidents.

Qi Xuanxuan was eating her food with relish, and seeing Lu Yunqi sitting on the boss's chair, the more she looked, the better she became.

Seeing the arc of a smile rising from the corner of his mouth, there was a bolder idea in his mind.

"Husband, are you okay in the afternoon, accompany me to bidding?" Qi Xuanxuan walked to Lu Yunqi with her lunch box and said coquettishly.

"Bidding? I don't understand those!" Lu Yun raised his head and took a look, then said with a wry smile.

Of course he knew what Qi Xuanxuan said about the auction, but he really didn't understand it, so he shouldn't mess with his wife.

However, Qi Xuanxuan said with a smile: "It's okay, I don't understand, let's go and see, just raise a sign and bid."