
The God Reaper

A normal teen bored by the shenanigans of the normal world is transmigrated into a world full of monsters, superpowers, empires, wars, gods. Wild thrills, varied techniques, wierd races. Will our protagonist survive and grow stronger or will he die without a grave?

Warhol_Ragnarok · Fantasy
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14 Chs


'This is the most fun I've ever had.' The area around Jay was cracked and barren a stark contrast to lush forest that surrounded it. Whew that was intense, But exhilarating at the same time. Jumping down from a ten-meter tree with a spear? Impossible for the old him, at least.

While Jay was still dazed, the other ape got up and walked towards his mysterious helper. From afar, he could tell they belonged to the same tribe, but recognition eluded him. As the figure approached his eyes widened.

"What...?" His voice rasped. "Ruben, is that you?"

Being called by the name of the body's previous owner, Jay turned around hurriedly and fixed his gaze on the other ape. The ape called after him repeatedly, but Jay did not respond. He just kept staring at him without giving him an answer.

"Ruben... oi, you alright?" 'did he hurt his head during that fall?'

'I can understand him? How? Oh yeah, must be that headache. Can I speak the same language as well?'

He forced a response, his voice shaky. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good... Actually, my memory is a bit hazy. Can you tell me your name again? "As Jay spoke, he noticed the cuts and gash on the ape's arm had vanished. Stunned, he blurted, "Where are your injuries? How did they heal so fast?"

"It looks like you really have lost your memory, huh? First, use this and heal that broken arm, then we will talk." The ape offered Jay a slimy black substance. It was squelchy and secreted fluids. Seeing this vile sight, Jay hesitated.

"C'mon, it's the healing soil. We've been using it for generations."

The sight repulsed Jay, but observing the ape's miraculous recovery, he hesitantly applied it. A cool sensation washed over him, and within moments, the swelling subsided, the pain vanishing. He stared, speechless.

"Completely healed," Jay finally muttered, stunned.

"Unexpected, you pulling off stunts like that," the ape said. "Regardless, I'm glad you helped me. Otherwise, I'd be a goner."

"But I saw you were doing well, even without my help," Jay countered. "What happened for you to stumble during the fight?"

"Poison," the ape, Rulf, spat. "Those gutless bastards have always used underhanded means. We've adapted over time, but this time it was stronger. Wonder where they got it from. Common knowledge, even the kids know it. What's wrong with you...? Oh, right, the fall." He apologized with a knowing smile.

"Oh, I'm Rulf. Want some water?" Rulf took out some water from his ring and handed it to Jay.

"Yeah, thank you." 'A storage ring, huh? So that's where his sword went. Man, I want one too. Everything would be so convenient.'

Rulf laughed. "Looks like you have your eye on my ring. Don't worry, go through your coming-of-age ceremony successfully, and the leader will present you with one himself."

"Yeah, I'll try". 'But why is he so carefree, though? I thought any survivors I would meet would be frantic, nervous, or even angry. Does he not know or doesn't care? pondered Jay, eyes narrowed, taking a sip from the sack of water.

 "On a positive note," he said "looks like you finally shed your cowardly nature. Good. I'm proud. You have an inherently strong body. With you finally taking missions and growing stronger, we'll have another powerful warrior in our tribe."

"Missions? What are you talking about?" Jay's irritation flared. "I was fleeing, trying to save my life. The whole tribe was attacked by the lizardmen. They caught us off guard, many died, even I was almost killed. If it weren't for the tribe leader, I would be dead as well. What are you on about? Aren't you a survivor too?"

A stunned silence followed. "Attacked?" he finally choked out. After a beat, he burst into laughter, a humorless sound. "You still have that morbid sense of humor, Ruben. But this is no time for jokes, especially during the time of the rites. Saying ominous things like that might upset the Great One."

"How can the tribe be attacked, and by those damn lizardmen who never had the balls to fight us head-on? Impossible!" Rulf's voice rose a notch. "I know half our warriors are out, but before anything can happen, the barrier would activate. And that's managed by the leader's younger brother. Though grumpy about being vice leader, he wouldn't do anything to hurt the tribe."

Instead of saying anything, Jay just stared at Rulf incredulously. As more time passed and no one said anything, Rulf's face got paler and paler. "Oh no, no, no, please tell me you are lying, Ruben. Fuck, fuck, that motherfucker, how dare he? How can he sacrifice the tribe for his own gain? No wonder those lizards were so close to the village! What happened to the leader? Is he alive?" Rulf roared, spittle flying.

"I don't know," . "Last I saw him, he was fighting the lizardmen alone. Some apes came to help later, but I don't know what happened after that." replied Jay, a bit intimidated.

Rulf's face contorted in a mask of fury. "I have to go back, help him if he's alive. Here, Ruben, hold onto those for me I can't take this batch back, it'll put them at risk. Listen carefully... don't come with me, it's too dangerous. Survive, and if I don't return in two days, run, hide. Just stay alive. We'll regroup somehow."

Handing him the pack tied on his back Rulf turned and bolted towards the direction of the village from, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake.

"Wait, Rulf, don't," Jay shouted, but Rulf was long gone.


My upload schedule is horrible I know, especially for a new author. Please bear with me. Ill try to upload more. Thank you

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