
The God of Martial Arts

A young scum receives a supreme inheritance, obtains a heavenly divine vein, learns a supreme martial art, and masters a superb dan art, which makes him proud of the world on his martial path!

DaoistjxgTY4 · Fantasy
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155 Chs

Chapter 89 - Green Xuan Fruit

Chapter 89 - Green Xuan Fruit

Shen Xiang was able to catch up with the blue-eyed leopard, but he deliberately chased after it not too fast but not too slow, with the obvious purpose of following the blue-eyed leopard to see where the leopard would finally escape to.

The old guys inside the Elder Academy quickly saw Shen Xiang's purpose, which made them all a little upset.

Shen Xiang followed the blue-eyed leopard came to a relatively large tree, the blue-eyed leopard is climbing on top of the tree, Shen Xiang also climbed climb up.

There is a hole in the tree above, Shen Xiang entered the inside, the blue-eyed leopard but shivering, it has no way back.

On the pile of grass inside the cave, there were several stones shaped like eggs that were emitting a greenish haze, Shen Xiang sucked in a breath of cold air and exclaimed: "Green Xuan fruit, or five! This is an important material for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill!"

Green Xuan fruit is a kind of earth fruit, are some old trees under the root condensed a lot of spiritual energy, plus the special conditions of heaven and earth to grow out, very rare!

As he spoke, Shen Xiang quickly put the five fruits into his storage bag, then smiled at the blue-eyed panther and said, "Thanks! I won't kill you anymore."

Jumping down from the tree, Shen Xiang was excited in his heart and quickly left this mountain forest, being able to get these five Qingxuan fruits was something he did not expect. The group of Elders Academy was even more unexpected, although they were all strong, but seeing a brat who had not yet entered the True Martial Realm get these goodies, they could not help but be jealous.

When morning came, the warm sunlight shone in this Xuan Realm. Shen Xiang, holding a steel sword in one hand, stood on a mound, looking at the green grassland and searching for demon beasts.

Some of the people in the Elder Academy also left, but that Wu Kaiming and Elder Dan were still there, they were both in charge of the examination and must have supervised the whole process.

"This nasty kid coming to the plain in broad daylight is looking for death, that's where the tenth-grade iron-armored demon cow feeds!" Elder Dan sneered.

"This kid's martial arts is odd, actually able to make the demon beasts fear him, could it be Dragon Martial?" Wu Kaiming's face was full of doubts.

At this time, Shen Xiang on top of the mound saw twenty or so demon cows coming out from inside a mountain forest, stepping heavily and making a loud noise, they were all covered with a piece of brownish-red hard armor that looked very sharp, and there were also two sharp horns like a big scythe on top of their heads, looking at that stance, as if they could pierce through everything.

At once is twenty, and also ten grade demon beasts, if ordinary martial artists see, will choose to avoid, but Shen Xiang did not, but carry the sword dash over.

"This kid crazy is not looking for death?" Wu Kaiming could not help but say, although he had seen Shen Xiang's strength, but did not think that Shen Xiang could deal with these twenty iron-armored demon bulls.

Seeing someone rushing, the group of iron-armored demon cattle immediately issued a low shout, a relatively large size of the demon cattle rushed out from it, let out a low roar of anger, thick and strong hooves trampled on the grassland above, splashing a burst of mud with weeds, towards Shen Xiang rumbling run, running, can actually cause a gale.

The two giant horns on the top of the iron-armored demon bull's head against Shen Xiang, as two spikes top to!

When the demon bull rushed, Shen Xiang dodged sideways, while wielding the knife to cut down, the big knife by Shen Xiang into the thick true qi, forming the qi diagrams gushed out, so that the steel knife became sharper.

"Dang" sound, the steel knife cut on the iron-armored demon bull's neck above, burst a burst of sparks and strong wave of gas, Shen Xiang's steel knife broke off, he actually failed to cut the demon bull's neck, but destroyed the weapon.

At this time, Shen Xiang realized that this tenth-grade demon beast is not ordinary mortal weapons can easily deal with it, even if he added a thick Qi Gang, and this can only shock the iron-armored demon bull.

Shen Xiang did not cause any damage to the demon bull, it can be seen how strong the iron armor of the demon bull is!

"This kid is still too young, I knew he would fall sooner or later." Elder Dan sneered as she and Wu Kaiming both saw the herd of demon bulls in the distance darting towards Shen Xiang.

Shen Xiang threw away the hilt of his sword, his face became serious, only to see his fists clenched, the invisible true qi in his body was run by him, gushing out from each of the five true qi beast elephants, converging together and turning into the colorless and invisible Qiankun true qi!

This was Shen Xiang's true strength, using all five elements of true qi at the same time!

"Dragon Gang Fist!" The Qiankun true qi on Shen Xiang's fists suddenly transformed into the Dragon Deity, his fists turned into gold casting, powerful and majestic, majestic with a wave of piercing qi.

Once the dragon might appeared, the demon bull was immediately stunned and trembled, and Shen Xiang's fist also smashed down without mercy, instantly swinging dozens of fists, instantly flashing multiple golden fist shadows, all blasted at the head of the demon bull, beating the iron-armored demon bull to spurt blood, the Qi Gang full of destructive power also hit the bull's head along with Shen Xiang's fist, from the bull's head into the entire body of the demon bull to break the ring of the bull's body.

In a few moments, more than two hundred Dragon Gang fists all hit the bull's head, knocking the iron-armored demon bull down hard!

After Shen Xiang entered the ninth level of the True Martial Realm, his true qi was compressed and became incomparably thick, even if he continuously used his Qiankun true qi to attack furiously, he did not have to worry about the consumption of true qi.

In the distance, more than 20 iron-armored demon cattle, feeling the faint dragon power emanating from their bodies, could not help but fear up, turned and flew away.

Shen Xiang fiercely a bounce, like an arrow from the ground into the air, to the demon cattle, only to see him let out a wild roar, to the ground and blast a palm!

His palm suddenly burst out a burst of green-red light, this is a thick green dragon true qi and vermilion bird true qi, Shen Xiang will release all of them, fused into one, into a violent Qi Gang, and then use the divine sense to condense it into a huge palm.

Shen Xiang's true qi is compressed, after releasing it, it looks like something substantial, unlike the previous gaseous shape!

The giant palm pressed down fiercely, enveloping the twenty or so demon cows!

Shen Xiang took back the remaining true qi and poured it into the two dull beast elephants in the dantian, if all the true qi was depleted, the beast elephants were like transparent crystals, as long as they were filled with true qi, they would emit light again.

Shen Xiang fell from the air, towards the concave palm print, the twenty demon cattle in that instant, were crushed to death, turned into more than twenty huge pieces of meat cake, palm full of blood and flesh sauce, very disgusting.

Wu Kaiming old eyes blinked a few times to confirm that he saw correctly, and then squeezed out two words from his teeth: "Pervert!"

Others are also the same, secretly shocked at Shen Xiang's strength, in their opinion, only the relatively small number of those disciples of the Inner Sect Martial Academy can do, to know that those Inner Sect disciples are in for a long time, learned a lot of martial arts, compressed true qi is also very thick!

Put away these demon bull corpses, Shen Xiang returned the same way, he wanted to enter the inner gate quickly!