
The God of Martial Arts

A young scum receives a supreme inheritance, obtains a heavenly divine vein, learns a supreme martial art, and masters a superb dan art, which makes him proud of the world on his martial path!

DaoistjxgTY4 · Fantasy
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155 Chs

Chapter 91 - Inner Courtyard

Chapter 91 - Inner Courtyard

The most excited person was Yun Xiaodao, as soon as he stepped out of that Xuan Realm, he yelled to go to that evil-eyed man to ask for a thousand True Qi Pills, Zhu Rong saw that Yun Xiaodao won a thousand True Qi Pills so easily and was jealous.

According to the calculation of 500 crystals per True Qi Dan, this thousand True Qi Dan is 500,000 crystals, this is definitely a large amount of money!

"Brother Shen, this one thousand true qi pills I one you nine, after all, I just bear the bet only, casually said, did not expect to get so much!" Yun Xiaodao laughed, although the number is large, but in his eyes is nothing, over the years, he ate is not worth this.

Shen Xiang saw that Yun Xiaodao did not take true qi pills seriously, he could not help but secretly smack his lips, but he thought of the Yun family is one of the four great families in Taiwu Prefecture, he did not think it was a big deal, a great family, holding a large number of crystal minerals, medicinal materials, demonic beasts and so on, although not as big as the big sects, but under those big sects, it is also considered the richest.

"Fatty, your Zhu family is comparable to our Yun family, it should be richer than us, because you are all petty and treacherous!" Yun Xiaodao patted Zhu Rong's back and laughed.

Zhu Rong just grunted, and judging from his size, he knew that his family was very rich.

Zhang De shook his head and sighed: "Having a good background can make people struggle for decades less!"

Shen Xiang and the others followed Zhu Rong to the Three Hundred and Twenty-ninth Martial Academy, which was the weakest Inner Martial Academy and a must-visit place for those who had just entered the Inner Martial Academy.

"Not a single person?" Yun Xiaodao said suspiciously, then shouted up, "Is there anyone? Come out and greet the newcomers!"

Zhu Rong bristled and said, "Don't shout, no one has entered the inner sect for years, it's always been like this here!"

Shen Xiang asked, "So, people from this Inner Martial School have entered martial schools with higher rankings? But in that case, someone should have been beaten down."

Zhu Rong nodded: "That's true, but the Inner Martial Academy disciples have many tasks that are heavy and dangerous! Although there are more than three hundred Inner Martial Academies, but each Inner Martial Academy has no more than ten inner disciples inside, and the one I'm staying in now has only five people!"

The benefits of the Inner Martial Academy are very good, each month you can receive thirty true qi pills and three thousand crystals, and one true yuan pills per year. When you go out to carry out the mission you can also get some healing and antidote pills, and there are also rewards after completion, Zhu Rong that precious white jade scatter is how to come.

"All the people in this Inner Martial Academy are dead, and the Inner Martial Academy from three hundred to three hundred and twenty-nine is empty." Zhu Rong's face became serious, inner disciples are not so scenic, they also have their own mission.

"Then why don't you bring me to number three hundred?" Yun Xiaodao gave him a white look.

"Yun Kid, I'm doing this for your own good, the higher the number, the more dangerous the mission you receive, you should wait for Shen Xiang to enter the 10th level of the Mortal Martial Realm before moving forward step by step!" Zhu Rong said.

Shen Xiang also agreed: "We have just entered the inner sect, we can learn more high level martial arts, after we have mastered it and our strength has stabilized, then we can move forward!"

"Go for it, I'm only two hundred martial arts academies now, this is something I tossed around for quite a while before I got mixed up, you guys clean up well, I'm leaving." Zhu Rong walked quickly, worried that Shen Xiang asked him to help clean up the same.

This martial courtyard inside has gathered many small mansions, residence and martial courtyard are together, in the future Shen Xiang they do not have to walk a distance to walk to the martial courtyard inside every day.

"I do not sleep here, you two busy!" Yun Xiaodao gave a cheeky smile and also left.

Because there was no one living here for many years, there was a lot of dust and leaves inside, so Shen Xiang and Zhang De cleaned it for most of the day.

Shen Xiang in a room with many auxiliary exercise apparatus inside, found that these apparatus are not much use, either too light, or exercise requires a lot of time.

"These things are just for killing time, the real cultivation is to train in various extreme ways or to go out for training." Zhang De said.

Just then, Yun Xiaodao came back, and he shouted excitedly, "Brother Shen, I went to ask that evil-eyed goods for the True Qi Pill, and this guy actually gave it to me very quickly, come and see if it's fake."

For that bet, Shen Xiang didn't put much thought into it, and he thought it might be troublesome to claim that thousand True Qi Pills, and there might even be a conflict.

Yun Xiaodao took out ten jade boxes, each containing one hundred True Qi Pills, and after Shen Xiang examined them, he was sure that they were not fake, and although the grade was not as good as the ones he had refined, they all met the standard requirements.

Yun Xiaodao only needs one box, while Shen Xiang originally wanted to give Zhang De a box, but Zhang De refused to accept, and finally bought a box at half price.

Zhu Rong once gave Shen Xiang a box of White Jade San, and Shen Xiang also gave Zhu Rong a box in order to thank him. Despite this, Zhu Rong was still full of jealousy when he received it and intended to buy three boxes at half price, but he was kicked away by Yun Xiaodao.

"Damn shameless fatty!" Yun Xiaodao scolded.

"We are also considered inner disciples, let's go and collect our stuff, and we can also go to the Inner Martial Scripture Pavilion to look for good Xuan and Earth grade merit methods." Yun Xiaodao shouted excitedly and rushed out of the martial academy.

The place to receive things was in the place where the Tai Dan Academy was set up in the Inner Martial Academy, a True Martial Realm disciple was in charge, Shen Xiang received thirty True Qi Pills and one True Elemental Pill, as well as three thousand crystals, and a competent ninth-degree mortal weapon, which was a dragon head greatsword!

Yun Xiaodao and Zhang De both received a random one, they did not attach importance to weapons.

On the way to the Inner Martial Arts Pavilion, Yun Xiaodao saw Shen Xiang playing with the dragon head steel sword and asked, "Brother Shen, what's so good about this nine-degree mortal weapon? Old man Zhang and I are using spirit weapons now."

Shen Xiang was stunned and instantly understood why they were all receiving them casually, so they actually had spirit weapons!

The cheapest section of the spirit weapon would cost a hundred thousand or so crystals, and it was not surprising that they could have it.

"I haven't seen a spirit weapon yet, what are they like?" Shen Xiang asked curiously.

Yun Xiaodao took out a broadsword and said proudly, "This is a five-dimensional spiritual weapon, the Sky Wolf Sword, cost one million crystals, the material is forged from the bones of the Vajra Iron Wolf, it is incredibly hard! And the sword is carved with spiritual patterns on the body, can spiritually absorb the fusion of spiritual true qi, the original true qi becomes stronger! The sword body has the same meridians as a human, so when the true qi is poured into it, it can flow unimpeded, and the hilt of the sword is inlaid with the demon dan of the vajra iron wolf, so if the true qi of the demon beast inside the demon dan is pushed out, it will be even more powerful!"

Shen Xiang could indeed see many beautiful and arcane patterns on the sword's body, which glistened beautifully under the sunlight.

"This is something that can be ranked within a five-dimensional spiritual weapon! The cost of construction is only a million, but the overall value is more than that, this is something that their Yun family relied on their connections and had a well-known refiner refine." Zhang De said with a face of envy and jealousy.