
Elana Feuer (2)

Neo waved his hand, and so a dark mist rose from the ground beneath him and went forward with full force.

The demon jumped back and dodged the mist that had just transformed into deadly, dark spears when it was close to him.

[Fighting against someone who has the understanding of a Law surely it's going to be difficult.] The demon rolled to the side to evade the incoming spears while he thought in a strategy to fight against Neo.

{Tier 1 Spell: Mana Shield}

He immediately used a basic Tier 1 spell that created an invisible shield made of Mana around him that would repel any attack that entered in contact with the shield. As long as the user had Mana to constantly fuel the shield, it will be activated and repelling attacks.

Of course, if he was hit by a very powerful spell or attack, the shield would be pierced or destroyed by it.


One of Neo's spear hit the shield that was just formed around the demon.

There was some fluctuations and shaking but the shield soon went back to normal.

[Apprentice Magic User... A very advanced one...] Neo was able to properly see the strength of the demon when his dark spear touched the demon's {Mana Shield}. [He's pretty close of becoming an Adept Magic User, he just need to create his own Soul Armor.]

When the demon saw that his spell was able to protect him from the attacks coming from the dark spears, he sighed in relief.

[At least I don't have to worry too much about his Law manipulation.] He glanced at the figure shrouded in the dark mist. [But I have to look out for his spells. With his understanding of the Law of Darkness, his spells are going to be a lot more powerful than mine.]

"Kolvar, attack him..." Neo ordered his wolf.

The black wolf jumped from Neo's shadow and sprang forward with full force toward the demon.

"What is that!?" The demon never saw such a creature. A pitch black wolf with red gleaming eyes covered the distance between Neo and the demons in less than a second.



When the wolf's charge hit the shield it opened some cracks on the Mana Shield that was protecting the demon.

The charge attack was so powerful that sent the demon flying backward until he crashed into some wooden boxes in the warehouse.

"Fuck..." The demon shook his head trying to recover from his dizziness when he felt the danger approaching him.

{Tier 2 Dark Spell: Novice Dark Spear}

Neo sent a powerful Tier 2 spell at the location that the demon had just fallen.


As soon as the black spear hit the target it exploded into a mixture of a cloud of dust and a dark mist as well.

The demon rolled to the side and escaped from the cloud of dust. He was able to dodge the full front of Neo's spell, but not the aftermath of the explosion.

He had just lost a large part of his right arm.

Streams of dark red blood flowed through his wound. The demon immediately used the dark mist around him to close up the wound and stop the bleeding.

He wasn't that bothered that he just lost a huge part of his arm because as a demon, he had a very powerful regeneration, it would take only a few days and then he would be as good as new.

That's a lot different than most of the other living beings that would never be able to recover from such injury, and even those that were possible would take weeks and maybe months to recover.


The demons looked at his side when he heard the roar.



Kolvar charged once again at the demon and successfully destroyed his Mana Shield.

The wolf opened his mouth and went for the demon's neck.

{Tier 3 Dark Spell: Apprentice Dark Claw}


With a swift chant, the demon was able to transform his left hand into a pitch black claw and block the wolf's advance.

The wolf retreated once it realized his attack was unsuccessful.

The demon didn't even have a single minute of rest before he felt danger once again.


*Puuu* The demon was sent flying backward while with a black, menacing spear lodged in his chest, spraying blood all his way toward the wall at the end of the warehouse.


The demon was locked on the wall because of the spear that pierced his flesh in the shoulder and also pierced the wall behind him, making him unable to free himself from the wall.

A small pond of dark red blood was soon formed beneath his feet.

The dark mist around his body shook and almost was dissipated if not for the demon's determination to hold it up.

The demon immediately tried to remove the spear, but he soon realized it didn't bulge even the slightest after a few attempts.

"It's useless..." The demon lifted his head and saw Neo's figure shrouded in the dark mist approaching him. Even with the mist in front of him, the demon was able to feel the chilling smile that Neo was showing. "I have enforced my {Novice Dark Spear} with a little bit of more Mana and also my Law of Darkness. I don't think you'll be able to free yourself in a small amount of time."

Neo crouched and started to pet the wolf that was by his side. The wolf closed his eyes in pleasure and enjoyment.

"I have to say..." Neo switched his attention from Kolvar to the demon. "I'm actually surprised that you would be able to create your own unique style of Magic using the advantages provided by the Dark Element." Neo said honestly. He knew himself how hard it was to create your own style of Magic. It requires both creativity and a lot of hard work.

"Before you kill me or whatever, may I ask you a question?" The demon was completely unfazed by the prospect of dying. He stopped his struggle and stared at Neo.

Neo narrowed his eyes as he curiously glanced at the demon in front of him.

By his understanding of low-level demons, they should be a lot less intelligent and weaker than the one in front of him. The low-level demons also would do anything in their power to stay alive. Their instincts were highly enchanted with the demonification, but so was the natural instinct of survival. Only high-level demons could order low-level to throw themselves in danger and even kill themselves without hesitation.

"You are different..." Neo sadly sighed as he whispered to himself, "What a shame..."

"What did you said?" The demon wasn't able to hear what Neo had murmured.

"Nothing." Neo shook his head and then spoke, "Yes, go ahead with your question. Usually, I would kill my opponent as soon as I have the opportunity, but... You're different... I will allow you to have a few more minutes of life."

The demon was slightly surprised that the man allowed him to ask the question. From the very moment Neo had appeared, the demon had already realized what type of person he was dealing with, cold and merciless.

"How were you able to avoid demonification even though clearly your soul had been corrupted to the core and had was completely black?" This was the question that kept bugging his mind.

"You have realized it?" Neo was surprised for a moment. He thought his dark mist had concealed everything about his body and aura and that was basically impossible to differentiate him from any random demon around.

"I have been around demons for quite a while. And like you should have seen I'm kind of specialist in souls since my style of combat is basically around using Soul Gems to power up marionettes. So I kinda have noticed that you are different, some way, but I can't explain what is the difference." The demons said honestly.

"Well..." Neo scratched his head. "I'm not quite sure what exactly makes me different either. While is true that I know a lot about my own special condition, I don't know everything about it."

"Really...?" The demon looked somewhat disappointed. [Looks like It's impossible for me to revert my own fate...] He sadly thought.

"Now..." Neo beckoned for Kolvar to stay still and took a step forward. He opened his mouth and started to chant another spell.

{Tier 1 Dark Spell: Soul Absorption}

His entire became shrouded in a dark a menacing mist whirlpool that looked like it wanted to swallow everything it touched.

[This is my end...] The demon helplessly stared at the approaching whirlpool and closed his eyes.

"Huh?" He waited for a few seconds, but the demon felt neither pain, or rather, he felt nothing at all.

The demon opened his eyes. What he saw was Neo that was shrouded in a dark mist from the feet to the head, trembling and falling backward.

[Fuck...] Neo angrily thought to himself while was still able to keep conscious. [I forgot that I'm not in my original body and overused my Mana. I'm completely dried up and only have enough to keep my own body alive.]

The dark mist around Neo's body started to dissipate, revealing the fragile body that was inside.

The demon looked with a surprised expression as he witnessed what was happening. He suddenly felt that the pain in his shoulder disappearing. He glanced at the side and saw that the pitch black spear was also dissipating like the mist in Neo's body.

The moment the spear disappeared, he stood up and gazed at the wolf, Kolvar.

Even though it was also dissipating like the spear and mist, it was occurring at a very slower pace than the other two.

He threw a glance at Neo and was very intrigued at how a so weak and malnourished body was to still even move.

This mentality of the demon was more than enough to prove that the state that the previous Neo left his body was incredibly bad.

He hesitated to whatever he should go forward and kill Neo or not. What really made him hesitate was that Kolvar was still there and staring at him with its eyes filled with maliciousness.

The wolf stayed by the collapsed body of Neo, guarding it, staring at the demon. If the demon really decided to take action, Kolvar would go all out without hesitation to protect its owner.

[The danger... It's not worth it.] The demon shook his head after he made some calculations of the possible outcomes if he tried to make a move at Neo. [I'm out of marionettes, my main weapons, as well... The possibility of succeeding in the endeavor is very low to even consider doing it.]

The demon cast a long stared at Neo. He stared for full two seconds like he was trying to memorize how Neo looked like before he turned around and decisively left the premises.

[I'll remember you...] The demon left the warehouse and stared at the starry sky. He swiftly started to ran again and disappeared after a few turns in the slum's tight and neverending turns.

Kolvar only relaxed when he watched the demon walking away. The wolf dropped he's vigilance and worriedly stared at his owner, Neo.

He was worried if something would happen if he disappeared and there would be no one to help Neo.

The wolf then remembered the woman that locked in the cage. He stood up and ran toward the {Apprentice Demonic Cage}.

*Clang, clang, clang...*

Just as Kolvar approached Elana's location he was able to hear the sound of impacts.

He looked the woman desperately hitting the cage she was trapped in, trying to open a hole big enough for her to escape.

She was about to slash at the cage bar once again when she realized that something was approaching her location.

Elana glanced at the direction she sensed the newcomer and saw that there was only a rather big, pitch black, wolf with its menacing red eyes staring at her from a somewhat safe distance from her.

When Neo used Kolvar to attack the demon it happened way to fast, and Elana was unable to properly see what had jumped out from Neo's shadow and threw itself at the demon's {Mana Shield}.

[Red-Eyed Shadow Wolf!?] She exclaimed in surprise after she took a proper look at Kolvar. [They are extremely powerful wolves, the strongest of the Shadow Wolves' species. They would be at least at the strength of a Senior Magic User...] She fearfully stared at Kolvar. [They were supposed to live in the deeper forests of Ancardia, how did one of them ended up in Atlas?]

Kolvar only analyzed the woman for a moment before he approached the cage.

Once the wolf was close enough Elana realized that the was getting smaller after each second and some of its pelt was slowly disappearing as well.

The black wolf ignored the woman's stared at lifted its paw until it touched the cage that Elana was caged in.

Kolvar started to glow with a strange reddish light that encompassed the whole cage in no time.

After the light stopped spreading, the cage started to corrode in a pace way faster than it was able to regenerate itself.

In no time the cage was gone, and Elana was now free.

She fell on her knees in the ground. The exhaustion of expending too much energy and Mana trying to escape the cage was finally taking the effect.

It only took a moment for her catch a breath and lift her head, trying to look for Kolvar. But...

[He disappeared?] Elana looked around, but she was unable to see any sign of the wolf anymore. [Where would it go? Why would the wolf save me?] She was very confused.

As far as she knew, Shadow Wolves were merciless and very, very ferocious. It was unheard of a Shadow Wolf actually helping a human.

[I have to leave this place before the demon comes back and report to my superiors that there are two demons, perhaps even more in this area of the country.] She remembered the short conversation between the two demons and her expression soured.

[Wait...] She glanced at the place from where the wolf came. [What happened to the two demons? Did the wolf killed them?]

She hesitated a little, but still went deeper into the warehouse.

The first thing that entered in her sight was the extremely slim and sickly looking young boy in the ground.

Even though she was unable to see the appearance of the demon because of the mist around him, she was still able to feel that the boy in front of her was the same that was fighting the puppeteer demon.

She glanced at her sword and then at the boy in the ground.

She was clearly hesitating whatever should she kill the boy or perhaps...

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