
The Goddess Salvation System

"The Goddess Salvation System" depicts the story of Frank, who unexpectedly traverses to a mysterious and perilous parallel world. There, he discovers himself as the partner of the Goddess, endowed with a series of mysterious abilities and tasks. As the Chosen One, he not only possesses formidable reproductive powers but also can acquire abundant experience and skills through faith connections and sacrifices. While exploring the unknown, Frank must make careful choices to survive and achieve his goals in this enigmatic parallel world.

c_l_dd · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 16- new skill

To enhance the ceremonial atmosphere of the ritual, Frank decided to add several embellishments according to his own ideas. For instance, he drew a symmetrical and imposing magic circle at the center and recited a lengthy prayer that he had composed himself before the ritual began.

With only one sincere follower present, Tiffany, who closed her eyes and earnestly muttered "Vicky Wooden," Frank tapped into his consciousness, and the sacrifice proceeded smoothly.

A gentle light engulfed the offerings, swallowing them like a gust of wind carrying away dust, leaving no trace behind. Following that, his consciousness provided a reminder.

"Faith level increased to 2, granting 1 blessing opportunity," Frank released his consciousness, beginning to make choices regarding this blessing.

The three sets of runes offered were massage, makeup, and sexual skills, with the latter having subsequent branch selections.

He couldn't help but wonder, "What criteria are they using for these random selections? Rolling dice?"

"It's the guidance of fate. However, as your luck increases, options will tend to be more beneficial to you."

"If I choose a new skill, what happens to the original one?"

"It will revert to the level you originally studied or researched. If you haven't studied it before, it will revert to level 1."

Frank pondered for a moment. Judging from the boost in alchemy skill provided by his previous blessing, massage might make him the world's greatest masseur, capable of sending people to heaven with just a few strokes. Makeup would probably equate to mastery in disguise techniques. But honestly, the allure of these two combined didn't match up to the last option. Since he couldn't gather the materials to make effective drugs, it seemed more practical to enhance his own abilities for immediate effect.

But surprisingly, sexual skills had branch options.

Well, might as well give it a shot. If it's not suitable, I can always switch back.

With a flash of the runes, they split into five groups, transforming into hands, mouths, genitals, buttocks, and training.

As a straight shooter, Frank immediately ruled out the buttocks option. He was here to serve as the messenger of the goddess, not to sell his behind.

After some hesitation, he also dismissed the mouth and genital options. He wasn't about to go around licking just any woman, nor did he want to spend his precious pleasure time using skills to serve. The power bestowed upon him by the goddess had already made his manhood formidable enough.

Considering that the training skill was fundamentally incongruent with his personality, Frank ultimately chose hands.

After switching to the new skill, the vast knowledge of alchemy that had filled his memory bank disappeared in an instant. No matter how hard he tried to recall, only the most basic techniques of using a mortar and pestle remained—a beginner's level skill.

It seemed that his alchemy skill had reverted back to level 1.

As for the hand skill... Frank raised his arm, looking at his joined index and middle fingers, and felt a surge of excitement as a man.

Truly, it felt like a divine bestowment. In this moment, he even had the confidence that he could climb a tree and pluck any flower, confident that he could pleasure any stigma.

"Tiffany," he sighed contentedly, calling out to the young slave girl still kneeling and praying nearby.

Tiffany quickly stood up, straightening her skirt, and replied, "Yes, Master. What is it?"

"The goddess has given me a new directive that allows me to bring great pleasure to female followers. Would you be willing to test it for me? You are my only follower now."

"It would be my honor, Master. Please tell me what I should do?"

"Lift your skirt, take off your panties, and come sit beside me," Frank said softly, his face slightly flushed.

In his previous world, he probably wouldn't have had the chance or the courage to say such lewd words to any girl.

But ultimately, ability determines confidence, and confidence affects personality.

He dared to say such things now because he knew Tiffany wouldn't be displeased by them.

As expected, Tiffany, misunderstanding her master's physiological needs, happily approached him, biting her skirt as she removed her panties.

He leaned down to kiss her slender neck, his hands gently caressing her delicate waist.

Everything was indeed different now.

His hands seemed to possess a magical power, able to judge the sensitivity of each touch and the most effective way to stimulate. And no matter what action his hands made, his mind could predict the specific sensations the other person would experience.

As long as he put in the effort, he could easily bring women to orgasm after orgasm, or leave them on the brink of ecstasy without release.

He smiled satisfactorily, lightly pinching Tiffany's clitoris with his fingers, beginning the small test.

"Mmm... Ah! Master... This sensation is so intense... What... What have you done..."

"Oh... Ah! Ahh! Ahhh—!"

In just three short minutes, the girl in his arms writhed in intense pleasure, reaching a powerful climax. With happy screams, her love juices soaked the tender area between her thighs.

Excellent, Frank thought excitedly. With this ability, he was sure Ivanka would be completely devoted to him.

After accumulating years of obsession in his heart, he still wanted to thoroughly conquer "the goddess" before spreading faith.

Holding Tiffany and soothing her with caresses, he looked at the birthmark on her face and suddenly remembered something, hastily asking in his mind: "Vicky, Holy Semen's experience absorption is limited to once a day, but what about its healing effect?"

"It will weaken, but still exist. If the target has an urgent illness that cannot be delayed, and you intend to use this method to treat it, then you can attempt multiple times. The goddess's blessing is with you, so you need not fear exhaustion."

Frank breathed a sigh of relief. Since there was no need to fear exhaustion, and their relationship was already intimate enough, he didn't like seeing the large dark patches on Tiffany's face. Since he didn't have to worry about exhaustion, he might as well transform into a flesh-and-blood healing device and directly infuse Tiffany with healing energy back at the inn.

During this time, while organizing the new memories of the Harvest skill, Frank's faith level increased. This meant that the quality of items he could generate also increased by one level, and the weight limit was raised to 10 pounds. With proper planning, he could spend a few days making some extra travel money.

He had also considered how to use alchemy. During a relatively relaxed morning, he switched over to contemplate the formulas he planned to use, wrote down the list of required materials and tools.

He switched over to brainstorm the formulas he planned to use, jotting down the required materials and tools list. By noon, he switched back and gathered everything on the list before switching to alchemy mode to start working on the potions.

With the sacrifice completed, and lacking any particular interest in outdoor activities, Frank naturally chose to take Tiffany back to the inn to treat her illness.

While on the way, he took the opportunity to communicate with Ivanka and inquire about her well-being.

"Frank, do you think I'm doing okay? I've lost my body now, and here I am, seeing you fooling around with a scrawny girl!"

Your emotions are really unstable. Well, it's a bit difficult to ask you to stay calm in this situation. But, Ivanka, if your previous rationality is still intact, you should know that being with me is the only way to solve the problem.

"I know, and I hate you too. You've completely changed. You never used to have the guts to talk to the girls I introduced you to. You'd blush if I so much as sat close to you. But now? In broad daylight, under the scorching sun, you can watch a sixteen-year-old girl lift her skirt for your amusement! And you still claim to be some sort of deity? That's just hypocritical! Is a deity meant to come into this world to be a lecherous sower?"

"No, this is too much noise. How did I not notice Ivanka's hysterical side before? Frank scratched his head and hung up on her once again.

He didn't feel like he had changed much. Interacting with women was a requirement of his abilities. If he didn't comply, was he supposed to wait for death in a parallel world?

He used to be nervous and shy, but that was really because of a lack of confidence.

He didn't believe he could have a proper relationship with a normal young girl. He didn't believe he wouldn't be discouraged by a real social relationship, and he didn't believe that normal girls wouldn't look down on him... This series of disbelief was like a high wall piercing the sky, trapping him inside, unable to move.

So he was very grateful to Ivanka for helping him end his virginity in the last life.

What he truly ended was not his virginity, but his unrealistic adoration and fantasies about women.

He also had to thank Tiffany.

This gentle and obedient little slave treated him like a god, successfully shoring up his not-so-stable confidence and securely tying him up.

Originally, he was about to take Tiffany back to the inn and use his secret potion to cure the birthmark on her face, but on the way, they happened upon a street performance, and Tiffany was curious, so he couldn't help but stop and watch for a while.

It was a common pairing of a musician and a dancer, typical of traveling performers.

But both of them were very eye-catching girls, attracting the audience quite well.

The musician was a human girl dressed conservatively, hiding her body in a long robe, while the dancer was an elf with pointed and long ears, delicate and beautiful in appearance.

Subspecies of elves favored by the elements were an important part of the upper-class races on the side of light, and with the help of his consciousness, Frank quickly judged the dancer's identity as a fire elf from her obvious features—red hair and red eyes.

It must have been out of interest that she, as a noble, came to the street to dance and perform.

She danced with genuine joy, her sensual body wrapped in a fiery red dress, swaying with power to the rhythm, her face adorned with an ecstatic smile. It had to be said, the elves had flawless skin. Even at this distance, Frank, with his exceptional vision, couldn't spot a single hair on their skin. The tantalizingly flawless, exposed legs moved gracefully, devoid of any imperfections.

Watching this exciting elven beauty, the onlookers couldn't help but whisper amongst themselves, speculating on how much it would cost to experience the enchanting taste of being ensnared by those legs.

Frank's knowledge repository didn't delve too deeply into such matters, but he knew that elven females were highly regarded among males of all races, and not just because of their exquisite faces. Rumors in this regard often carried lewd implications.

Unfortunately, given the current circumstances, he probably wouldn't have a chance with the elven woman he was eyeing. Although the fire elf was beautiful, he didn't like her. According to his intuition, fire elves were the most lustful among the elemental elves, and dancers had a profession rife with ambiguity.

Such women would only arouse his desires, not his interests.

After a while, he felt a stir in his trousers. Frank decisively took Tiffany, who looked disappointed because of the unfavorable comparison, and left five copper coins as a tip, pushing through the crowd and leaving.

As they reached the corner of the street, he suddenly felt like someone was watching him. He turned abruptly, but found nothing unusual. Was he being paranoid? He frowned, casting a wary glance at the passing pedestrians, feeling a vague unease as he slowly retreated into the corner, then swiftly left with Tiffany.