
The God Who Watch Above

Once upon a time, there's a master of the world who likes to watch the scene on his world within the pile of clouds. "This girl is good. She has an unlimited potential!" The master said as he slide the screen to watch the next individual. "Hmm... This boy is also good. His potential is the same as the girl!' The master was satisfied as he slide his finger again. "Eh? This girl is interesting. I can't actually perceive her origin." The master was surprised when he scan the girl on the screen and what he see is just an empty space. "Hmm.. Amazing. This boy is fated with that girl! Both special." The master let a smile on his handsome ace. "This sibling is also good. That boy is great but unfortunately he's not destined for that girl." The master continue o judge the individuals n his screen. ... "I must need to choose which individual I will bring along with me when I go to that kingdom. But who should I choose?" The Master of the World suddenly fell into a dilemma as the ten figure he took an interest seems all promising. "Why don't you take them all?" Suddenly a voice resounded inside his space. "Eh? That's right! Why should I choose when I can take them all?" The master of the world finally come to a decision.

Zhowen_Xialin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 18: Successful Revival

"I want to stop it now, but ugh!!! I really hate you! You better compensate me!!" The divine spirit said angrily as it continues to fill the Dry Well with his water spell. Although he can stop the spell now, but if he did, he will die. Even if it's already a powerful being but there's an absolute rule that any revival spell must not be stop or failed since you have already put your life on stake the moment you cast the spell. It's either you take what's yours or you'll be taken by them.

"Okay.. okay... I'm sure we will gain from this, trust me." The tree spirit said enthusiastically.

"Uhm... Sofia, should we go now or let's wait for that spirit to finish?" Elise asked Sofia.

"Hmm... We are no longer needed from here so maybe we should take a leave now. Let's just go towards the Infinite Gravitational Stairs." Frank agreed despite the sadness for not getting any treasure said by the tree spirit.

"Wait. I.. I do feel like we will be needed at some point. I'm sure of it." Icy said firmly as she help Sofia.

"It's.. almost impossible. We... We are not that strong.. to be of help." Robin said while looking at Icy.

"Just trust me. I've never failed when it comes to my instinct." Icy said confidently as she look at the well who's still far, far away from being revive.

"Seedling! How in the world this well so deep? I'm already tired yet it was still not in one-fourth!" The divine spirit complained as it continue to supply the water rune with its energy.

"It might took you a day before you can finish it." The tree spirit said anxiously.

"Why don't you just kill me? Even though, I am this Divine Spirit, I'm still a life form! I have limits and weaknesses! How do you expect me to run this ultimate spell with my energy all night!" The Divine Spirit said wrongly.

"Don't worry. I will cast you a recovery and anti-fatigue spell from time to time." The tree spirit said to placate the Divine Spirit.

"That's good then. And also, you must know that in reviving, there's always been a lot of blood that was needed in order to be sacrificed that will give life essence to the target. So I assume that you have it already, right?" The divine spirit asked a question.

"I'll tell you after you finish filling up the well." The tree spirit said as it began casting recovery and anti-fatigue spell since it sense the fading energy of the divine spirit.

"Uhm.... It's impossible for that spirit to revive the well, so why don't we just go on to the Infinite Gravitational Stairs?" Frank was getting impatient and ask the rest.

"No! We will need you all later on, so better wait before you go to that Stairs." The tree spirit said hurriedly as it heard Frank.

"The tree spirit said that we should wait as we will be needed later on." Sofia send the message.

"See, I was right! My instinct never betrayed me." Icy said happily.

The five figure then continue to wait for the well to be filled while the two spirits continue to revive the well.

A day had passed and the divine spirit were obviously at its limit. The tree spirit was also exhausted now while the five figure were still in deep sleep.

The well who's dry before were now filled with crystal clear water while exuding a bit aura of life.

"Finally, we're almost there to completeness. Now, we should go on to the Sacrificial Blood phase." The divine spirit said exhausted but there's excitement in its eyes.

"Sofia, I need your help now along with your friends." The tree spirit said that alarm Sofia. Hearing the tree spirit, the five fugure then woke up slowly 2ith their eyes still closed.

"So, what do we need to do?" Elise asked Sofia before she sort herself.

"Just slit your palm in the center. All of you." The tree spirit said that receive an exclaim.

"Eh?! Slit our hands? For what?!" Frank exclaimed in surprise as he didn't expect that.

"Well, in all revival spell, there's always the Sacrificial Blood phase. And that's also the reason why we are needed." Elise has now understand the tree spirit.

"Ah.. but we won't die, right?" Icy asked anxiously.

"Well, it's possible that we may die but the tree spirit must have something up to its sleeve so we don't need to worry." Elise assured the rest as they all began slitting their hands.

Five kind of wounds began oozing out fresh crimson red bloods that was absorbed by the water in the well.

As the drop of bloods touch the surface of the water, the water began rotating clockwise as it form a vortex in the center. The crystal clear water began changing its color into crimson red while the life essence of the water began increasing non-stop.

Since the Divine Spirit has already filled the water, it dispell the previous ultimate spell and began incanting another ultimate spell.

"May God treasure all life, Blood Sacrifice!" The divine spirit said as the blood from the water began to be separated by an invisible force while the blood began to take shape. The blood consumption increase in an unbelievable speed that almost take the life of five figure.

"To Defy Death, Immune Death!" The tree spirit yelled as it also use an ultimate spell. Once the spell is done, an unbelievable light began to shine in the entire Dry Well as its dryness start to show signs of fading as vitality began to recover.

The complexion of the five figure began to be healthy once again but since the consumption rate of blood is too high, no matter how fast their recivery is, they're always at death's door. But since the Immune Death isn't one time use and for limited time use, it is still no problem since the five can recover their blood loss.

An hour later, the five figure felt as if they were snatch of energy as they just fell on the ground unconscious. The tree spirit were also at its limit since he use the Immune Death for fifteen times. The Divine Spirit were just glad that the revival was a success before it goes towards the Spiritual Holy Bead in Robin's Pheonix's Bow.

"Impressive! Very impressive! To be able to create a body for me, so wonderful!" A voice suddenly echoed within the Dry Well. The voice came from a handsome man that floats above the water in the Vibrant Well.

"Sigh... Finally, you're awaken now." The tree spirit breath a sigh of relief as it look at the handsome man. The handsome man were really too handsome that no one may compare to him. The handsome man were actually the result of Blood Sacrifice that came from the blood of the five figure. Since the five figure possess such good feature and qualities, it is no wonder that the man born from the spell would be this terrifyingly handsome.

The amount of energy in the handsome man were overflowing and the area that contains the Vibrant Well began to be filled with vitality in an instant.

In just a breath, the dry scenery were filled with beautiful and green scenery. Various kind of trees and flowers began to emerge while their level are still increasing. The Vibrant Well can be now considered as one of the ancient ground although it still lacks a lot.

"So handsome! This gift is really too blissful. You, as you're the one who contribute the most along with that Divine Spirit, you both shall have this." The handsome man said as it flick his hand.

In a moment, two shiny golden black bead appeared.

"Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you, Guardian of the Key!" The tree spirit was really excited at this moment. The golden black bead that was the size as a person's fist in its hand exudes an ordinary aura. The golden black bead can be mistaken as an ordinary rock but to the knowledgeable tree spirit, this ordinary rock were the most important thing in the world for spirits.

The golden black bead on its possession was called as the Spirit's Transformation Bead. The bead has nothing for humans nor other races but it can't be the same for spirits. Spirits can be classified with their evolution. Evolution is of great importance towards them since it is the one who can provide them with great body. Spirits are born bodiless, that's why they take possession on things that they can possess in order to last in this world. At most, the spirit can only last for ten days in the world if they don't have body. That's why they must have evolution.

Evolution is then divided into four levels. The first level is Integration. Integration is the ability to fuse itself in the body of the thing they want to possess. The second evolution is Separation. Separation is the ability to separate the body that it already fused with the thing it possessed. The third evolution is Manipulation. Manipulation is the ability to manipulate the possessed body to shrink or enlarge. And the last one is True Body. True body is the ability to create their own body by rearranging or reconstructing the thing they are in possession.

So in other words, the handsome man that was born were already at the last evolution despite it just being born.

And the tree spirit is already in the Manipulation stage, so if it evolves, then it can have its own body that can move freely and execute movements as well as spells, fighting skills, and etc. It's also the same case with the Divine Spirit.

Although the Divine Spirit can already move despite being in the Manipulation stage, it is because of its body, which is water. Water has no definite shape and can be flexible, thus the reason why the Divine Spirit can execute movement. But the disadvantage of it is brittleness. It can be easily broken by some attacks. Although the Divine spirit can manipulate the water again and again, but it needs a lot of energy to do so.

The tree spirit didn't dilly-dally and immediately absorb the Spirit's Transformation Bead.

The tree spirit suddenly felt a strong sense of sleepiness and sleep inside the space ring.

"And these five were also interesting. Especially this four children. Their potential is infinite." The handsome man said as it slightly touch each forehead of the five sleeping figure.

As the light touch was done, inside each spiritual lake, there seem to be a rumble that cause the calm spiritual lake to be distributed.

The life weapon basking in the spiritual lake in each of the figure were absorb by something as the same life weapon were produced but the amont of power were not the same. Their life weapon also took evolution and become far stronger than before. Its connection to its owner become successfully integrated as if they are one entity with their owner.

In life weapon, there's also an evolution but the stages were only two. The first stage was Creation. In creation, an individual must create their life weapon. And the last stage is, True Weapon. In true weapon, an individual must use all the spiritual energy in their spiritual lake to absorbed the life weapon they created. After absorbing, they must also once again used all the spiritual energy in their spiritual lake to actualize the life weapon that was absorbed.

"That's my gift for you for creating such a handsome figure." The handsome man said before it dive towards the Vibrant Well and disappeared in it.