
The God of the Mojave

Sitting in front of the Evaluation & Reincarnation board of angels, Elias Stone stands awaiting their judgment.

Soul_Simp · Video Games
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Elias Stone

Elias stands at attention with his feet apart, back straight, head held high, and arms behind his back.

The group of five angels talk amongst themselves, they finally come to a decision.

The only angel seemingly with a halo addresses him, "Elias Stone, born and bred soldier, served in Vietnam for eleven years before being promoted to general"

"You redefined what it was to be a soldier before leaving and starting your own private military force called Black Sun that you used to transport drugs, guns, and gold illegally into America"

"After twenty more years, you retired with your wife and adopted son. Your son introduced you to your first ever computer game, Fallout New Vegas"

"For your rather outstanding life as a soldier and survivor, we are sending you to heaven... what would you like your personal realm to look like?"

Mulling over his thoughts for a moment, he nods to himself, "I'd like it to be the world of Fallout"

The angels give signs of acceptance, "Please be aware that this realm will not be a game, they will be real people with feelings, families, memories, and personalities"

Elias remains quiet allowing them to continue speaking while paying attention to every word.

"You will be given five wishes, what would you like?"

Loosening his posture a little, he runs through the many choices and ideas in his head, "Would it be too much to ask for my own system?"

The angels chuckle while shaking their heads, "No, you are basically the god of your own realm, you can wish for anything"

He nods his head at their statement, "I only want a few things, I want the same system from the Fallout Fanfic, Steel Waste"

"Secondly, I want to start at level four"

"Thirdly, I want there to be no level cap"

"For my fourth wish, I want there to be a thousand more perks"

"Lastly, I want to start two months before the main story begins"

Before any more words could be spoken, he's sent away in a flash of light.


Shaking his head, his blurred vision dissipates showing him a nice view of the Mojave. He sits atop a small rocky hill.

He looks around to get a good grasp on his surroundings, Looking straight across from him, he sees Novac and its big green dinosaur.

Before he can take a step, he's greeted by several pings.

[Welcome to Level One]

Before anything can start, he enters his name, Elias stone before looking at his stats that are all fives.

With five Stat points to spend, he takes two points from Luck and one from Charisma, adding three points to his five.

He then two points to Strength, Perception, Endurance, and Agility before pressing confirm.

After this, he's greeted by his stats screen with a message telling him to Tag three skills, increasing them by fifteen.

He wasted no time, quickly choosing Guns, Medicine, and Unarmed.

For his traits, he chose Trigger Discipline and Wild Wasteland.

[Welcome to Level Two]

[Welcome to Level Three]

[Welcome to Level Four]

He smiles slightly as his skills screen pops in front of him once again with thirty-six points to spend, which he used to increase his Guns stat to seventy.

He also made sure to pick up the perks, [Rapid Reload] & [Educated]

As the screens vanish from his vision, he feels a surge of power flowing through his body and unknown knowledge becoming known and merging with his body.

After a few minutes, he takes a deep breath before walking down the hill towards Novac.

He checked his attire, to see himself wearing a pitch-black combat outfit with an MP5 in mint condition, a 9mm pistol with a silencer, serrated combat knife, three stimpacks, two radaways, and a few day's rations worth of food and clean water.

Entering the town as the sun starts to set, he sees his first possible companion, Craig Boone, walking into the green dinosaur.

Walking up after him, he walks past the vendor inside the dinosaur and up towards the crows next that Manny and Boone use as a lookout.

Knocking on the door three times, he opens it to see Boone looking at him, "You're not supposed to be up here, you need something?"

Closing the door behind him, he gives the sniper a nod, "My name is Elias Stone, I have a proposition for you"

Shaking his head, Boone waves him away, "Not interested"

This causes the smile on Elias' face to grow a little, "Not even if I can tell you who sold your wife to the Legion"

Spinning around with great speed, Boone looks at him with a vicious predatory glint in his eyes, "How do you know about what happened to my wife?"

He motions for Boone to sit, "Let us have a chat, shall we?"

Boone keeps his gun in his hands as he sits on the chair he normally sits in when he's on the lookout.

"I have a lot of information, including, the person who sold your wife, and I'll give you that information for three years of service"

"In those three years, we will make the Mojave a much safer place as we take down bandits, fiends, and legion alike"

Boone sits quietly, mulling over his words, "How do you know I won't just refuse to go with you after I kill the person responsible?"

Elias loses his smile, looking at the sniper as if he was stupid, "You hate the legion more than anyone in the Mojave. You wouldn't refuse the chance to weaken them to the point of getting Caesar's head on a platter"

Chewing the inside of his cheek, boon nods, "What are the rules of being in your service?"

Elias nods, "good, I have three rules, You kill whoever i tell you to, no holds barred and no questions asked"

"You will never reveal any information about me to anyone, and take off that beret, we are not affiliated with the NCR"

After a grumble and groan, Boone takes off the beret, "Fine, who killed my wife?"

Satisfied with Boone's decision, he reveals the information, "Jeanie May, she has the bill of sale in her little safe behind her store counter"

Boone goes red in the face as he storms past his new boss and out of the dinosaur, within a few minutes, screams could be heard before a loud gunshot.

After what seemed like only a few minutes, Elias and Boone walk up the road, heading for Cottonwood Cove.

Walking in silence, they arrive at their destination after almost an hour. He turns to Boone, "Take up position in the Sniper's Nest over there, I'll sneak in under the cover of darkness and slit some throats... once the combat starts, you can start blowing off heads, try to aim for their ranged units"

The sniper nods before jogging off to his position.

Normally, taking on a base filled with at least fifty soldiers sounds like a death sentence but will 70 points in guns, Rapid Reload, and VATS... this was gonna be fun.

'Time to earn some levels', Elias thinks before covering his face and hands with dirt, to better blend in with his surroundings.

'Let's get this shit started'