

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 56: : Leng’s loss was heavy, just a warning

Chapter 56: : Leng's loss was heavy, just a warning

Leng Feng said very excitedly.

The current Leng family, but his grandfather Leng Hongwei sits down, and he hasn't achieved much, so he must perform well now.

"How is the affairs of the Qi family handled?"

Leng Hongwei did not care about the land, and his voice became a little heavy.

How much money can be made from two plots of land?

What happened to the company this afternoon, the losses brought to the company, can not be made back by two plots of land.

"Qi, Qi family? It's pretty good, nothing unusual!"

Leng Feng replied with a guilty conscience.

After all, when he came out, the family was discussing revenge on the Qi family from the business, as long as they seized the Qi family's real estate share in Yudu.

However, Leng Feng took another path, retaliating.

"Do you know what's going on at home?"

At this time, everyone in the hall saw that Leng Hongwei's face had become a little cold.

Everyone also heard some doubts from Leng Feng's hesitation just now.

Although they all don't believe how the Qi family has such a strong network technology talent, at this time, no one will put so many losses on their heads.

Seeing the expression on his father's face, Leng Pengfei trembled, and shouted into the phone: "You little bunny, get me back quickly, immediately."

The expression on Leng Hongwei's face has already explained everything. With Leng Pengfei's understanding of his son, this matter is probably caused by his unsatisfactory son.

Moreover, the hacker's message on the server, the widespread paralysis this time, was only a warning.

Who knows what will happen next time?

After all, few people in business have clean hands. Take a step back and say, even if it's not that serious, do you have any secrets about your company using the other party's methods?

"Dad, what the **** is going on, I still have business today!"

Facing Leng Pengfei's roar, Leng Feng's attitude was obviously not as afraid of Leng Hongwei, and he said a little impatiently.

As for Leng Hongwei's words just now?

The music is too loud to hear.

Just kidding, I managed to get Su Xiaoyu to the bar with coercion and temptation. The following show hasn't started yet, so how could he just leave like this.

"All the company's networks were paralyzed this afternoon, and it has not fully recovered until now. Do you know about this?"

Leng Hongwei raised his hand, signaled Leng Pengfei not to speak, and then asked in a deep voice.

He also didn't hold any hope for his grandson. Some small things before, mostly passed with one eye closed.

However, this time, the collective interests of the entire Leng family have been involved, and Leng Hongwei had to deal with it seriously.

"Ah? How come?" Leng Feng was surprised.

The Leng Group's network department was built with a lot of money. Everyone in it has a monthly salary of no less than 50,000 yuan. How can such a strong team be guarded by others?

He couldn't think of it. From the time he started to retaliate for the insult Qi Xuanxuan gave him, today's ending was already doomed.

"Who did you offend in Yudu?" Leng Hongwei continued to ask.

For a mall veteran, this kind of thing must first find the source, as long as you know who the other party is, you can decide what to do next.

Zhaoan or something else?

"No, no, I will come to Yudu to take a look at the two plots of land!"

After hesitating for a while, Leng Feng replied 'truthly'.

He would not confess his little actions, the company network was completely paralyzed, and he could not afford the losses.

"Immediately come back."

After Leng Hongwei finished speaking, he waved his hand disappointedly and motioned to Leng Pengfei to take the phone away.

Leng Pengfei's face turned green in an instant.

After a few more curses, he hung up angrily.

On Yudu's side, Leng Feng suddenly felt the seriousness of the matter, and his father called him to go back, so he could still do justice to the evil.

But the old man spoke directly, so he had to run back immediately, otherwise, the consequences would be serious.

Leng Feng didn't say anything, so he rushed to the airport with his assistant.

The Fairview Palace at this time, inside the villa.

The two little princesses were already asleep. Lu Yunqi and Qi Xuanxuan were soaking in the hot springs and drinking red wine. The atmosphere was very happy.

Because now the whole of Sichuan and Chongqing knows that in the afternoon, the famous Leng Group in Sichuan Province was hacked and all the networks were paralyzed.

When Qi Xuanxuan heard this news, she was extremely shocked.

She knew that all of this had something to do with Lu Yunqi, but it made her wonder how her husband could have so much energy.

It was actually able to paralyze the Leng Group's network.

After all, the Leng Group is much stronger than the Haochen Group in terms of network security. The people of the Haochen Group cannot break through Lu Yunqi's defenses, which can only show that the network engineers of the Haochen Group are not technically competent.

But defense and offense are not the same.

Defensive firewalls only need to make people find loopholes, but they can attack, but they are looking for loopholes.

"Husband, I am afraid that Leng will lose a lot of money this time. In a short time, he should not have trouble again!"

Qi Xuanxuan sat on Lu Yunqi's lap, held the red wine glass, took a sip, and said happily.

As long as no one makes trouble, Qi Xuanxuan is very confident on the Four Seas Entertainment side.

"This time it's just a warning. I have to dare to come again next time. It's not just a server failure." Lu Yun picked up Qi Xuanxuan's slender waist and said lightly.

The voice was not loud, but it was full of strong self-confidence, which made Qi Xuanxuan's blood boil.

Qi Xuanxuan did not speak, but expressed everything with practical actions.

A pair of mandarin ducks play in the water, with their lips close together.

The mountains fold into the deep forest, UU reads www.uukanshu.com, Fengming and Longyin are in the heaven and the earth.


the next day.

Sure enough, as soon as the stock market opened in the morning, Leng's shares collapsed across the board, tens of billions of which evaporated.

However, Leng's family still did not find the intruder, because after Leng Feng returned, he did not say that he had sought someone to hack Qi Xuanxuan's computer, and he failed in the end.

And Leng Feng himself only thought that the hacker's technique was not good, and didn't even think that there was a powerful hacker behind Qi Xuanxuan.

Lu Yunqi continued to code words at home, and received a message from members of the dark web midway through that Leng Jia was offering high-priced rewards in the entire hacker circle to find the real culprits who hacked them.

However, Lu Yunqi smiled lightly.

He now has a thorough understanding of the rules of the dark web. No matter which member of the dark web is, he must not disclose his mission, otherwise he will be hunted down by the entire dark web organization.

It's a bit scary to say, but the rules of the dark web are like this, even if it is Lu Yunqi, as the No. 1, he must abide by it.

He won't tell anyone who participated in this operation, so he will feel relieved to use the dark web.