
The God Player System

In the year 2087, planet Earth was transported to a different universe through an artificially created black hole. Rodreiger Beta, a lowly miner on a planet known as Altria, lives a weak and marginalized life, with missing memories of his past, including his own family. His only wish is to become wealthy and secure. On his 27th birthday, he does something that he can't remember, and as a result, he becomes a Player, gifted with unique and powerful abilities. However, he's not the only one, and other Players start to come after him to take his Powers. Without warning, Rod is sucked into other Players' Games and has no choice but to sacrifice his peaceful life and compete with them, risking his life to beat them in their own games. All for the sake of getting the reward: [Title of the Highest being for Planet Earth and all humans - God (Authority Over Anything and Everything)] --------------------

Sin_Theta_San · Fantasy
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13 Chs

04 – The Game Begins

The moon shone lonely in the sky, without any stars or clouds. Today was one heck of a day for me. Thanks to my new status, now mining seems to be a little easy than before. I was restless in the morning, too panicked to think anything, took the wrong train, fell on the ground two-three times, but still compared to yesterday, it was somehow peaceful.

Even though, that event message in the morning was haunting me like a ghost.

The difficulty of that mentioned event is BB. If I started to count ranks from lowest to greatest the very beginning is from 'D',









The Guards are in the ranks from 'B' and 'BB', Whereas the LAW-Guards who are the main force will be placed up to 'AA'. The real problems will be the Squad who were in the ranks of 'AAA'. The 'S' Class people or should I refer to them as monsters were the absolute worse. These are the ones who maintain 'The Architect'. The top of the top. This is not the end of the ranks. The ranking is similar for missions and monsters also. But with each rank, the difficulty will rise to twice and thrice. A single 'B' rank monster will take up to three 'B' rankers to kill it, whereas an 'A' ranker can defeat it single handily.

High rankers have a certain level of influence on the society. They consist of hunters and adventurers. But the real people who bend society to their will are the High Class. They are the nobles of this world. They are the ones who created what is known as 'Architect'.

But now me, a rank of….? Wait, I don't even see my rank on my personal information. Will have to face them alone. There's no way that they will let me walk free if they know that my system is upgraded. The powers I have may become a threat to them in the future. I have to be careful and I can't let anyone see my system.

I was near to my home so I started to walk quickly. When I got home, I fell on my bed and started to feel the warmth of my bed. My only friend who accepts me and gives me the pleasure to sleep.


It was early in the morning and I was already wide awake. After some exercise, I remembered that I got some skills after becoming a player. I sat on my bed and opened my system.

[Personal Information]

[Players - Powers]

[Inbox (0)]


[System version – 1.1]

'It really is changed isn't it'. I thought to myself. There were no new messages like yesterday. I didn't open my personal information window as I knew what lies in it. I opened the other.

[Players - Powers]

Player 32 - Rodreiger Beta

Level – 30

Crown – XXXX

Crowns Collected – 0

Power – XXXX(X)

Game – XXXX

Skills – Miner(B), Citizen's System(D), Information Window(D).

Power Skills – (XXXX - ) …

[Reward: Title of Highest being on Planet Earth - God (Authority Over Anything and Everything on Planet Earth)]

Everything is still in XXXX. I still haven't known my own power. But there are 3 skills. I know what Miner skill is but there were other two skills left to check. I tapped on XXXX but nothing happened. With a frown on my face, I selected Citizen's System.

[Citizen's System – This skill will change all the contents of the system related to the Player to a normal citizen's system. Only you can see the true system.]

[Note – High Class and other Players can find out your true system. This skill will raise its rank itself. As the rank raises, new features will be unlocked]

After this message, the system flickered and changed in front of me.

[Citizen's System]

[Personal Information]




When I selected Personal information.

Name - Rodreiger Beta

Rank – Citizen

Level - 30

Coins: 23,900

(Health - 60) (Strength - 40) (Agility - 30) (Mana - 25)

Location – Mangblock Apartment Area, City Neo-Gen, Planet Altria, Eden's Way.

Quest - XXXX.

Well, it didn't disappoint me at least. The event was changed to quest. But still, the Quest has something on it. No matter what, I have to face that bloody event one way or another. Other than that, everything seems to be changed a little.

Afterward, I checked on the skill [Information window].

[Information Window – This skill will show the information of the object or a person you select]

[Note – Due to the skill in lower ranks the information will be limited. This skill will raise its rank itself.]

Well, I think I'll enjoy this [Information Window] skill more than [citizen's system]. when I started to think about these skills usefulness the alarm started to ring. Normally, I woke up by myself early and didn't need my alarm to wake me up. I only use it as a reminder for me to get ready for work and I seem to have completely forgotten about that.


After finishing my day's work, I went to the resting area. My group had already in there preparing to leave the place. If I had come a minute later, I would have left alone. I rushed and joined the group but stayed behind. The teleportation portal opened and we went outside the mining grounds. It still felt like just waking up. I saw the old portal manager is doing his work as usual. When I was joining with others to board the lift, that ugly bastard Kim Jaa called me.

'Damn him. Damn, damn. Shit' I started to curse. That ugly bastard had given me extra work again. He gives me all the extra work but don't report that to the manager and took all the credit for himself.

After cursing him and cooling myself off, I tightened my grip on the box he had given to me. I saw Albert heading towards the lift and decided to follow him silently. He had already changed into his formal. I stood beside him after entering the lift. I met his gaze when entering, but I stared him back with confidence. I was not as weak as I was. I had my system backing me, filling me with confidence and perhaps a little bit of overconfidence. There were still people coming to the lift so we had to wait. Suddenly he spoke to me –

"Seems like you have learned a lesson these past few days and changed yourself."

I think this was the first time he had ever talked to me. I didn't back down from the conversation also.

"You think so? I'm stronger and smarter than you think. But what makes you think that I have changed?" I asked and the lift started to activate.

"You seem like you have gained some confidence and you didn't hold your head down like you always do while walking" – he said

"Perhaps, you don't know me that well" - I replied in an arrogant voice.

"Hmm, but you never opened up yourself to others and I think I know you from somewhere" – he told.

I didn't know what to reply to and stayed silent. This is the longest conversation I ever had with someone other than Kim Jaa.

After the lift stopped, everyone went towards the entrance, leaving me that is, I still have this fucking errand to do. I went to the storehouse located in the 'Product Department' to drop off this box. The storehouse was quiet and filled with boxes and defective products. I placed the box given to me at the top of the stacks of boxes. I kinda become curious to see how much a stack of boxes can be placed above.

But... that didn't go well as planned and all the boxes fell. I cursed again and started to clean up. I saw that the box given to me holds a large dim crystal that I recognize very well. This was the crystal that guy held before he had killed himself and now it was worthless. I grabbed the crystal and then suddenly, several 'ding' sound was heard inside my head. I opened my system to check.

[You have been invited to a Challenge-Game by one of the marks left by a Player]

[You have to win the Game and Acquire the Crown]

[The Name of this Game is "Catch the Dead Player"]

[If you fail in this Game you will Lose your Body to the Player]