

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 54 Invoke dark web members

Chapter 54: : Invoke dark web members

Qi Xuanxuan deliberately walked aside, sat on the sofa, and drank coffee.

I took out my mobile phone and took a look at Weibo, and found that there was much less illicit material about the artists of Haochen Entertainment today.

This is still quite satisfactory to her. After all, the company's upcoming filming is the first TV series to be produced after she took the stage.

I took another look at Qidian Literature.com's APP. The Tianlong Babu has been updated to 1.3 million words, which means that the company is ready to start shooting.

This is considered good news in the past two days.

Five minutes passed quickly.

Luo outline was still anxiously fiddled in front of the computer, the sweat on his forehead was already coming out.

I whispered in my heart: What is the situation? The previous computer was obviously a firewall made by me. Why can't I get in?

It turned out that the U disk he was holding was indeed a defensive program, but in this program, there was a hidden Trojan horse that wanted to grow on Qi Xuanxuan's computer.

But after doing it for a while, not only the Trojan horse was not planted, but the original defense program was not installed successfully.

"Director Luo, isn't it okay?" Qi Xuanxuan walked over and asked with a smile.

Seeing Luo outline's expression, Qi Xuanxuan knew that her husband's cyber defense was indeed strong, so that the company's cyber security director couldn't find any loopholes.

"Immediately, right away!" Luo Gangbang quickly pretended to knock on the computer.

Three more minutes passed.

Luo Gangyuan got up and left after a few words.

Qi Xuanxuan continued to work.

After Luo outline left the president's office, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message: "Mission failed!"

After sending it, it was deleted, when nothing happened.


Lu Yunqi came to deliver lunch as usual.

"My wife, I'm still busy, come to eat!" Lu Yunqi asked distressedly as he packed his lunch box.

"Well, come right away." Qi Xuanxuan was looking at the auction information about the land in the NA area.

When Qi Xuanxuan walked over, Lu Yunqi had already prepared the lunch, the standard qi and blood cucumber with beauty tomato.

"My wife, I have something, I want to ask you." Lu Yun got up and walked behind Qi Xuanxuan, kneading his shoulders with both hands.

"It's so serious, what's the matter?" Qi Xuanxuan chewed the blood cucumber in her mouth, feeling the whole person relaxed a lot.

After Lu Yun pondered for a moment, he slowly said, "Did someone touch your computer today?"

"Husband, how do you know?" Qi Xuanxuan stopped listening to the movement in her hand, turned her head and looked at Lu Yunqi curiously.

She is not a hacker, and she doesn't understand the horror of hackers at all.

"That person wanted to open the files on your computer, but he didn't break the firewall I set up." Lu Yunqi frowned slightly.

It seems that the black hand behind the scenes really has other tricks, and it seems that he can no longer let it go.

"Husband, you mean I have...?"

When it comes to this, how could Qi Xuanxuan not understand?

Since the company will have scum, it must be cleaned up.

But I heard Lu Yunqi say that the person had not broken the firewall he set up, that is, his computer had not been invaded.

Qi Xuanxuan couldn't help but admire Lu Yunqi's hacking skills even more, and she began to figure out whether or not to let him come to work at the company.

"Well, but don't worry about these things, I will help you solve them!" Lu Yun nodded and said solemnly.

"Husband, thank you, it's nice to have you!" Qi Xuanxuan turned around and hugged Lu Yunqi's waist with both hands.

Well, this action makes people blush.


After Qi Xuanxuan had finished eating, Lu Yun decided to go back.

Halfway through, Lu Yunqi ventilated with Qi Xuanxuan about his plan in advance. When he left, Qi Xuanxuan asked him if he wanted to ask the company's network engineer for help.

Lu Yun shook his head, only to exhort him, on the network security, with him, Lu Yunqi, Qi Xuanxuan's computer is worry-free.

In the afternoon, return to the villa.

Lu Yunqi did not have a code word, but first logged onto the dark web and sent a message to the dark web members in Yudu.

[Assemble, ten minutes later, all the websites under the Lengshi Group in Sichuan Province were destroyed. ]

A simple sentence made the dark web members of Yudu start to prepare.

Darknet No. 736: Oh my god, which big website is the task released by the 1st person? Dark web number 1143: Received.

Darknet No. 301: Boss, just leave this to us, you always wait for good news!


For a time, Lu Yunqi selected five deputies.

It's not that he didn't have confidence in himself, but that he wanted to completely get rid of all the websites of all the branches of Lengjia, which wasted too much time.

A hacker attack is like playing a game of level breakthrough, as long as you break the other party's firewall, invade into the other party's host, and take control of the host.

A large group company like Lengjia will certainly have its own cyber security department, so this can be regarded as a battle.

Of course, these are completely stress-free for Lu Yun, who possesses god-level hacking skills.

Very confident, this time directly captured and crushed the opponent.

On the dark web, Lu Yunqi posted a message.


Immediately, he began to operate on the computer.

He directly found the main webpage of the Leng Group and started a frontal attack, while the others attacked separately from the side.

Even on the mainnet of the Leng Group, Lu Yunqi quickly found the loopholes, successfully hacked into the group's webpage, and destroyed the first server.

The speed of Lu Yunqi's intrusion can be described as violent. Basically, he encountered no obstacles. In ten minutes, he had completed the intrusion of more than 30 servers, directly paralyzing one of Leng's systems.

At this time, it was at the headquarters of Leng's Group in Sichuan Province.

The network security department, the whole department has a total of more than fifty people, and they are all busy at this moment.

"Quick, quick, someone invaded, hurry up and defend." Leng's Group's network security director ~www.readwn.com~ stood in the company and shouted loudly.

As the director of the network security department, his IT technology is naturally not bad, but it was only after Lu Yun started to paralyze a system that he found out.

"Director, it's not good, there have been five or six intruders."

"Quickly, one group establishes defense, the second group reverses tracking, finds the intruder, and the third group is ready to attack at any time." The director arranged in an orderly manner.

I have to say that the director's arrangement is really reasonable.

However, they still underestimated their opponents!

After half an hour.

"Boss, no, we have nearly a hundred servers that have been conquered, and nearly two hundred have been paralyzed, and there are even some large servers."

"It's not good, it's not good, Director, our mainnet is beginning to be invaded!"

"Not good, Director, the first layer of protection has been forced."

The entire network security department of Leng's Group burst into flames.

From time to time, I heard someone report that which server was compromised, or which system was completely paralyzed.