
The God System.

Shen Li woke up bound to the God System one day. She would have to go to various other worlds before she could have any wish of hers granted. Follow her on her journey as she discovers secrets from her past and finds true love in each of the worlds.

Reina_Black · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Meng Suyin led Feng Mingli to his room and quickly ran to her room to get ready for the party. Since she couldn't get her wound wet she decided she wouldn't wear a swimsuit. So instead, she grabbed a cute little sundress from her closet.

The dress was pure white and ended a few inches above her knees. Since the dress had spaghetti straps and would show her bandaged shoulder, Meng Suyin also grabbed a matching shawl to cover her shoulders.

After Meng Suyin was dressed she slipped on some sandals and made her way back to Feng Mingli's room. Meng Suyin knocked on the door and it was soon opened.

Feng Mingli stood at the doorway wearing black swim trunks and a white t-shirt. He glanced at Meng Suyin's outfit and remembered that she couldn't get in the pool because of her shoulder. He looked closer at the shawl covering her shoulders and worried about how her shoulder would still have a scar even after it healed. Thinking about this he felt a bit bad so Meng Suyin heard another ding.

' Plus 6 points. New affection level: 12.'

At first Meng Suyin was confused but she saw Feng Mingli looking at her shoulder and quickly understood. She liked that Feng Mingli's affection level was going up but she didn't want him to keep focusing on her shoulder so she quickly looked at him and said," Let's go check on how the preparations are going. I should also go see my parents and let them know I'm staying home for the next few months."

Feng Mingli nodded and they both walked towards the living room. In the living room sat two older people. A man and a woman. The couple were the parents of the original Meng Suyin. The man was called Meng Jingxi while the woman was named Lu Shi.

Meng Jingxi had pale blonde hair with a few greys and black eyes. While Lu Shi had long brown hair with bangs and hazel eyes.

Meng Suyin could tell that Meng Jianyu and Meng Yun took after their father while Meng Suyin took after her mother. Which was ironic because Meng Suyin's mother was the one that hated her the most.

Lu Shi glanced at her daughter and there was a faint trace of disgust in her eyes but it disappeared as soon as she noticed Feng Mingli next to her. Meng Jingxi on the other hand didn't show disgust which confused Meng Suyin. Her father looked at her conflicted, but that look disappeared when he glanced at Lu Shi. After seeing his wife, his expression hardened and he looked at Meng Suyin with a cold expression.

Meng Jingxi said," What are you doing home? We sent you to the army to try and fix your bad attitude. Did you run away?"

Meng Jingxi glanced at Feng Mingli and continued," Is that why you're also here? To drag her back."

Feng Mingli was about to say something but he was interrupted by Lu Shi as she said," I bet it is. I'm sure she came back to ruin Meng Yun's birthday party. Well we won't be having any of that. You'll stay in your room during the party, and you'll leave with Feng Mingli tomorrow. He'll take you back to the army."

Feng Mingli glared at Lu Shi and she quickly stopped when she saw his glare was directed at her. Meng Jingxi apologized for Lu Shi and quickly asked Feng Mingli what was going on.

Lu Shi just stared at her lap tensely as Feng Mingli said," Meng Suyin has to stay home for the next few months. She was injured during an attack on our base camp by the enemy. I brought her with me since I was already coming here for Meng Yun's birthday party. After today is over I have to help my grandfather with the company for a few months so after that's finished I'll come back and take her with me back to the army."

Feng Mingli looked at Meng Suyin and said," We're staying here for half a year so after you've healed up I want you to start practicing martial arts. I don't want you being unable to defend yourself again. When I'm back I'll check up on your progress. If I'm not satisfied I'll kick you out of the army so you better be prepared."

Meng Suyin nodded and said," Ok, but I know nothing about martial arts so how am I supposed to learn it?"

Feng Mingli said," I'll find you a teacher. As long as you follow their instructions and work hard you should have no problem returning to the army."

Meng Suyin nodded and they both bid her parents goodbye before walking outside to the pool. There was a couple of people already at the pool, including Meng Yun and Meng Jianyu. Besides them, there were a few of Meng Yun's friends.

Meng Yun smiled when she noticed Meng Suyin and Feng Mingli and she dragged one of her friends with her up to them.

It was a girl with long wavy strawberry blonde hair and pink eyes.

Meng Yun said," You finally came out. You guys took forever getting ready. Anyway this is my friend Fan Ling. I believe this is the first time you've met my fiancé, Fan Ling what do you think?"

Fan Ling smiled and said," He looks great. I can see why you're always gushing about him. So you're a General?"

Feng Mingli nodded and the three continued making small talk. Feeling left out, Meng Suyin wondered if she should speak up when suddenly Meng Yun turned to her and said," I almost forgot, but Suyin why aren't you wearing a swimsuit? You can't go swimming if you're wearing that, and I know how you love swimming."

Meng Suyin gritted her teeth and had to stop herself from yelling at Meng Yun. Meng Yun had clearly said that even though she knew the original owner couldn't swim. The original owner was deathly afraid of the water since she almost drowned on her tenth birthday when Meng Yun 'accidently' pushed her into the water.

Meng Suyin suddenly had a bad feeling and that feeling worsened when Fan Ling peeked at Feng Mingli and grinned when she saw he was over at the snack table talking to a few guys. Fan Ling looked at Meng Suyin and then called one of the guys standing at the pool to come over.

When the guy came Fan Ling said," Hey it seems Meng Suyin wants to go into the pool but she's too afraid to get in it by herself. How about you help her get in. You can dunk her in that way she won't be so afraid of the cold water."

The guy nodded and started walking towards Meng Suyin. Meng Suyin wanted to run and she took a step back but the guy was faster and quickly grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder, and jumped towards the pool.

Meng Suyin screamed Feng Mingli's name but by the time he heard it was already too late. Meng Suyin had been submerged under the water. The guy holding her let her go and swam towards the surface. Probably thinking she'd just follow him up, but he didn't know the original owner couldn't swim.

Shen Li who was in her body could swim but the original Meng Suyin's fear took over her body and she flailed her arms all around trying to swim up. Her struggle was in vain though and she began sinking deeper.

Running out of air her vision began to blur and she eventually fell unconscious. The last thing she seemed to hear was a splash.