
The Goddess Salvation System

"The Goddess Salvation System" depicts the story of Frank, who unexpectedly traverses to a mysterious and perilous parallel world. There, he discovers himself as the partner of the Goddess, endowed with a series of mysterious abilities and tasks. As the Chosen One, he not only possesses formidable reproductive powers but also can acquire abundant experience and skills through faith connections and sacrifices. While exploring the unknown, Frank must make careful choices to survive and achieve his goals in this enigmatic parallel world.

c_l_dd · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 48- Quantity is the key to victory

Melody walked past her own room's entrance and stopped outside Frank's door, turning around to lean against it, temporarily blocking his way in, and said very seriously, "Frank, I know that humans are sensitive and suspicious due to the shortness and fragility of life. I know I can't dispel these doubts, but I can only say that our contract has been signed and filed with the Adventurers Guild. At least for this month, your safety is my responsibility."

Apparently unable to maintain a serious expression for long, she immediately flashed a mischievous smile and continued, "Of course, please remember the safety clauses in the contract. Issues purely caused by your personal reasons and cannot be resolved through combat are not within my responsibility."

"Such as?" Frank inquired.

"Such as getting injured or dying from playing too rough with Miss Administrator. In such cases, I, as your bodyguard, would be powerless," she said, hitting his weak spot quite lucky—dying while having sex was exactly how he had died in his previous life.

Frank forced a smile, gesturing for her to step aside, "Alright, I'll keep that in mind. Well then, I'll rest now. See you tomorrow."

"Aren't you going to have another round with your girlfriend? You seem quite eager," Melody teased, licking her lush lips with her crimson tongue as she walked towards her room. The swaying of her hips simultaneously displayed both fullness and firmness, emitting an invisible allure to men's gazes.

Gripping the door handle, Frank, with a mindset of 'since I'm already this lustful, might as well go a step further,' cheekily retorted, "I heard fire spirits have strong desires too. Do you need some comfort from me? Free of charge."

Melody stopped in her tracks, giggling a few times, and leaned against the door frame, "A cute little guy who can satisfy even a rabbit girl in heat like you? Of course, I'm very interested... But unfortunately, I don't like it when work relationships get complicated. A month later, when I don't urgently need money, we can arrange a nice date."

"Sure, I'll eagerly await that," he hastily opened the door and walked in. This bold flirtation was beyond his usual character range, making his face flush with embarrassment, almost blushing.

It seemed Tiffany's learning progress wasn't going well.

The table was still the same, the book was still there, and the pens, papers, and ink were all pretty much unchanged from when he left—because she was sleeping on top of them.

He sighed and walked over, shaking her awake.

Tiffany didn't wake up but furrowed her brows, a tear trickling down under her thick lashes as she said in distress, "No... Master... Don't... Don't... Don't..."

Huh? Having a nightmare?

"Don't make... make me learn to write again... Huhu... It's so hard... I can't remember the words..." Can you not act like a student preparing for the college entrance exam? Isn't this supposed to be an introductory level textbook?

Frank couldn't help but laugh and shake her awake to personally tutor her.

Author's P.S.: If you enjoy the novel, visit Nine Cauldrons Novel Website by typing 9DINGS.COM in your browser.

Far past the golden age of enlightenment education, Tiffany's learning progress was indeed quite difficult. Frustration and lack of talent caused her mood to continuously decline as she picked up the pen, and if he didn't remind her from time to time or even offer rewards, she would quickly withdraw and refuse to continue trying—then fall asleep.

From the situation of investing a lot of time without seeing any progress in mastering this skill, it's likely that Tiffany's talent for it is at best mediocre, and it's very likely non-existent.

After observing for a while, Frank realized that Holy Semen could bestow a wide variety of skills, almost covering all aspects of life in this world. Even if he wanted to boost Tiffany's education to a bachelor's degree level right away, he would need the luck to encounter the corresponding skills. However, tonight he realized something: Tiffany's physical attributes and talents were too poor. Even after boosting them to their limits, she would only gain an additional 40 points, probably still inferior to Melody. So, instead of relying on boosting Tiffany's attributes, it might be better to earn more money together and then hire a bodyguard.

If he could hire skilled hands like Melody for just two gold coins a month, the expenses wouldn't be too high. However, he suddenly had some doubts. Melody gave him the impression of being quite strong, so why would someone as strong as her only value her protection services at two gold coins for 20 days of work?

After finishing today's lesson with Tiffany, who had reluctantly completed her studies, Frank lay on the soft velvet pillow, staring at the darkening ceiling, listening to the rhythmic breathing of the girl beside him. For a moment, he couldn't sleep.

He realized that he hadn't really accomplished much in this world. Even in a typical game scenario, he would barely have progressed beyond leaving the protagonist's house, let alone venturing into a demon castle. So why was he being targeted?

Thinking about it, directly going around preaching seemed quite dangerous. Considering the textbook he bought for Tiffany, from what he could tell from the pages, although the printing technology in this world wasn't as advanced, it was sufficient for disseminating information. So... would it be better to earn money and then print a large number of booklets to distribute for free?

Back when he was extremely bored, he had serialized a novel online, imagining himself going through all sorts of hardships to finally hold hands with Ivanka and live happily ever after. With the help of his divine knowledge as a mental search engine, writing it wasn't a problem. Perhaps he could incorporate the goddess into some legendary stories, publish books like "The Deeds of the Fertility Goddess" or "Wooden Epic," and hype them up a bit. As long as more people read them, there would inevitably be some who would believe a little bit.

Maybe it wasn't devout enough, but 10,000 believers at the first-level of faith were equivalent to 1,000 fanatical followers.

Quantity is the key to victory.

Having made up his mind, he thought about the revised plan, closed his eyes, and prepared to sleep.

As usual, he glanced at Ivanka's situation. She had stopped crying and was now lying relaxed in a pitch-black void, her hair spread out and pressed against her youthful body wrapped in her school uniform. It seemed that the world in front of her had turned dark, and she realized that Frank was about to sleep, so she said something with her mouth open. Unfortunately, without activating communication, he couldn't hear her, and he wasn't prepared to listen at the moment. Until he was confident he could catch her before she regained any freedom, he wouldn't give her any more autonomy. She didn't deserve it.

After a good night's sleep, it was time to get back to work. Before entering the room, Frank made an appointment with Joan for lunch around one o'clock. With his limited experience, it would be better to consult Joan, who was knowledgeable and experienced, for some analysis.

Today's task list was relatively simple, mainly focused on quantity. There was only one type of needed item—Wound Sealant. Compared to the basic hemostatic ointment, Wound Sealant had a stronger effect on wound healing, and its liquid form made it easier to carry. However, the sealing effect of the liquid relied on the rapid formation of an absorbable barrier. In cases of severe bleeding, it might not be as effective as the more viscous hemostatic ointment.

Given the availability of materials, even an apprentice could follow the instructions step by step to complete the tasks. Naturally, Frank wanted to uphold the dignity of being a divinely gifted pharmacist, so he gathered all the materials and directly crafted them into priceless "premium +5" products. Considering the price of the "ordinary +5" hemostatic ointment produced previously, his morning output was enough to recoup the guild's investment.

Since he didn't need that much, and there were better healing options, he didn't greedily keep the excess. Instead, he prepared to turn it into an unexpected windfall. After finishing his work, he woke up Tiffany, who had been dozing off nearby with nothing to do, and organized the equipment. He then extracted the materials produced by "Bountiful Harvest" from Ivanka and got to work energetically.

He focused on creating an upgraded version of "Blood Booster 2.0" by refining the formula and incorporating low-purity earth and water attribute mana crystal powder. This allowed for a compounded natural attribute magic effect. He meticulously researched compound elements using his "God's Insight". The combination of water and earth attributes could weaken or heal, depending on their proportions.

Since it was a life-saving recovery potion, he naturally prioritized the water attribute mana crystal. From twenty pounds of materials, he produced one pound of finished product, but conservatively estimated its effectiveness to be fifty times that of version 1.0. Calculating it, he still profited, and who cared about costs when it came to saving lives? He portioned the solution into twenty small portable bottles, potentially adding twenty more lives to his inventory.

Tiffany was becoming more adept as his assistant, taking care of tasks like packaging while they cleaned up before eleven o'clock. When Joan arrived to oversee the counting of the finished products, she was surprised and went to check the inventory three times, scrutinizing the list for ten minutes before swiftly arranging for half of the astonishingly high-quality hemostatic ointment to be taken away—leaving behind only half.

Afterward, she didn't accompany Frank downstairs as usual, instead closing the studio door with a peculiar expression. "What's wrong?" Frank asked, flexing his sore shoulders, puzzled. "How were you able to produce double the amount of finished products with the specified materials?" Joan blinked curiously, whispering, "Even an Archon Pharmacist couldn't accomplish such a feat."