
The Goddess of Wisdom and creation (unedited and discontinued version)

Update:The finished version of this book is my other book with the same name. Somehow I ended up with two books. If you would like to read this book for free you can type in the name and click the one that says updating. If you have read some of this book you will unfortunately have to start from the beginning because half way through I changed a few things and now that I have a second book to go with this book I can’t stick with this version. I really do apologize and I hope that you will give both of my books a try since they are free. Also this is a dark war and romance book so reader’s discretion is advised. Mazaya(masaya) is the goddess of wisdom and creation she's anything but normal. she's emotionally unstable because She holds too much power. She's the only God that was born with a dark god and light God parent. It was never heard of before her. So that explains why she is the most powerful God in existence. Right? Not really because nothing is as it seems. Gods are manipulating each other left and right to prevent complete control. Things you think you know turn out to be a spell caused to protect the world. The only truth is the what they are living now. The past could be lies and there's only one way to find out the truth, to go along Mazaya's journey. One thing is true though She only has one weakness and when the most powerful Gods find it out they work to exploit it so they can control everything. The person who possesses her rules all. Will Mazaya be a pawn in this war against Gods or will she be able to free herself from some of the most ruthless Gods in existence. It' starts off slow but once you get into it it heats up and gets intense. nothing is as it seems in a world full of the most powerful gods. There will be sex scenes and at times it will seem out of there but this is a world of Dark Gods not weak mortals. And what is the way to ones soul? sex and manipulation. Don't be offended by how out of there this book can get. I was trying to be realistic. If a completely dark God was anything but what a dark God truly is would it be real. The light Gods are good Gods and you see it. But there's manipulation everywhere. This is a Dark Gods novel. Only a few Gods are based off of mythology this is a world I created and copy righted myself. (Warning turn back if you are looking for a happy ending. I can't promise that evil will not come out on top. This is war between gods so anything can happen. Conflicts will be high and anything can happen. worlds may be destroyed, important characters may die. read at your own risk because Mazaya is the only God that I can say for sure is completely immortal).

Ashley_loo · Fantasy
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168 Chs

Everything Part 3

Sometime in the past (Christopher's pov)

"All this comes at a price though. Since I'm nothing but dirt to you it won't be to bad. We are no longer friends. No wait we never were friends. I'm going to erase us ever meeting out of existence. So when I restart we will be nothing. You'll be a player and never get married, Only wanting to drink and party." She said.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my eyes. I broke my best friends heart and now she was just a shell of the girl I use to know. I didn't know she was lonely and I wasn't thinking when I helped Luther. I broke her. She never killed before and now my wife was laying on the floor and I wouldn't even remember her. I was giving Luther so much luck that it backfired on me.

Power swirled around the room. Luther started to move. "If you try to help Luther, I'll take away everything from you. Take away your memory and leave you on a deserted island. Now to make this work you will not be The God of Good Fortune. You will forget what type of God you are. You will think you are the God of Fortune." She said completely detached. I was losing everything.

" Everyone's memories will have to be altered to make it where you never come in contact with me again. I'll remember but I don't love you anymore. I never will. You wanted me to Love Luther so I'll allow him to make me fall in love with him." She said as she pulled out a dagger and cut herself.

"This is my oath to you Christopher. Since you wanted so badly to help Luther break me than I'll just finish it. I Mazaya vow to be a good wife. To look away at the bad. I vow that as long as Luther treats me like the sun I'll give him anything his heart desires that does not involve sex. I vow that I will stop fighting him and I will" Mazaya paused for a second maybe she came to her senses.

"allow whatever he gives me to make me happy work. I will make my magic stay dormant if it hits my throat as long as its something that will just make me a good wife. I will not leave as long as I don't catch him cheating on me. If I do I can leave and the oath will go dormant." She said finishing the oath. She couldn't do this. I look over to Luther smiling. He looked at me and I couldn't read his facial expression.

After the oath was finished Mazaya looked at me "Goodbye Christopher. I wish you a fun life." She said. As her magic started to swirl around the room Luther jumped in. "Wait baby. You don't have to do this. If you agreed to love me than he's irrelevant right? Let's go home." Luther tried to persuade her to not go through with erasing me out of her life.

"I would never be able to love you with him around. He was my ideal husband. The man I wanted to be with forever and he put me under a sister category. He chose his wife over me. He broke me and than left. I was broken trying to make him happy because I loved him and he used his Luck to find another woman. I can't do anything without my emotions being to much because I loved him. If I would've never met him I would be normal. He never cared about me that's why he watched you hurt me, I'm nothing." She said breaking my heart more.

"He doesn't matter. You can just stay away from him. Rule with me. Show him how special you are. Make him jealous. Make him regret breaking your heart. Baby let's just go home. You can't just take away his memories that too easy. " Luther said with a last ditch effort. He held his hand out but she just looked at it and look away

"I wanted him to love me for me not my power. He was the one person who made me feel normal, who made me feel loved, I could be me around him and not question myself. He kept all the thoughts at bay because he never judged me. He accepted me. Atleast that's what I thought. He didn't even care enough to find me a husband who could love me" Mazaya said as she looked at me to make a point.

" and make me feel special. Being known for power isn't special. I want him to have no memories. I want him to forget everything about me. Because what's the point of having anyone know the real me when it changed nothing." Mazaya said as she released the maximum amount of magic out. I knew that I wouldn't remember this so I laid back and admitted defeat. Remembering every good time we had together before it all ceased to exist. I would've took being weak over this.