
The God of Technology

**Synopsis: Hashi, the God of Technology** Hashi, a man burdened by loss, finds himself at the edge of despair after losing his family. But before he can act, he is transmigrated twelve years into the past. Gifted with the Technology System, he embarks on a journey to master its power and rewrite his tragic history. With unrivaled knowledge and skills, Hashi revolutionizes the world and uncovers the secrets of his transmigration. As he faces adversaries and unravels cosmic plans, he discovers the true extent of his capabilities and the boundless potential of technology. "Hashi, the God of Technology" is a thrilling tale of redemption, ambition, and the fusion of humanity and innovation.

Loko_Poko1 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

System template


Technology System Interface:

Name: Hashimoto Sato.

Race: Human

Level: 1

Experience Points (XP): 0/100

AP (Ability Points): 10


- Strength: 6

- Agility: 13

- Intelligence: 4

- Wisdom: 5

- Charisma: 8

- Luck: 5

Average Attribute Value: 10


- Mechanical Repairing: Level 8


- Main Quest: "Becoming Financially Independent"

Crafting and Upgrading:

- Material Gathering: Level 4

Faction Influence:

- Reputation: 0 (Unknown to this world)

- Faction Quests: 0

System Store:

- System Points (SP): 110

inventory [empty]


System Features:

1. Leveling System: Gain experience points (XP) to progress and increase your level.

2. Attribute Enhancement: Allocate AP to improve your attributes and enhance your abilities.

3. Skill Development: Hone your Mechanical Repairing skill and unlock new skills as you level up.

4. Quests: Undertake main quests and fulfill objectives to advance your journey.

5. Crafting and Upgrading: Improve your proficiency in Material Gathering to gather resources for crafting and upgrading technological items.

6. Faction Influence: Gain reputation within factions to unlock special quests and benefits.

7. System Store: Spend System Points (SP) to acquire valuable items, blueprints, and skill upgrades.

8. Inventory: Manage your acquired items and resources efficiently.

Note: The Technology System is a powerful tool that grants you access to advanced technological knowledge, skills, and resources. Use it wisely to unlock your potential and accomplish great feats in the realm of technology.

Hashi's eyes widened in surprise as he realized that his agility attribute was higher than his strength. He couldn't believe it and said to himself, "I didn't expect to be more agile than the average person." Thoughts raced through his mind as he tried to understand what this meant.

Looking at his other attributes, Hashi was taken aback. He muttered, "My intelligence is lower than most people... But wow, I have a charisma score of 8." It surprised him that he possessed some charm. He continued, "And what about luck? I always thought I had no luck at all... Well, this system seems a bit broken to me."

Hashi remembered reading light novels where systems had helpful assistants. He wondered why his system remained silent. Determined to get a response, he called out, "Hey, Technology System... Are you listening?" No answer came, leaving him feeling frustrated.

Undeterred, he tried again with a stronger tone, "Hello, System... Are you there?" Still met with silence, Hashi's frustration grew. He mustered his courage for one last attempt, shouting, "Status...!"

Finally, a screen panel appeared, displaying his current status. A wave of relief washed over him as he realized he could interact with the system through this interface. He chuckled softly, saying, "Well, I guess I won't have a chatty system assistant... That's fine, I never liked talking to myself anyway."

Filled with curiosity, Hashi studied the screen, eager to explore the Technology System's capabilities and functions.