
The God of Wealth!

Notice: Spelling Errors have been fixed for all chapters before chapter 20. If you find any, please feel free to send me a message so that i can fixed them. Orphan Michael Croft wakes up after an unfortunate beating, only to find that he has acquired The System. With the help of the System Michael's optimistic life turns for the better leading him not only into the world of the rich and powerful but also a world of martial arts,magic and God hood. [Writers note] I write for fun. The story will be updated every day 1-2 chapters minimum if we have a good week going I might update more. Happy reading!

Uriel_Oblea · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter:4 A Williams Villa and how much money?

Chapter:4 A Williams Villa and how much money?


Just as Michael finished speaking a system window appeared in front of him.

The system window is opened. You have one unopened newbie gift bag and no new messages.

Would you like to open your gift?

Yes / No

Huff. OK, here we go, hopefully there's no more nonsense like before.

System open my gift

Yes / No

Fuck you wtf

Lol! Just kidding!

Ding! Your newbie gift bag has been opened.

Rewards: Williams Villa worth 10 million

Description: A Williams Villa designed by the most famous Architect and home designer in all of NewKingsville Mr.Joshua Williams, The Villa was designed as a gift and favor to his sister Jessica Williams after her company went public, the villa is design to symbolize prosperity and hope for the future, it consists of a professional size pool, an indoor hot spring,spa room, movie room, 2 Professional Grade kitchens 20 rooms including guests rooms a study room a wine Sellars and other facilities.

Reward: 2 billion dollars cash a black card and a billion dollar memberships card to K&K

Description: 2 billion dollars have been deposited to your bank account so be free to spend it. The black Card is a bank card given to the elite of elites,the minimum capital injection being of a billion dollars.There is no more than 10 in the world currently in use, the card offers special services for its customers such as discounts,rebates, loans with no limit and other services the host might need.

K&K membership card is a card made for the members of the K&K consortium any shop,clothing store, or business run or operated by K&K offers discounts and perks for its members the card is often used as a symbol of status amongst the rich and wealthy for money can't guarantee the ownership of a K&K Membership card.

Wtf ..A Williams Villa and how much money?

Is this real

Ding! Yes it's real!

Omg, wtf, no way! How does this work?

Hey system, how do I get the deed and the keys to the Villa?

Ding! You can head to your local Williams home's, After finishing the procedures the keys and paperwork should be handed to you. FYI the bank can and the membership card is already in your bedroom under the pillow of your bed.

Huh, that's simple! No .. system! Why didn't you put the deed under the pillow as well?

Ding! Idiot!! The house transfer requires you to sign for it. As for the bank card and membership card, those can be done online or by others.

Wait, don't I need to sign for the credit card too.

DING! DO you want to explain to others where the 2 billion dollars came from?

Oh, right.

After communicating with the system for a while Michael got back to business.

OK, so, system, what exactly are you doing, and why did you choose me.

Ding! You don't have the necessary credentials to receive an answer to your questions.

Okay, is there something you can tell me?

Ding! Yes

The system. Aka Me! Yay!! Am a tool to help the host, that means you to reach a goal that will help you stand above your peers.

Anything and everything the system does is 100% correct be it the information given, or the guidance towards the host.

OK, so, what are you offering? You already made me rich is that all there is to it.

Ding! No, as of now you can be considered rich, but not enough to enter the world's rich list and definitely not rich enough to hide from it.

You can choose to be anything, the system guarantees that even if you are a waste, and completely useless that can't amount to anything by yourself, that you can at least reach the standards of a scholar given the standards of your world.

Hey hey hey I feel like you're trying to tell me something.

Ding! Sigh... you should get going, it's been 30 mins since you went into the bathroom. Your roommate might think you are doing something other than bathing.

Fuck! I almost forgot! Who's fault is it?
