
The Goddess Incarnate

In the wilderness of Arathia, a girl was born, With knowledge beyond her years, but helpless and forlorn. Unbeknownst to her, she was a goddess in flesh, Yet her journey to enlightenment was not an easy quest. With no one to guide her, she wandered alone, Through forests and mountains, seeking a place to call home. The elements around her were harsh and unforgiving, But her spirit was unbroken, for she knew she was living. The winds whispered secrets, the trees offered shelter, But the girl was still lost, unsure of her true nature. She ate berries and roots, drank from streams and rivers, And as she did, she felt a growing strength, a power that quivers. For within her lay a force, a magic so grand, That she could bend the world to her will with a wave of her hand. But this power was raw, untamed and wild, And she needed to learn control, before it consumed her like a child. And so she journeyed on, seeking knowledge and wisdom, Meeting beings and creatures, both light and dark, some with a kingdom. She learned the ways of the wild, how to hunt and how to hide, And as she did, her spirit grew stronger, her destiny a rising tide. For she was a goddess, a being of great power and might, And her journey had just begun, her future a shining light.

tatsuya277353 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

the murmurs of goddess in void

[author] If you guys do not like this chapter please skip to the next, if you feel the story have lack of important information you can comeback to this chapter to search for clue. [/author]

In the realm of silence, where whispers intertwine,

The goddess muses to herself, a voice so divine.


"Oh, the weariness of eternal days, stretching afar,

With boundless might, yet no mysteries to spar.

A mortal vessel I shall weave, a clone so rare,

A newborn soul with knowledge, but unaware."


"With a gentle touch of my celestial grace,

I breathe life into this form, a mortal's embrace.

Into the wilderness, I cast this soul adrift,

To wander in solitude, through shadows to sift."


"Amidst the forest's depths, where secrets softly speak,

This clone shall find its path, its purpose to seek.

In trials of survival, it shall learn and grow,

Unraveling the enigmas life's currents bestow."


"Veiled in mystic veils, this creature wanders alone,

Lost in the vast unknown, where its true self is sown.

Yet within, a flicker of my essence does reside,

A subtle thread, connecting destinies side by side."


"Thus, I release this clone into the realm untamed,

To embrace solitude, where fear and strength are framed.

May it unravel existence's tapestry with its might,

For within creation's game, a star shall ignite."


The goddess's murmurs fade into the ether's embrace,

Leaving behind a tale adorned with enigma and grace.

And the mortal clone, with fragmentary knowledge as its guide,

Embarks on a journey, destined to shine from deep inside.


In the realm of duality, where perspectives intertwine,

The goddess's essence splits, an intricate design.

One soul, two personalities, different yet the same,

A dance of light and shadow, in life's eternal game.


The clone awakens, a vessel of mortal flesh,

Unaware of its origins, it begins to thresh

Through the wilderness, it wanders and roams,

Seeking meaning in the echoes of ancient tomes.


One personality, innocent and pure,

Nurtured by life's experiences, it will endure.

The other, a flicker of the divine,

Guiding from within, a sacred sign.


Through trials and tribulations, the clone shall grow,

Unraveling the mysteries only the soul can know.

In the depth of solitude, it will find its own way,

Blending the mortal and divine, night and day.


Two perspectives intertwined, like threads in a loom,

Weaving a tapestry of existence, in the midst of gloom.

For within this enigmatic dance, a star shall ignite,

As the goddess's essence finds its purpose, burning bright.