
The god of the space

A boy who died in a tragic accident, went to a place which neither heaven or hell, but a place were he meet God of all the gods and god of all the devil and demon, were both of the give their all power to him and made him a supreme being that rule over all space and knows the secrets of space. This is a story of a boy who became a supreme being, went to different planet, save its residents and make his own harem of girls of around more than 10 lakh

Rednightfox · Urban
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2 Chs

2.The planet of slavery

After what all happened, in my mind, it was just like a dream and I am soon woke up, but suddenly, I hear a voice saying" wake up master". what the heck, who is that, I open my eyes and saw a gaming window in front of me. I realize suddenly that everything up until now is true. The window in front of me starts speaking, "it's nice to meet you master". so you are the system that was designed to help me, is that right. " yes master, I will do my best to help you by all means". so what's in the agenda. First, we have to save a planet. I spoke, what kind of planet. The window spoke," the planet of slavery". well, it's my first time hearing that kind of name. after that window gives me the detail of the planet. In the details is being said, that on this planet have of the population is slaved by many races and the majority of the slaved population consist of women and they are being slaved for their sexual pleasure. So basically I have to save all the women and other people from slavery and abolished slavery from this planet is that right?. The window says yes master. well then let's go. In addition, suddenly the window spoke, "master you have to keep in mind that the majority of the population is women". ok..., well then let's go and one more thing, from now on your name is Jarvis. Thanks, master for giving me a name.

After that, we travel to the planet at a light speed. well, I truly become a Supreme being. we reach the planet and from view up of space is telling me that this planet needs help. with my power, I zoomed my vision and what I saw is that a group of men raping many women. After seeing that I couldn't feel anything, is true that I become something inhuman, if I were a human I couldn't sand. to watch it. So this the power of a Supreme being. well, I was once a human, now I am not, but I have to help them. well, Jarvis let's go. yes, master. we dive into the planet's atmosphere and Pearce through it and landed near the incident sites. After lading, the group of men saw me and said something to me but I couldn't understand what they are saying. Jarvis notifies me of the translator through which I can talk in their language. I on the translator and start talking to them to leave the women's alone. They see each other and start saying so we have a hero here. All of his companions start laughing and said did you see those, he pointed towards some corpse and said he is the brother of all these women and the husband of these three women. I spoke at that time so you kill him so that you can have fun with his women and his sisters. the man said, looks like you are an intelligent one, so get the hell out of them here if you don't want to die. If I don't go what can you do. the men spoke to his companions well then boys show him what it means to go against us, that moment a woman who was getting **** bite one of the arms of the man and yell to me boy run, run for the life, by seeing her all the other women's start fighting but they couldn't withstand their attack. At that time I yelled, Mother fuckers stop that otherwise. the men spoke otherwise what can you do. then I suddenly walked towards the men corpse of the men. The leader of the bad guys spokes " boy look at the corpse carefully and just get the heck out of here". I raised my hands and cast a magic spell from which the dead men were resurrected. everyone was shocked, the man itself was shocked, he spoke I was dead, how I am alive. I spoke, " I bring you back to life". the man looks too me and said thank you for bringing me back to life, but my wife and sisters are in danger and I have to save them. I spoke, "are you referring to them". After seeing them in this condition, he screams in anger, this makes the men's fear. At that time all the women are crying seeing their brother and husband come back to life. well, but the leader of the bad guys was not only shocked but was also feared, he spoke in a trembling voice, " who are you?. I spoke, " I will give you ten seconds to run or you all die". one of them spoke what kind of nonsense is that and he suddenly cast a spell which brings a fire tornado and it engulfs me. The man who I resurrected back to life screams no and so as well the women's. The men spoke, "how you like that". I spoke " well to tell you the truth fire doesn't have any effect on me. After telling that phrase I come out of the flame tornado without any burn marks and scratches. The bad guys were trembling in fear, but the woman and man I save were in shock. They suddenly turn around and start running. I swing my fingers and make the tornado in front of them blocking their way. I teleported in front of them and said " I told you have lost your chance of living and now it's your time to die ". one of them knell in front of me and beg me not to kill him but I slash his head with my telekinesis. At that moment I realized I killed someone but why I don't feel anything is because I became a Supreme being. At that moment the leader of the bad guy yells at his people " fear not let's just kill him with magic". They use many spells but they couldn't scratch me. I spoke," you all are over, now it's my turn". Their leader screams and starts running but appears in front of him and holds his left arm and rips it off. He screams in pain and yelling please stop, but I did not stop and continued to rip him off, and his companions. After killing them I reached towards the injured women but suddenly the men I help comes in front of me and said please leave them alone I am thankful for helping us but please don't kill them. I raised my arm and cast a healing spell. they were all shocked. I spoke " is everyone is all right ". They all come forward and kneel in front of me and said we all thank you for helping us and saving us. I asked the name of the boy and he told me that his name is galob. Galob spoke that I should become their master as I help them and all the women agreed to it. I told them is it ok to you because I am a stranger to you. They told me that they have nowhere to go and I save without knowing them for them it means I am a good guy. so I decided to take them with me. one of the women whose name was roba asked me what I am going to do after this? and I said to save this world. They were all shocked one of them said it impossible to do. But they suddenly become numb after seeing me massacred high-level wizards. one of them can destroy a whole continent but I kill them just like an ant. Galob asked me who am I?. I told him that when the time comes I will tell them what I am?.

After that, I summoned my portable mansion from my dimensional bag, they all were surprised again, one of them said how much powerful I am. I gave them food, which was made by me thanks to the power I got, now I am a god of the chef. After that, we have some talk with each other, and Jarvis notifies me that I did tell my name to them. Well then guys sorry about that I haven't introduced myself, my name is shato urami nice to meet you all. They all smiled and say nice to meet you master shato. And like this my first day on this planet comes to end. But it was just a starting, those who rule over the slaves don't know that their end is coming and for the slave their freedom.

-------------------++++end of chapter 2++++------------