

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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Chapter 49: : All the troubles are piled up

Chapter 49: : All the troubles are piled up

"Mr. Qi, many artists in our company have been hacked, and I am afraid that someone will target us!"

Ning Nannan said in a flustered expression.

As the general manager of an entertainment company, if her artists are hacked, the new drama will be affected.

Qi Xuanxuan took out her phone and glanced at it.

In the entire Weibo hot search, there are seven or eight articles about the artists of Haochen Entertainment Company, all of which are illicit.

"The company's public relations department is there for furnishings?"

Qi Xuanxuan asked coldly.

汜减bxW *汜. "President Qi, the public relations side is working hard. Now these artists have been exposed. I am afraid that it will affect the new drama. Should we replace them or?"

Ning Nannan could hear that Qi Xuanxuan was already a little angry at this time, and asked cautiously.

"You are the general manager of an entertainment company. You come to ask me about this kind of thing? Do you want to lower the reputation of the new drama by continuing to use those stars with black material?"

Qi Xuanxuan's state at the moment was on the verge of breaking out. If Ning Nannan hadn't been the general manager of her own choice, she would have already let her go.

Just when Ning Nannan was a little ashamed of not knowing how to answer.

Qi Xuanxuan was scanning Weibo here, and suddenly, when she saw the number one in the hot search, she changed.

[Protagonist of Sihai Entertainment's new drama "The Love of Rose": Zhou Yiwei; heroine: Su Xiaoyu]

Click into the hot search to see, the first item on the top is the introduction and poster of the new drama released by the official account of Cosmos Entertainment.

Moreover, in the hot search on Weibo, many fans of Zhou Yiwei and Su Xiaoyu are madly forwarding operations, and many Weibo entertainment big Vs have also issued press releases.

Zhou Yiwei, a domestic first-line traffic star, young and handsome, has 30 million Weibo fans, and his personal topics are among the top 50 Weibo celebrities.

Su Xiaoyu, a second-tier female star in China, has a sweet-looking appearance and has more than 10 million Weibo fans and is deeply loved by otaku.

Even when Qi Xuanxuan and Ning Nannan were still in the office, they were worried about the black material of the company's artists.

The other side.

Office of the President of Universal Entertainment.

"Shao Leng, according to your instructions, the announcement of the new drama has been sent out in advance, and now the response on the Internet is also very good, and I have the confidence to crush Haochen Entertainment's "Tianlong Ba Bu"."

The boss of Four Seas Entertainment, Zhao Sihai said to Leng Feng with a confident smile on his face.

"I will ask the secretary to put money into your company's account. As for your company's new drama, it doesn't matter whether you make money or not, I'm more optimistic about the heroine."

Leng Feng sat on the sofa and said coldly.

It turns out that all of this is a ghost behind Leng Feng, knowing that there is a new drama on Global Entertainment, which is short of investors, and it happens that he needs to defeat Qi Xuanxuan in all aspects.

So I directly invested 100 million to the new drama, strongly supported Global Entertainment, and killed Haochen Entertainment.

As for the heroine of the new drama?

A fair lady, a gentleman is so good.

When Zhao Sihai heard Leng Feng's words, the smile on his face solidified.

Su Xiaoyu is currently the most popular flower girl presented by Universal Entertainment, and his personality is particularly stubborn, and he will definitely not betray himself for money.

But Zhao Sihai also heard about Leng Feng's personality. Originally, cooperating with him was to seek skin with tigers. What should I do now?

Leng Feng would definitely find what he wanted, and he was still the biggest investor in "Rose of Love", but Su Xiaoyu, the girl, would definitely not agree with this unspoken rule.

Zhao Sihai groaned slightly, his face a little embarrassed and said, "Master Leng, that girl already has a boyfriend, and she has a stubborn personality. I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? I'm not acting anymore? I haven't got what Leng Feng wanted yet!"

Leng Feng glanced at Zhao Sihai coldly, and said lightly.

Leng's influence, even in Yudu, many companies with a market value of tens of billions are afraid, let alone the small company of billions of billions, which is not of an order of magnitude at all.

Zhao Sihai bowed his head and said nothing.

As a boss worth billions, he didn't have the slightest temper in front of Leng Feng.

"Okay, I have something to do. If you manage to suppress the Haochen Entertainment Company, your benefits will be indispensable."

Leng Feng stood up, clapped his hands, and after leaving a word, left with the secretary.

He left Zhao Sihai in the president's office, weighing, and finally gritted his teeth, seeming to have made a very difficult decision.


Office of the President of Haochen Building.

"Well, let's do this for the entertainment company first!" Qi Xuanxuan said to Ning Nannan with her brow.

This morning, it was more tired than the feeling when her father suddenly passed away and pressed the huge Haochen Group on her.

Sacrifice such as zhuishukan.com sacrifice such as. The husband himself was exploded, the company's stock price fell, and then the entertainment company's artists collectively were exploded.

What troubled her the most was that in the morning, the Municipal Planning Bureau issued an announcement that the two plots of land in the NA area will be auctioned. Haochen Real Estate, one of the three major real estate companies in Yudu, is definitely going to bid.

However, because of the construction of a municipal high school next to the two plots, the price of the two plots exploded. Judging from the current liquidity, it is obviously not enough to win.

It seems that all the troubles are concentrated on this day.

Ning Nannan answered and went back to his post.


There were two knocks on the door.

"In!" Qi Xuanxuan said weakly, lowering her head.

Lu Yun opened the door to enter, and said happily, "My wife, come to eat!"

He coded nearly forty thousand words this morning, and he seemed very happy. More importantly, since he hacked the Qichen Media website last night, there was no more illicit material about Qi Xuanxuan today. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


Qi Xuanxuan cleaned up her mood, trying to prevent Lu Yunqi from seeing her fatigue.

Love lunch, or essential beauty tomato, qi and blood cucumber, and then paired with four hot dishes of even meat and vegetables, a light soup.

"Hey, wife, are you uncomfortable somewhere?" Lu Yunqi asked curiously when he saw Qi Xuanxuan's squeezed smile while sorting out the lunch box.

I was wondering, didn't that matter have been resolved by myself?

Why is his wife still frowning? "It's okay!"

After Qi Xuanxuan sat down, she picked up a cucumber with blood and blood that had been washed by Lu Yun, and after a response, she began to chew.

Maybe today, only this cucumber can relax her a little bit.

When Lu Yun heard the words, he frowned slightly, walked behind Qi Xuanxuan as usual, and pinched her shoulders.

After a while, he slowly said: "My wife, we are a husband and wife. If you have anything to tell me, don't be bored alone."

Qi Xuanxuan smiled bitterly.

I want to tell you too, but unfortunately, you don't know how to do business.

Telling you, it will only increase your worries!

"Well, it will!" Qi Xuanxuan said perfunctorily, and then asked again: "Husband, do you know how to use computers?" She was curious, why the website that exposed her unmarried childbearing was suddenly hacked?

To hack into a company's security system, especially a company that specializes in the Internet, such as Kai Chen, requires strong hacking skills.

Mi He Mi. Qi Xuanxuan asked herself, among the people she knew, no one had such great ability.

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