
The Goddess Of Time

17 yearold Faye Parker is suddenly dragged into a mythical world filled with beasts and new ways of life, being thrown into trying to adapt and survive taking the help of a new joiner Malachi the Jaguar, what will happen in this story of twists and turns and will she survive? Read more to find out!

DaoistXRXrOc · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ashamed to say its nice to be here.

Faye blinked open her eyes at the sounds of shuffling soft mumbles escaping her lips as she blinked eyes moving to turn lifting the furs off her body to see Malachi kneeling beside a fire he was constructing, he soon blinked at Faye's direction offering a wide smile when he noticed Faye was awake.

He soon stood and walked over sitting down beside her and offering a raw slice of meat which made her shake her head no slightly his soft smile soon turning to a sad frown his ears lowering causing her to sigh softly and then smile brightly at him.

"Let's cook it first! Then it tastes way better okay?"

The female tilted her head to him as his mood instantly perked up scooting back to the fire to start cooking it as her eyes went to move around the small home he had, it had only the fire lighting it up as it was night out.

The surroundings looked luminous and slightly frightening as she started to stand turning to Malachi with an awkward look as she struggled on how she wanted to tell him, she honestly felt like she was about to wet herself as she swallowed hard and looked away.

"Uh Malachi, I need to use the bathroom really bad."

She flushed with embarrassment as he turned to look at her before he started to stand moving the meat so it wouldn't burn stretching out. It made him proud at how she told him most likely asking where she could go as he reached a hand out to her.

"Here lets head outside, it shouldn't burn if were quick.''

She took his hand as he led her outside to the forestry the darkness only intimidated her further as she squeezed his hand harder moving to stand a bit closer to his side, Malachi felt relieved that she started to depend on him more as he stopped at a bush releasing her hand.

"Ill keep watch you do your business and let me know if anything happens."

Faye softly nodded and walked into the trees going behind some cover and doing her business as the male kept watch listening for any potential danger, Faye soon made her way back to him smiling at his face as he softly smiled back feeling more relaxed now she was back in his sight.

"Is there a stream where I can clean my hands?"

"Yeah there's some water at home you can wash up there."

He took her hand ignoring her objections and saying its dirty as he started walking them back still staying alert until they've reached the safety of inside as he showed her the water bucket before moving back to the fire making sure it wasn't burned focusing on the task.

Faye washed her hands and face wiping the water from her eyes with her arm blinking a few times before she lightly touched her hair with a huff, it felt greasy and messy yet she would get over it or go out with Malachi tomorrow to a lake and wash up properly moving back to sit beside the fire across from him.

After awhile the meat was done as he lightly handed her a piece and waited for her to take a few bites, Faye gave him a thumbs up smiling brightly now that the hunger she had was subdued as he watched her in appreciation.

The male was glad he had saved her and that she was accepting his help and food soon going to take some for himself as they ate in silence the occasional ripping sound on the meat each time they took another bite as soon Faye finished sitting back and patting her belly satisfied.

'I can't eat anymore.. Im so ready for bed"

She smiled at him as he lightly chuckled and nodded starting to finish off the meat as she made her way to the bed of furs and cuddled up underneath of it closing her eyes, she heard him shuffling around before the hiss of the fire being put out with water before a warm source laid in beside her as they faced eachother in silence.

"I never said you could sleep with me!"

"But it's my bed?"

She then huffed embarrassed, he got her there it was his home and she was a guest as she moved the furs over her head turning her back towards him. At this rate her ego was decreasing and his was steadily increasing as he draped an arm around her pulling her flush to his chest with a soft hum.

She didn't know what to do in this situation laying tense and still pressed against him, she only hoped he didn't hear the rapid and violent beating of her heart it felt like it was going to explode out of her chest as her eyes closed face flushed trying to calm herself with slow steady breaths.

Malachi only enjoyed her warmth and the sound of her violently beating heart as he nuzzled his face to the top of her head with a sly grin, everything was adorable about her as he heard her breathing change soon her breaths signing she was asleep a soft smile gracing his face.

"Where did a beauty like you come from hmm..?"

He mumbled to himself softly studying her body from what was in view with her fair skin and frame as he then moved his eyes to the wall. He didn't even know if she had other mates out there looking for her after all he hasn't seen most of her body yet then again what mates would leave her in such danger?!

A growl escaped him as he clutched her to his chest eyes narrowing before he sighed relaxing his grip on her before he closed his eyes breathing in her smells, he wouldn't get riled up about this and if her mates ever did show up he would teach them a lesson. Yet he hoped they'd never come for her... As messed up as it seemed..

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