
The Goddess of Wisdom and creation (unedited and discontinued version)

Update:The finished version of this book is my other book with the same name. Somehow I ended up with two books. If you would like to read this book for free you can type in the name and click the one that says updating. If you have read some of this book you will unfortunately have to start from the beginning because half way through I changed a few things and now that I have a second book to go with this book I can’t stick with this version. I really do apologize and I hope that you will give both of my books a try since they are free. Also this is a dark war and romance book so reader’s discretion is advised. Mazaya(masaya) is the goddess of wisdom and creation she's anything but normal. she's emotionally unstable because She holds too much power. She's the only God that was born with a dark god and light God parent. It was never heard of before her. So that explains why she is the most powerful God in existence. Right? Not really because nothing is as it seems. Gods are manipulating each other left and right to prevent complete control. Things you think you know turn out to be a spell caused to protect the world. The only truth is the what they are living now. The past could be lies and there's only one way to find out the truth, to go along Mazaya's journey. One thing is true though She only has one weakness and when the most powerful Gods find it out they work to exploit it so they can control everything. The person who possesses her rules all. Will Mazaya be a pawn in this war against Gods or will she be able to free herself from some of the most ruthless Gods in existence. It' starts off slow but once you get into it it heats up and gets intense. nothing is as it seems in a world full of the most powerful gods. There will be sex scenes and at times it will seem out of there but this is a world of Dark Gods not weak mortals. And what is the way to ones soul? sex and manipulation. Don't be offended by how out of there this book can get. I was trying to be realistic. If a completely dark God was anything but what a dark God truly is would it be real. The light Gods are good Gods and you see it. But there's manipulation everywhere. This is a Dark Gods novel. Only a few Gods are based off of mythology this is a world I created and copy righted myself. (Warning turn back if you are looking for a happy ending. I can't promise that evil will not come out on top. This is war between gods so anything can happen. Conflicts will be high and anything can happen. worlds may be destroyed, important characters may die. read at your own risk because Mazaya is the only God that I can say for sure is completely immortal).

Ashley_loo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
168 Chs

This is war

(Magical realm a little after reset)

Luther was at his desk. The anger was radiating off of him. Mazaya had reset time again. All of his hard work was undone. He was still ruler but now everything he had accomplished in the 5 years that she was gone was all for nothing. He had to redo everything. Part of him wanted to go to her fathers house because she would be there.

She would be waking up soon In her bed. All of the shit she put him through was eating away at him. He refused to play nice anymore. Everyone would suffer and he would show no remorse. "Luther son, Before you attack I need you to hear me out." Exodus said from the door way. He could recognize that voice a mile away. "I think I've heard enough." Luther said as he took his dagger out.

"Mazaya never reset at home." Exodus rushed out causing Luther to pause. "Someone has control of her powers. She tried when she was younger to change it but she couldn't." Exodus said causing Luther to close his eyes. With a snap of his finger Lucas was there. "Oh did you need me to take the trash out?" Lucas wryly asked.

"Mazaya gave my powers away. I'm assuming it was out of jealous. But here's the thing how did she give them away if I was suppose to be the only one to access them." Luther yelled causing Exodus to back up. Even though Exodus was once a powerful God Luther still could kill him with his eyes closed. "So you betrayed us. It's simple. You lied and now you are trying to cover your tracks. Simple, Luther sorry but I told you so." Lucas had told Luther since the day that Mazaya and him got engaged that it was to Good to be true.

"That's not true. I don't need to be accused for crap that I haven't done. I didn't owe you guys anything. I'm letting you know that someone is shooting for complete power and you better prepare. I don't know how they accessed her magic but they did. Now I'm leaving." Exodus said as he went to leave. "Wait." Luther said causing Exodus to pause in his tracks. "What makes you so sure that someone is shooting for absolute power?" Luther asked curious of what Exodus knew.

"When Mazaya was little before I told her you guys were engaged, she use to tell me everything. When she trusted me she told me a lot. The last thing she ever told me was if she didn't reset to her bed that meant someone had complete control of all her magic.. They could only access certain things if Mazaya was powerless." Exodus said causing the reality of the situation to sink in.

"Did she tell you anything helpful if it ever happened?" Luther asked knowing that someone would be gunning for what was his soon. "Yes there is one way to reverse it and Lucky for us Mazaya gave you that dagger because the only way for Mazaya to gain back control of her magic is to kill the person who gained access to it." Exodus said .

"We have to plan. If this person has access of

kill Mazaya's magic it will be harder to kill them. We have to come up with a strategy. A fool proof plan." Lucas said knowing that now was not the time to be reckless. "What happens when we kill them? Will her magic never be accessable again?" Luther had to know.

"If you succeed in killing him Mazaya will lose her way. You just have to be there to pick her back up and everything that I promised you will be yours. But it sounds easier than it is. Don't get in your head and mess things up. Think about the main goal not the prize at the end." Exodus warned Luther.

"I won't. I know what has to be done. We will gather all the Gods that we know are loyal and start there. Lucas I need you to start blood oaths. We can only have people we are certain to be in on this. Don't let anyone know about anything until we have their word. and Exodus I'll give you one more change. If you can prove that you are loyal all is forgiven and the blood oath we had will be nullified." With nothing else to be said everyone but Luther headed out after nodding in agreement.

Luther knew he had a long journey ahead of him but he was fine with that. He was born to rule and he would not bow to anyone no matter what. "This is war." He said to him self as He grabbed his grids and started to come up with a plan that would be sure to make him victorious. He would win back what was stolen from him and all would be history.