
Theo (1)

"Yes, it's me." Neo's eyes flashed but he still acknowledged his identity.

He didn't try to hide it from the man since it was obvious that he pretty much already knew about such information.

Actually, Neo never tried to hide his real identity.

For him, whatever people know that he was Neo Lumine or not wouldn't make a single difference for him.

Of course it would be dangerous because he didn't know how the Lumine family would react about knowing that he was still alive and have recovered some of his power.

Neo wasn't arrogant as the previous owner. He carefully plan his steps before actually going forward.

It was for his best interest right now to people to now that Neo Lumine was still alive.

Him being alive would surely caught a lot of attention, mostly from the Equalists.

And just like he thought, Elana had already figured out who he was and informed the organization.

Neo was 80% sure that the middle-aged man in front of him was from the Equalists.

"May I have a moment to chat with you, in private?" The middle-aged man asked with a polite smile.

"I'm afraid I don't have free time now." Neo was still cautious around the stranger. Even after somewhat predicting who the person might be and his purpose, Neo wasn't 100% sure, so he rather not take the risk.

"Oh, really?" The man kept the smile on his face but Neo was sure that it had turned a bit colder.


Snake-like electric sparks came out from the middle-aged man as he released his aura.

In face of such strong aura, Neo's knees bent and he almost fell on the ground.

His eyes gleamed dangerously and coldly as he refused to let himself fall on his knees by the person's aura.

"Alright, I think I have some free time today." Neo unhesitatingly admitted defeat and accepted the person's invitation to chat.

Neo realized that the person was a lot stronger than he currently was, way stronger. He had simply zero percentage to win if he fought against him.

In the face of a situation of life and death, honor and pride were things that Neo would easily dispose. He rather shamefully stay alive than die with honor and the so called pride.

"I'm glad to hear such answer that came from your mouth through your own freewill." The middle-aged man happily clapped his hand and made a notion for Neo to follow him.

Neo lips twitched when he heard the man's words. He cursed under his breath but changed his cold express to his gentle smiling once again and followed behind the man.


The city was as bustling as aways.

Crowds of pedestrians walking up and down in the concrete sidewalk, and cars speeding on the streets.

In the sides, towering skyscrapers could be seen, stretching high in sky until their tops were hiding behind white clouds.

The day was beautiful, the sky was almost completely blue beside the occasionally cloud that drifted along with the warm, spring wind.

Neo walked side-by-side with the middle-aged man.

Of course Neo attracted most of the attention.

People would stop to give a second look at Neo and whisper to themselves, but most of them would immediately take out their cellphones and take a picture at Neo.

Neo continued to walk forward while ignoring everything that was happening around him.

His eyes would roam around the place like he was searching for something.

"Don't even try to think about it." The middle-aged man threw a side glance at Neo and whispered in Neo's ear. "If you try to flee, I would still be able to stop you, even in the middle of this crowd of people."

After being found out, Neo shrugged his shoulders and walked beside him.

"What's your name?" Neo suddenly asked the middle-aged man.

Neo didn't decide to throw away his life the moment he went to follow the middle-aged man, but Neo followed him because he was confident that even though he would be unable to win against the man, he was more than capable of escaping.

He would have to pay a hefty price to escape, but he would leave with his life, nonetheless. It was a worthy trade.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself." The man smiled apologetically. "You can call me Theo."

"Alright, Theo, why exactly the Equalists sent you to tall with me?"

"So you have already found out." Theo wasn't very impressed about Neo's deduction ability, he just mysteriously smiled as he turned to face Neo and spoke in a low voice, "Come, when we get to the place, I'll explain the motives I was sent."

Neo squinted his eyes and thought for a moment before walking beside Theo.

Knowing that there was high possibility of him being able to escape if he decided to pay the price, Neo went along with Theo.

Since he already went this far, it would be for the better to first listen the guy and learn a few things about him and the Equalists.


"Is this it?" Neo scanned the empty rooftop that Theo brought him to.

It wasn't that spacious rooftop, just around 20 square meters, but it was large enough that if something might happen, Neo could easily ran away by jumping off, or using one of his more advanced, and dangerous, spells.

That was Neo's first thought after entering in the rooftop.

He was someone rather calculative and pessimistic, he would always think of the worst case scenario first and be ready if that might happen.

Neo didn't know the man and neither knew if he was serious and truthful when admitting that he belonged to the Equalists.

Even if he belonged to the Equalists, Neo wouldn't completely believe in him. Who knows what was his thoughts and intentions?

Always be ready for the worst outcome and you won't suffer in the future.

This was one of Neo's beliefs.

Neo wasn't sure of the Equalists' objectives and how far they are willing to go to achieve them.

From Elana he was able to get some basic information and hints of their mentality, how they operate and their overall objective, but he wasn't sure yet.

If Theo was really a member send by them, Neo wouldn't waste this opportunity to extract some information from him.

Even though the man was able to hide some of his thoughts and emotions from Neo's sharp eyes and perception, he wouldn't be able to hide everything.

Neo might be terrible in social interactions, but he was able to easily read people's emotions, personality and intentions through their body movements, actions and speech.

"This isn't the place that I had in mind, but it's good enough to have a quick chat." Theo nodded in satisfaction and turned around to face Neo that was still by the door.

He knowingly smiled at Neo's cautiousness and defensive demeanor, "Why so defensive? Am I that untrustworthy?"

"Yes, you are." Neo said seriously and decisively. "After that strong first impression you gave me, it would be strange if I didn't have my guard up by now."

"Did I was that forceful?" Theo scratched his chin thoughtfully for a moment before asking Neo, "What can I do for you to trust me a little more? I want to have a direct and deep conversation, I would like for you to trust me."

"Well..." Neo let loose a cold smile, "You should start by not hiding yourself behind such advanced illusionary spell."

"Now that's a surprise." Theo exclaimed in surprise as he never expected for Neo to see through such advanced spell. "You're way different from the Neo Lumine described in my investigation."

"People change over the years." Neo said in a flat and emotionless tone. "They change even more after going through all that I have gone through."

"Indeed." Theo nodded, but immediately after, he flashed a mile at Neo. "It's true that people change, but... that doesn't answer a few questions that bothers my mind, such as, how did you heal your soul? How are you able to use Dark Magic? And how are you still able to use Light Magic despite the fact that clearly are able, and proficient, to use Dark Magic?"

"You finally showed your true intentions, I was wondering how much longer it would take before you asked these questions." Neo's cold eyes glared over the man's smiling face.

"Those are only three of the questions that I have in mind. I'm going easy on you by now, only three questions." Theo looked unconcerned and kept talking, "I have many intentions on mind when I decided to meet you. Don't be so defensive, I'm not going to do anything with you, not if you don't give me any reason to do so."

"I'm sorry, but you can never be too careful and cautious before strangers."

Theo turned around and walked until he was by the security fence on the edge of the rooftop. "Yes, indeed... you really have changed. The Neo that was described in the investigation, was an arrogant, prideful prick... and everything else I hate in ancardians, all in a single person. You can imagine how I despised you. Of course, knowing you personally now, I'm having doubts about the information that was given to me."


"Why are you silent?" Theo turned his head and asked Neo that was still by the door.

"I'm waiting for you to show me your true identity. I simply cannot trust you."

"Oh, right, I forgot." Theo embarrassedly scratched the back of his head. "Hmm... you probably already know me by the name." Theo's lips raised into a small grin. "My name is Prometheus Donner, but my close friends call me Theo."

Neo's face instantly froze. He never expected the big boss to personally come down from his high pedestal and talk with him.

[Wait... is he really Prometheus?] Inside Neo's head, doubt started to sprout.

"From the doubtful look in your face I can guess that don't believe in me." Theo just let loose a small chuckle when he saw the expression on Neo's face.

"It doesn't matter whatever or not you believe in me, I didn't come today to neither convince you to join us nor to get answers from you, even though I'm extremely curious. I'm here just to have a talk, get to know you in a more personal level." He had a gentle and warm smile on his face.

Neo glanced at Theo. He knew that exist a possibility of him being Prometheus, but it was minimal.

But Neo's guard rose by a bit as he stood by the exit door.

Although he was confident in escaping if something went wrong, the price wasn't something he was willing to pay if he was 100% sure that he had no other option.

Neo and Theo stared at each other by the rooftop as the wind drifted, lifting their clothes up.