
The Goddess of Silence

Book 1 Synopsis: Ironically, there are many things that the gods of Creation wished didn't exist. Dark arts that can enslave the mind. Disgusting magic to mutilate the soul. Ancient demons who feed on the imagination of mortals to continue existing. The Taboo. It was for this purpose that the Will of the Universe created the goddess of Silence. The moment Silence opens her mouth to speak, the words she says can never be said or written of again. With Silence's power, the gods were hoping that she could erase all taboo knowledge by preventing anyone from speaking or writing of them. If this knowledge can no longer be taught or recorded, it'll eventually die out and be forgotten. It was a solid plan, but there are many hidden things in the Universe that won't allow Silence to grow up. _____________________________ Author Note: This book is currently being worked on. I feel like I rushed my previous book, "The Hall of Valor", so I'll be taking my time on this one. So... it might be a while before you see updates on this book. I'm only posting this now on Webnovel because I'd like people to know what I'm working on next. I also left a few chapters of my Draft chapters up so that my book will appear for you to read. This way, I can leave you a sample of the story while I continue working on it. (Note from March 2024. I'm nearly ready to start publishing chapters again.)

DRACO137 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Entry 3: The Maker


As is the nature of innately immortal beings, we never forget a moment in our lives – hence, I remember my earliest moments with clarity, whereas human beings tend to forget their first few years.

The first thing I remember is darkness. I had no access to any of the 6 senses, and I had no memories of any previous life. For all I know, I could have existed within the Void in my Unmade state for an eternity. I was a blank slate with no sense of being, and no idea there was anything more than the cold, empty Void. In a sense, I was NOBODY at the time.

I would say that I thought everything would stay the same forever, but I had no physical brain back then, so I couldn't THINK, in the classic sense. I was aware, though – in some primitive way…

At some point, though, something DID change. A powerful presence reached into the Void and found me. This voice gave me many gifts. The first thing the voice gave me was sentience, and then it gave me the 6 senses, so I could learn about the world.

The first thing I really perceived was that I had no living body – I was just an uncut and glowing white crystal floating in the middle of NOTHING. I didn't think that was odd though. The only thing I knew was that I was different than the creature that was floating in the void with me – holding my body and stroking my hard surface fondly with his long, clawed fingers.

After many millennia of life, I still have never seen another creature quite like this one. It had black hair and shining silver eyes that lit up the void around me. It also had long, horizontally pointed ears that reached past the shoulders and wiggled every time it smiled. Most curious about it, though, was that it appeared (for lack of better words) to have light leaking out of its back in strange patterns, starting as tattoo like shapes on the backside and trailing out in long, mystic strands of energy.

I don't know how much time I had to appreciate this strange being, as it continued to make sounds at me, and I continued to change. I felt my mind becoming stronger, and I grew a strange sense of attachment to the creature holding me.

The next thing I knew, the black haired, grey skinned creature pulled out a metal ingot the size of its palm and started remolding it into a strange shape. The mold in this grey skinned creature's hands bore little resemblance to the creature itself, other than that it had two arms and two legs. I never really understood what this creature was making with its hands, until I saw the skeleton of a human in the far future.

My creator and modeler tenderly put my crystal body into the ribcage of the metal skeleton. It then made more sounds at me (none of which I could fully remember), as it pulled out another object; this time, it was a black lantern with a breathing white flame inside it. The creature then placed the metal skeleton and I inside the large lantern and closed the lid.

If I knew any better, I might have thought it was a grotesque sight, seeing sinews of muscle fibers sprout and weave itself around the metal skeleton, as well as seeing my internal organs form inside the gut. After spending some time looking like some fleshy monster, glistening white skin started creeping over my muscle and encasing my body. Lastly, I felt long hair sprout from my head and drift aimlessly around my body, as if I were under water.

After my body had been forged in the white flame, the grey skinned creature pulled me out with care, in case it broke my tiny body that barely fit in its giant-sized palm. It spoke a few more words to me before giving me one final gift.

It held the white flamed lantern right above my head. I felt warmth for the first time when the flame was held in front of my face, and I instinctually breathed it in.

The breathe of life, it was to me. It's that very same energy that keeps me alive even today.

My heart started beating moments later. The first of my senses to come to me was hearing, then sight… now I could FEEL… and the sensation of my bare body being held by this giant's hand was somehow frightening and soothing at the same time.

Unfortunately, we didn't have very much time to bond together – my creator and I.

Before I could really marvel at my new body, I felt a prickling on my skin – as if a dozen bugs were crawling all over me. It was an uncomfortable sense of danger that made me burst into tears.

I think that my creator had the same ominous thought, for I felt his body stiffen, and his hands become sweaty. Before I even had the time to understand what was going on, my creator gripped me tightly to his chest and kicked his feet.

A loud explosion erupted from beneath him, which propelled him far off into the distance. With no landmarks as reference, I had no idea how fast he was going. Still, I could tell it was FAST, since my body got bruised all over from the sudden movement, and my vision went blurry as my brain was knocked against my skull. This was all very painful for me, and I opened my mouth to cry even harder.

Before I could let out a sound, I saw… an eye open up in the blackness of the Void. The eye was slitted, and it was glowing a golden color so bright that I could hardly look at it. It was also so massive that even from a great distance, my maker may have only been as large as the pupil.

Of course… it's impossible to tell how close or how far away things really are in empty space. The eye could very well have been impossibly farther away and been impossibly larger. Who knows?

Several seconds after the mesmerizing giant eye appeared, the light from my maker's explosion reached the creature, revealing a portion of its black scales, as it slithered and writhed chaotically.

My maker started shouting some gibberish before waving his hand. I could feel another jolt in momentum as we dashed across the empty void, yet it wasn't as painful this time. It felt more like being dropped suddenly, then caught at the last second.

Before I could even react to it, I felt a loud snapping sound. I looked over my maker's shoulder to see a row of fangs more akin to jagged mountains than teeth snap shut behind us as the creature extended its neck to take a bite.

Even when my maker threw a large ball of light at the creature, his spell could barely reveal a portion of its snout. Even then, there was a several second delay between his flash of light and the creature being revealed.

JOLT. We teleported again. SNAP. The creature tried to bite us. JOLT. We teleported again. Every so often, when we teleported, I would look down and see beautiful colored orbs below me with various shapes and sizes.

Soon, we stopped over one of the orbs, and my maker turned around and began striking back at the black scaled beast. This went on for several rounds.

I looked behind my Maker and saw that a small, glowing circle drawing itself in the empty Void beneath us – just over one of the worlds we had stopped over. The glowing circle then opened up beneath me, and I felt great gusts of air coming out of the hole.

Many clashes later, the glowing portal opened up beneath us, and my Maker tossed me inside before teleporting away.

The last I saw of him was his backside as he flashed away, followed by the dark shadow in hot pursuit behind him.