

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 66: : Meet the elders of both parties

Chapter 66: : Meet the elders of both parties

An hour later, Lu Yunqi used the ingredients in his planting space to make two vegetarian dishes, as well as a few local Yudu dishes.

At the dinner table, Lin Wanxin was full of praise for Lu Yunqi's cooking skills, and she became more and more pleasing to her son-in-law.

After dinner, the nanny took two little girls to play.

Lin Wanxin called Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan to the garden, "Come and sit down, I have something to ask you."

Qi Xuanxuan sat down next to Lin Wanxin when she heard the sound, while Lu Yunqi was pulled to sit next to Qi Xuanxuan.

"Mom, if you have any questions, just ask!" Qi Xuanxuan said.

"Well, when are you two going to let our elders meet?" Lin Wanxin asked Jianshan when she opened the door.

When Lu Yun heard the words, he replied: "Mom, I discussed with Xuan Xuan, and I will take my parents over tomorrow. If Grandpa and other elders are free, I can meet tomorrow."

Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan had indeed discussed this matter at the company in the afternoon.

In this situation, it is best for the elders on both sides to meet, otherwise, there will probably be complaints on both sides.

After all, both of them have obtained the certificate, and the children are in kindergarten. The elders of the two sides have not met yet. What's the matter?

"Okay, then we will meet tomorrow. I and Grandpa will talk about it!" Lin Wanxin smiled, then got up and said, "Then I will go to bed first, and you two should rest earlier."

The two got up and looked at Lin Wanxin's slender back, Qi Xuanxuan suddenly said, "Husband, do you think I am looking for a companion for my mother?"

"Ah? Wife, do you think we will agree now?" Lu Yunqi was taken aback after hearing it, puzzled.

It's not a year since my father has gone, the girl is anxious to find a stepfather for herself?

If I let my mother-in-law hear it, I don't know what to think.

Qi Xuanxuan pouted, "She is quite lonely by herself now, and she will feel better with a companion."

In the future, if my mother lives in my own home every day, and my husband is so charming, I can't call him to the company every day!

just in case···

Thinking of this, Qi Xuanxuan trembled in her heart.

In her opinion, all women in the world must be prevented. They all talk about fire prevention, theft and prevention of girlfriends, and now there is one more, prevention of young and beautiful mothers.

Lu Yunqi didn't know how to answer Qi Xuanxuan's words just now, as if his wife made sense.

Women who lack the moisture of love for a long time will accelerate aging.

Seeing Lu Yun staying silent, Qi Xuanxuan sighed again: "Husband, if you weren't so handsome, it would be great!"

"Wife, what do you mean? Don't you like ugliness now? That's impossible?" Lu Yun picked up Qi Xuanxuan, slapped her hips gently, looking embarrassed.

Is there any reason for this, there are women who dislike her husband for being too handsome.

I finally understand why so many readers are single.

So handsome!

"No, no, of course I still like a handsome husband!" Qi Xuanxuan grabbed Lu Yun's neck and said with a smile "surrender".

Seeing the beauty in his arms, Lu Yunqi didn't continue, and went back to the room with Qi Xuanxuan in his arms.

Lin Wanxin went back to her room, and she actually chose the room next to Qi Xuanxuan's couple.

He just took off his clothes and lay in the bathtub, while admiring his white skin, humming a happy little song in his mouth.

I heard movement next door.

Hearing the sound, blushing, thinking of the gift from the son-in-law...

the next day.

Zhou Huiying and Lu Kun arrived at the villa early before eight o'clock.

And this morning, Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan were also rare to get up in the morning. When the parents-in-law arrived, she and Lin Wanxin accompanied Lu Yunqi to greet them warmly.

The old couple Lu Kun came to the villa and looked at the luxurious villa, both of them were shocked.

Although Qi Xuanxuan is still building a villa in her hometown, it is really luxurious.

After all, the luxury of rural villas and urban villas are not in the same aesthetic line.

For the two sisters Tangtang and Guoguo, this morning is undoubtedly the happiest, because their favorite people are now with them.

One after another, the elders of the Qi family also came.

Lu Yunqi took Qi Xuanxuan and stood at the door to greet her.

At this time, Zhou Huiying and Lu Kun just walked out after receiving a call from their relatives.

When Qi Xuanxuan saw the second elder come out, she smiled and said, "Mom and dad, Yun Qi and I can stay here. You can go inside and take a rest!"

"Girl, it's okay, Second Uncle Yun Qi and the others are coming soon, let's be together!" Zhou Huiying said with a bright smile on her face.

My son found such a beautiful and rich daughter-in-law, and he was very happy to have such a big villa in the big city of Yudu.

after awhile.

The all-black BMW team stopped at the door of the villa.

Fortunately, the big red flowers were not tied, otherwise others would think they were married!

Obviously, this was the motorcade arranged by Qi Xuanxuan to pick up Lu Yunqi's relatives there.

After everyone got out of the car, they saw such a luxurious and magnificent villa, and their eyes were full of shock.

It seems to refresh their perception of luxury.

Of course, the happiest thing for these relatives is to see Qi Xuanxuan. After all, all this is hers, and when she was in Taohuayuan Village last time, Qi Xuanxuan gave a lot of gifts to her relatives.

Each enthusiastically greeted Qi Xuanxuan and Zhou Huiying and his wife, while Lu Yunqi was politely greeted.

There is no sense of existence.

Lu Yunqi:···

You relatives, the eldest uncle, the second uncle, the youngest aunt, and the old watch. Without me, Lu Yunqi, where would you have a chance to meet such a wealthy relative as Xuan Xuan!

My role is the biggest, okay?

Seeing her husband's aggrieved look, Qi Xuanxuan suppressed her smile and asked the family nurse to take her relatives to the villa to rest.

After the relatives all entered the villa, Lu Yunqi looked at Qi Xuanxuan's wanting but not smiling look~www.readwn.com~ I couldn't help but: "My wife, please laugh if you want to laugh. You hold back your smile like this, I see It's uncomfortable."

"Puff, puff!" Qi Xuan Xuanyu couldn't help laughing as she covered her red lips.

Lu Yunqi: When did my wife be so obedient?

I like to do this kind of salting on the wound. At this moment, my heart is refreshing!

"No, no, I just feel like my husband looks like this...well, so cute!" Qi Xuanxuan said with a smile.

Lu Yunqi was silent.

He wanted to ask, my wife, do you praise a man for being cute?

Are you sure you are not watching my jokes?

Zhou Huiying and his wife were very pleased to see her son and daughter-in-law so happy and so happy.

At this moment, there was a team of luxury cars at the door of the villa.

This time, it was the Qijia Manor. Under the leadership of Qi Zhongxun, a group of mighty authors arrived in a luxury car.

Qi Xuanxuan quickly closed her smile, and enthusiastically introduced Zhou Huiying and Lu Kun to her family.