

Daddy Wen, single hostess, dog food is a bit sweet] Lu Yun Qihun walked into a parallel world almost exactly the same as the earth. After three years of traveling, suddenly one day. Goddess President: Go, marry me! Just when he hesitated, suddenly his mind sounded: [Ding, Dad sign-in system is starting…] [Congratulations to the host for completing the signing of the marriage agreement with the beautiful president and obtaining life skills (God-level cooking skills)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the initiative to get the daughter’s kiss task for the first time, and get rewards (mysterious planting space)] [Congratulations to the host for completing the parent-child game with the daughter, and get a reward: face value +1] [Congratulations to the host, complete the task of emotional sublimation of husband and wife, get reward: perfect singing voice] A year later, the female president Jiao Didi said: Husband, you are great! Lu Yunqi: What? I just turned over?

Zanebeal06 · Urban
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79 Chs

Chapter 1+8-5

Chapter 4: : Sending her daughter to school, mother's threat

   "Anything can be grown in this space?" Lu Yunqi held two cute little cuties in his arms, and asked silently.

   [Yes, in addition to not being able to grow money, any fruit, vegetable, or plant can be grown. ] The system replied coldly.

   This is very NB!

  If I cooperate with my god-level cooking skills, wouldn't it be possible to hold Qi Xuanxuan, the goddess firmly in the palm of my hand?

   Sure enough, life is full of surprises everywhere, and refreshing time every day.

   Lu Yunqi was very happy at this moment, and the two little girls, Tangtang and Guoguo, were also very excited.

   "Okay, you two should go to kindergarten." Qi Xuanxuan checked the time, it was almost eight o'clock, and she didn't want to break this warmth, but she still reminded her in a cold voice.

   "Mom, can we ask Dad to send us to school today?" The two little cuties turned around, looking at Qi Xuanxuan with begging expressions.

   Fearing that she would not agree, neither of them left the embrace of Lu Yunqi.

   "Of course, Dad will send you to school every day from now on, and Dad will come to pick you up after school." Lu Yunqi spoke first.

   "Oye, Oye, in the future we will also have dad send us to school, okay!"

   The two cuties screamed excitedly.

   When two or two small heads were raised in unison to see Lu Yun rise, the eye sockets were a little rosy, but the eyes were very bright.

   Since the two of them started to go to kindergarten, they have always been the house sitter in charge of picking up and dropping off. They have asked their mother unhappy several times.

  Why do other children have their parents to pick them up, but they don't.

   At that time, Qi Xuanxuan was also very sad when she was asked. Not long after her father passed away, the big Haochen Group suddenly fell on a young woman like her.

   The company's things alone have already made her dizzy and she can't squeeze out the time to pick up and drop off the children. This is one of the reasons why she found Lu Yunqi.

   Although she was very emotional in her heart, Qi Xuanxuan's tone was still rather cold, and said: "I will leave it to you for the two little guys."

   After speaking, he turned around and went to work.

   "Give it to me, don't worry." Lu Yunqi solemnly replied, and asked Tangtang and Guoguo to worship Qi Xuanxuan.

   "Mom, bye bye!"

   "Mommy, goodbye!"

   Blood is thicker than water, and it is so smooth with the birth daughter. After only a while, he has already played so well.

   Qi Xuanxuan looked back, said to the two little babies, then turned around and went out.

   At the door, the assistant and the driver had been waiting early.

   got in the car, and the assistant handed over a document, saying: "Miss, this is the information you want."

   "What's special?" Qi Xuanxuan took the file and looked at it seriously.

  Today, she has to face the general managers of two branch companies. They are involved in two different industries, so she must supplement the information of the two branch companies before meeting with the two general managers.

   "No, the overall performance of these two branches is fairly stable at the moment," the assistant replied.

Haochen Group is mainly engaged in entertainment and clothing industries. Although Qi Xuanxuan did not know these two industries before, with her super high business acumen, she still completely controlled the entire group within half a year. .

   However, she is not peace of mind. In the company, there are many people who are not satisfied with her, so Qi Xuanxuan is very strict in the studio.

   On the other side, Lu Yunqi also took two cute little ones, and drove the BMW 7 series that Qi Xuanxuan had prepared for him to the school where the girl was studying.

   Alliston International Kindergarten is said to be the top aristocratic kindergarten in Yudu. Children who can study here have no family assets below one billion.

   When Lu Yunqi sent the two babies to the school, there were already many limousines at the school gate one after another.

   Lu Yunqi originally thought that driving a 7-series BMW should be considered good, but the reality has completely refreshed his perception.

   More than one million cars can only be considered entry-level here.

   At the gate of the school, a female teacher with big glasses is greeting the children to enter the school.

   "Hello Teacher Xu!"

   "Hello Teacher Xu!"

   Tangtang and Guoguo both smiled and greeted politely after seeing the female teacher.

   "Tangtang, Guoguo, how are you!" The teacher replied with a smile, then looked at Lu Yunqi curiously, looked up and down, and asked, "You are?"

   "Teacher, this is our handsome dad. My dad said he will come and pick us up to school every day!"

   Tangtang quickly introduced her with excitement and pride on her face.

   Guoguo is next to him, also nodding in agreement.

   Lu Yunqi stepped forward and introduced himself: "Hello teacher, my name is Lu Yunqi, I am the father of Tangtang and Guoguo, and I will be responsible for the transportation of the children in the future."

"Hello! I am the teacher of the two of them. My name is Xu Min." Xu Min smiled and nodded, and then continued: "Is it convenient to keep a WeChat? The WeChat that has been added to the baby's mother has not been added until now. , Your family hasn't joined the class group yet!"

   "Okay, then I will add you!" Lu Yunqi quickly picked up the shot and added a WeChat account with Xu Min.

   After adding WeChat, Xu Min walked into the school with his two children.

   Tangtang and Guoguo both walked into the school gate, looked back at the same time, and shouted at Lu Yun: "Dad, for nothing, remember to pick us up this afternoon!"

   "Okay, remember to listen to the teacher at school!" Lu Yunqi also responded loudly, watching the two cute little figures disappear completely before he returned to the car and drove away.

   Lu Yun got up to the place where he lived, took out the phone, and called his mother first.

   In this world's home, everything is up to my mother. Although the previous events have raised my mother's mind, my parents will always be Daozikou tofu.

   After the phone rang a few times, it was connected.

   "Hey, Yun Qi, call here now, what's the matter?"

   This is the voice of my mother Zhou Huiying.

   "Mom, I want to tell you something!"

   "What is it so serious?"

   "Mom, I made a mistake again, this time it was more serious, and everyone came to the door." Lu Yunqi's voice was low, as if he had done something wrong and confessed to his parents.

   "Ah? Son, you are not borrowing usury outside, are you? What is going on, you can tell me clearly!"

   On the other end of the phone, Zhou Huiying felt anxious after hearing it.

   "No, no, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Mom, it's not that wrong, how can I go back to borrow usury! No, don't worry!"

   The black line on Lu Yun's face, this mother's brain is really big enough.

   "What's going on, you tell me, it's really anxious!"

   On the other end of the phone, Zhou Huiying's tone eased a lot when she heard that it was not a loan shark, and she urged.

   "I did something sorry for others before, but now they have found me and they want me to be responsible." Lu Yunqi continued.

   "Son, you wouldn't have made other people's stomachs bigger, now they are coming!"

   Zhou Huiying's voice was trembling and excited.

   Lu Yunqi gave his mother a thumbs up directly, Holmes!

   "Mom, you, can you guess this?"

After two seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, Zhou Huiying's surprised voice rang: "Son, you really have a big stomach? What is the situation now? Has the child been born? Where is the girl from... "

   Then came a series of questions about the girl, which made Lu Yun shook his head.

   How much does this mom want to find a daughter-in-law for her!

   "Mom, the child is over four years old, and you have a granddaughter. Now someone is looking for you, just tell me what should I do!" Lu Yunqi pretended to be frustrated.

   "You bastard, do you still need your mother to teach you about this? Of course, it's numb to bring people back, and your mother will hold a wedding for you.

   And I listen to your tone, why? Seems like I don't want to see my granddaughter? Let me tell you, if you dare to do something that is sorry for others, my old lady, I will hit you! "

   Zhou Huiying's tone was strong, for fear that Lu Yunqi would get rid of her precious granddaughter, and threatened.