
The Goddess of Wisdom and creation (unedited and discontinued version)

Update:The finished version of this book is my other book with the same name. Somehow I ended up with two books. If you would like to read this book for free you can type in the name and click the one that says updating. If you have read some of this book you will unfortunately have to start from the beginning because half way through I changed a few things and now that I have a second book to go with this book I can’t stick with this version. I really do apologize and I hope that you will give both of my books a try since they are free. Also this is a dark war and romance book so reader’s discretion is advised. Mazaya(masaya) is the goddess of wisdom and creation she's anything but normal. she's emotionally unstable because She holds too much power. She's the only God that was born with a dark god and light God parent. It was never heard of before her. So that explains why she is the most powerful God in existence. Right? Not really because nothing is as it seems. Gods are manipulating each other left and right to prevent complete control. Things you think you know turn out to be a spell caused to protect the world. The only truth is the what they are living now. The past could be lies and there's only one way to find out the truth, to go along Mazaya's journey. One thing is true though She only has one weakness and when the most powerful Gods find it out they work to exploit it so they can control everything. The person who possesses her rules all. Will Mazaya be a pawn in this war against Gods or will she be able to free herself from some of the most ruthless Gods in existence. It' starts off slow but once you get into it it heats up and gets intense. nothing is as it seems in a world full of the most powerful gods. There will be sex scenes and at times it will seem out of there but this is a world of Dark Gods not weak mortals. And what is the way to ones soul? sex and manipulation. Don't be offended by how out of there this book can get. I was trying to be realistic. If a completely dark God was anything but what a dark God truly is would it be real. The light Gods are good Gods and you see it. But there's manipulation everywhere. This is a Dark Gods novel. Only a few Gods are based off of mythology this is a world I created and copy righted myself. (Warning turn back if you are looking for a happy ending. I can't promise that evil will not come out on top. This is war between gods so anything can happen. Conflicts will be high and anything can happen. worlds may be destroyed, important characters may die. read at your own risk because Mazaya is the only God that I can say for sure is completely immortal).

Ashley_loo · Fantasy
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(Alexander The God of absolute powers Pov)

It took me an hour just to get into that girls room just for her to teleport out. Noone can find her and my anger is tangible. I swear when I make her my wife she will be the most obedient woman I have ever met. Obviously The God of dark powers didn't know what he was doing because someone as powerful as Mazaya needs to be tamed.

"We can't locate her anywhere sir." One of my subordinate workers said to me for the 100th time. I've used all my magic and I still can't find her. I am the most powerful God and it should not be that hard to find her. She tapped into the magic that belongs to me. Her father knew what she was when she was born, that's why he forced her to keep her magic hidden. He blatantly broke the law and just because she couldn't be trial we couldn't force her to the Royal realm.

Now she is an emotional mess and she doesn't know how to handle herself. She's emotionally unstable and needs more attention than she should all because her father thought he could use her to gain control. To bad for him the royals had their eyes on her the moment she accessed her true powers. At first we thought it was a mistake. I was still young but I was molded to be ruler so I was there the day my father did a spell to see what had caused the disturbance.

The moment I set eyes on her I fell in love. Not the kind of love most humans get. No I got the desire to possess her, Control her, make her into every thing I would ever want her to be. She was the definition of beauty. The feelings got stronger as we watched her more and more. The more power she showed the more I knew she would be mine someday.

When she broke the law I was ecstatic. When the trial failed and she escaped her punishment I knew at that moment that nobody would be able to handle her but me. That's why I had the Goddess of everlasting love make Christopher The God of Good Fortune fall in love with another Goddess. Anyone could tell he loved Mazaya, so he was in my way and I didn't want bad luck by killing him.

Luther was the easier out of the two. He was unfaithful and left Mazaya alone all the time. All that was needed was pictures. I didn't expect Christopher to get his memories back though. The God of Good Fortune was finally gone and than he came back and almost ruined my plans. Luckily I am the powerful enough so I was able to stop it. "Alex we have a problem." My sister Chasity said as she made a dramatic entrance in my study.

"Don't take all day lets hear it." I said my patience was not one to mess around with. "Mazaya just tapped into my magic. I think she's trying to make snowy." My sister said sounding worried. She had every reason to be. I had her make something special for Mazaya, so the leopard in the garden is nothing like the real thing. She's about to lose control and I can't find her.

"Bring me the maid who was suppose to stay with her all day. Now." I yelled. Within seconds my sister brought the maid who couldn't follow simple orders. Mazaya needed to be watched at all times. It took a hour to even realize she had blocked entry into her room. "Ple." The maid tried to say but the water I was forcing down her throat stopped her instantly. She would suffer but everyone knew the consequences of not following orders.

"I need an emergency meeting now." I gritted out. My sister left without a word. I instantly teleported to our headquarters where the actual meetings were held. When Mazaya told me she accessed our surveillance system the anger inside of me sky rocketed. She has no home training and if she would've accessed any of the restricted areas we probably would've had to sedate her until we could figure something out.

Everyone was already here so this was the one refreshing thing. "I need you to keep locating her Azeki. Don't stop until she's found." I said to The God of space and time.

"So we have a problem Mazaya has most likely accessed Chasity's powers." I said letting it sink in. We all knew what was about to happen. "Shit. There's a disturbance of magic in the forest. I just did a sweep" The God of magical Balance said causing everyone to teleport. We knew how powerful she was. We were a unit. Different or not.

As soon as we stepped foot into the forest everybody just stopped dead in there tracks. It was worse than I expected. "Get every exotic God here now." I ordered. I could feel the power so I followed it through the burning forest. "I've located her." Azeki said causing me to grab his hand as a silent order.

When we got to the area she was in it was a disaster. Fire was everywhere. There were atleast 7 leopards and the acid rain was causing severe damage.

Lucky the power radiating off of me was keeping the Leopards away. I didn't show fear. "This way." Azeki said as he jogged forward. As we got to a clearing that looked like it was bombed, I spotted Mazaya in the middle. Azeki grabbed me. "Stay back." I ordered. I was powerful enough to handle her. Mazaya was dancing in circles, black energy was trailing along with her. There was a big difference when people were around and when they weren't.