
The Goddess Of Moon

When everyone thought she was an ordinary human girl, he came to her to prove to everyone that she was not. "You are mine, and there is no power on earth that will prevent this from happening even if your father was the alpha of the strongest werewolf group, and I was the vampire prince. ".

Splash_of_Ink · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 : Dad is busy now

A year had passed and Harry was still in hiding, lying on the couch, feeling bored and not doing anything, until his phone rang. As soon as he answered the call, Jason's voice came panting, like he had just finished running a marathon. "Harry, run," he said.

"Why?" Harry asked, pinching his eyebrows.

"Watson is on his way to you," Jason replied, met by silence from the other end. He continued, "Harry, I know that you are as strong as him because you have the same royal blood, but he is accompanied by about a hundred of the most powerful vampires who have a part of his royal blood. You won't be able to beat them all, and he's fed up with Kel Watson. You know he wants you so badly and he's going to force you to participate in his game. He left you alone all this time because he was hoping that you would come to him willingly."

"Why are you helping me? I know you work for him," Harry surprised him by asking that, although he wasn't shocked at all; Harry is not that stupid.

"I know you found out that I've been working for him for a long time, but you've become my only friend and I'm not going to leave you in a situation like this," he replied, hoping that Harry, who had no other friends either, would believe him.

He thought for two minutes until he decided to follow Jason's advice and run away. "Okay," he said and ended the call, then picked up his bag that he always kept with him and in which he put his important things to be ready whenever he wanted to run away.

He didn't take much time until he was in another city, and from city to city until he found himself in another country, but it wasn't enough. Within a week, he had moved from England to a slum in China, and Watson couldn't keep track of him because he hid his scent. Although it's difficult to complete his plans without Harry, Watson decided to ignore him and focus on achieving them without him. But this would cost him a lot of time and effort. He hates Harry now more than ever; he is as their father used to call him, a coward with sensitive feelings.

"Is my beauty not sleepy?" Rachel, a twenty-year-old, mumbled to her two-year-old daughter who was playing with her. The little one looked at her mother with a smile.

"Why are you so sleep-deprived? Did you inherit your father's genes?" Rachel uttered a childish voice as she fiddled with her daughter's hair. But soon, a sad smile appeared on her face. How could she have given birth to this child at the age of eighteen and soon the only person she loved abandoned her, leaving her with two choices: give up her child in favor of an orphanage or give up her studies and everything to work and raise her child.

But how could someone who had tasted the bitterness of being an orphan let their child go through the same experience?

She was a naive teenager who fell under the spell of a charming boy in every sense of the word and decided to take responsibility for her actions.

"BAA," said the little one, trying to pronounce, and Rachel's heart trembled.

"Daddy's busy right now, but he's coming soon," Rachel muttered, trying to reassure herself and her daughter that he wouldn't leave them like this forever. He couldn't do it... He may have done it for two and a half years, but she hoped that he would miss her and want to see his child.

"He loves you so much, Celine. He left so that no one would hurt you," she lied after deciding to create a good impression on his child. But she soon smiled when she found the little one yawning and closing her eyes.

"And now it's bedtime. The little one will sleep against her will," she muttered in a cheerful tone, and she carried Celine and headed towards her room. She put her daughter in her bed and then kissed her head when the little one closed her eyes. Rachel couldn't forget that he ran away as soon as he learned of her pregnancy, and she couldn't forget him. Every time she looked into her daughter's eyes, she remembered him. The little one inherited his eyes that would haunt her forever.

"Elsewhere in a forest full of trees, there was a group of people sitting around a large table in a spacious room that belonged to a villa-like house in design.

"Why don't we stop them?" someone with blond hair and green eyes asked.

"I support Zack! We must stop them," said another person with dark brown eyes and short brown hair.

"We don't want war," replied a twenty-two-year-old with honey eyes and black hair who seemed to be of higher authority than the others as he led the discussion at the table.

"But they want it and are preparing for it. Why don't we attack them and finish everything now, Zayn!" Zack said excitedly as he banged his hand on the table.

"Zack! Watch your manners!" Zayn warned him.

"Sorry, Alpha," Zack immediately backed off after noticing the threatening tone that enveloped his alpha's voice.

"We won't attack them unless they attack us first. I don't want war, I don't want bloodshed, and I don't want to break the peace treaty that we have," Zayn added in a decisive tone.

"Eric, I want you to increase the number of guards on our borders."

"Zack, tell the group that I want them all at an emergency meeting tomorrow at six in the morning at the training ground."

Zayn finished his speech, and they both nodded and left, leaving him to exhale tightly. He then raised his hand to insert it into his hair, pulling it back.

"How was the Omega meeting?" some girl asked as she proposed to Zack immediately after seeing him sitting alone on a rock and looking lost in thought.

"We will not fight, Helen," he replied with a frowning face and a sad tone expressing his disapproval of what was happening, but not by hand a trick.

"Why not?" Helen asked.

"The Alpha does not want bloodshed," he answered briefly.

"But what about increasing our numbers? It seems like they are preparing for a big war," Helen asked again.

"The Alphas have said that they haven't attacked us yet and also said that we don't know if they will attack our group specifically or another group". Zack added, looking away "It seems like Zayn wants to wait until they finish us off.".

"Don't be sad, Zack," said Helen, then she held his hand. "Everything will be fine, the Alpha knows what he's doing," she continued in a faint tone. Zack smiled, put his head on his companion's shoulder, and then asked with bright eyes, "Where is my little Sam?"

The next morning, Zayn stood on a slightly raised hill, with Beta Eric and Omega Zack standing next to him and the group gathered around.

"I know that everyone knows what's going on, and I know that everyone is scared," Zayn spoke in a loud, strong voice. "But," he said and looked at them all.

"We will deal with them in the same way. They are increasing their numbers and we will increase our numbers. They are strengthening their ranks and we will strengthen our ranks," he continued.

"We will increase our strength by intensively training all members of the group every day led by Beta Eric, Omega Zack, and me," he said and nodded to everyone.

"Secondly, and I hope you appreciate the magnitude of what we are facing, and I hope that what I say will be implemented, no one will wait for their companion," he said slowly and calmly, as if he knew the magnitude of what he was asking of them.

Everyone looked at each other in horror and voices began to rise.

"You heard what I said, no one will wait for their companion. We want to reproduce and increase our numbers so that we have the ability to face them if something happens."

"But Alpha!!" Eric was about to object, but before he could continue, Zayn interrupted, "Does anyone have another solution by which we can increase our numbers?"

There was silence for everyone until Eric's voice came up, "Why don't we transform humans too?" he proposed with a trembling tone and the group's eyes turned to Zayn.

"No," replied Zayn, overcome with anger at the mention of the idea.

"Why not?" Eric asked with even greater fear, and Zayn gave him a threatening look as if telling him that if he didn't shut up now, the consequences would be dire for him. Zayn then shouted at him, "I said no."

His eyes turned to the members of the group, and he looked at each of them with a threatening eye, as if he was challenging any of them to speak, but his message had reached everyone well, so they immediately fell silent.

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"I still have a lot of creativity. Come and join me." p@treon.com/SplashofInk


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