
The God of Nihility

The death of his parents made Jack understand that without strength he was nothing more than a speck of dust. From then on, Jack's personality slowly turns ruthless as his desire for strength increases. However, at the peak of his life, an unforeseen earthquake kills him. Just when he thought his life had come to an end, Jack was reborn into the fantastical world of Krulon as an elven male: Zaos. Yet, his new life in this elemental world unfolds amidst a war between the elven species and the mystic humans. Armed with the unique void arts, Jack conquers all the obstacles thrown at him. However, the significance of his unique gift was something even he could not anticipate…

Smiling_Serpent · Fantasy
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84 Chs

Chapter 10: Bloodlust

[I didn't expect my blood lust to be this intense, the records don't accurately convey the severity of the situation!] Zaos' expression twisted as he recalled the events that had just taken place.

He detested the feeling of not being in complete control of himself, it made him feel weak, and he hated weakness.

[I need to find a way to curb this desire!] Zaos decided to head to the clan's hideout and search the library for a solution.

He couldn't bare to have such an obvious weakness that could possibly incriminate him.

But before he left, he did his best to erase all evidence of his presence in the area.

Despite his actions, Zaos wasn't worried. The mercenary city was a lawless zone with no governing body leading it.

Naturally, law enforcement was also absent, so crimes like murder frequently happened here, and the majority of them went unnoticed for a long time.

Order in the settlement was only loosely maintained by the mutual restraints mercenaries placed on each other. This stopped them from going overboard with their actions against the regular members of the settlement.

However, there existed some exceptions, like gangs formed for regular residents and lawless mercenaries possessing great strength.

Zaos went to Ronik's home first. He did his best to avoid others on the way there as the blood stains from his earlier battle hadn't been removed.

When he arrived at the home, he washed up and changed into some fresh clothes; a black wool coat, a purple shirt, and a black pair of trousers.

[I should inform Mr. Ronik of my departure.] Zaos thought as he straightened out his black wool coat.

He swiftly left the house and went to Ronik's shop.

Ronik was surprised to see Zaos return, and asked in concern, "Is there something wrong?"

Zaos quickly organized his thoughts, "I wish to return to the hideout to retrieve something I left behind." He answered.

"Oh! In that case, you may go. Just be sure to return before nighttime." Ronik instructed. He turned his focus away from Zaos and back to the paperwork he had been organizing.

"Ok." Zaos acknowledged before leaving the shop and subsequently the settlement.

Before long, Zaos had arrived at the hideout. He entered through one of the secret entrances and proceeded down the cold, dark hallway.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

Zaos was forced to stop in his tracks when he heard the sound of footsteps coming from ahead.

[There is someone here?] Zaos tensed, he propped himself against the wall and slowly turned invisible.

[Although it could be a clan member, it's better safe than sorry.] Zaos maintained his vigilance.

The footsteps got louder and after a few tense seconds of waiting, Zaos saw a figure.

It was a figure shrouded by a red cloak, they moved quickly through the hallway as if in a rush to get somewhere.

[It's not the investigator… ] Zaos concluded since the figure in front of him lacked the overwhelming pressure the investigator possessed.

The figure ran past Zaos' position and headed out of the hideout through the entrance Zaos had used. They didn't notice Zaos' presence.

Zaos waited for a few minutes, when he was sure the other party had departed, he began making his way towards the library without canceling his elemental weave.

When he got to the door, he waited patiently, and after assuring himself that he wasn't followed, he entered.

After smoothly entering the library, Zaos canceled his elemental weave and smiled wearily.

[I guess I was a little paranoid. It was probably a clan member on the run or something.] Zaos sighed.

[Let's get this over with,] Zaos quickly cleared his mind of his useless thoughts and, with a serious expression, began searching through the library for information regarding his problem.

[Found it!] Roughly an hour later, Zaos held a book in his hands, he had a wide smile on his face as he gazed at its content.

[It says here that by using the blood of a skivii and the leaves of a vene-zular, an elixir can be concocted. This elixir can be used to suppress bloodlust!] Zaos excitedly read through the book's content.

[However, I haven't heard of a skivii or a vene-zular before…

[Ah! I believe there is an encyclopedia on savage beasts and herbs here!] Zaos began searching through the rows of neatly lined up bookshelves as he recalled his knowledge of savage beasts.

On Krulon, some animals had the power to channel mana into their bodies, and slowly evolve into stronger creatures, these creatures were known as savage beasts. They were extremely hostile and had the strength to threaten elves and mystic humans.

[Here!] Zaos grabbed a large leather cover book from one of the bookshelves. He flipped through it and stopped at the page dedicated to the savage beast known as a skivii.

The page had a painting of a creature that looked like a cross between an ape and a bat. It was a dark creature with the head of a vampire bat, and the body of a monkey. On its back were two large fleshy wings with a wing span of more than twice its body length.

Zaos read through the information quickly, and his expression slowly sank.

[A creature that feeds on blood and can merge with the darkness around it… worse yet, it lives in the forsaken woods! That place is packed full of savage beasts!] Zaos thought in frustration.

[Maybe I can find its blood in the settlement.] Zaos sighed before promptly flipping to the page containing information on the plant known as vene-zular.

Vene-zular was an ash-gray plant that grew in a dark and cold environment, especially in caves. It released a type of toxic mist that numbed any creature that inhaled it.

[At least it can be found easily.] Zaos sighed in relief as he saw the description of the plant.

Zaos returned the encyclopedia to the bookshelf, he grabbed an ink pen and a sheet of paper from the wooden desk in the library and jotted down the recipe for the elixir.

When he was done, he tidied up the library and quickly exited the hideout. This time, he didn't run into anyone on his way out.

Zaos swiftly made his way back to the mercenary city, and by the time he arrived, the stars had already risen in the sky.

[What a long day,] he lamented in exhaustion.

Smoothly making it into Ronik's home, Zaos proceeded to head to his room but stopped when he saw Ronik in the hallway.

"Did you get what you needed?" Ronik asked in a leisurely tone.

"...Yes," Zaos responded. He had forgotten to bring something back with him as proof.

[I'll just show him my weapons if he asks.] Zaos thought. He had a habit of keeping his weapons close.

"Alright. Have some rest, you can decide whether to head to the store tomorrow." Ronik patted him on the shoulder before heading to his room.

"Ok." Zaos acknowledged before continuing to his room.

After entering the room, Zaos took off his coat and boots before collapsing on the bed.