
Saiyans are coming

Earth: Age 762

Nearly a year went by since Raditz died on earth, the room of the big gravity room in the middle of a forest opened and Lucian walked out with a satisfied look on his face. He managed to improve very well during this year as his power level already reached a whopping 813000, nearly reaching the strength of Frieza´s First Transformation. It was November 2nd now, the day before Vegeta and Nappa would arrive on earth. Thus, Lucian quickly took a bath and wore a new set of grey sweatpants and a tight-fitting red T-Shirt showing off his broad shoulders and lean, muscular body together with a pair of sneakers. It would be his first time meeting Bulma today and he wanted to make a good impression on her. She was currently living in the Kame House with Master Roshi, the turtle and so on while working on a scouter to measure power levels. Lucian went outside his house and focused his senses to find the little island with Master Roshi´s Ki structure on it. Once he had found it, he set out at high speed to arrive before the sunset.

Meanwhile at the Kame House. Master Roshi and Bulma had summoned ShenLong with the Dragon Balls a few minutes before to revive Goku because he sent them a mental message with King Kai´s help. They were nervous as it was the day before the enemies arrived on earth. Bulma, on the other hand, showed nervousness in her expression but was secretly reassured that there was still someone on earth that could handle the enemies in case of Goku´s late arrival. Lucian, the guy she built the gravity room for a few months ago. At that time, Kami told her only a few things about this mysterious man such as that he was another Saiyan and he had the confidence to win against the enemies. On an impulse, Bulma even sent a rather provocative picture with the gravity room after she broke up with Yamcha, but now that she thought about it, later on, had forgotten that she did not even know the guy's age. What if he was 70 years old? She just hoped he was a young man as it would be less awkward to meet him. To her surprise Master Roshi´s eyebrows shot up and he looked in the direction of the setting sun. Bulma followed his example and discovered growing black dot ion the distance. Moments later the dot turned into the silhouette of a man who stopped in front of them while still floating above the water surface. Bulma´s eyes immediately appeared to be shooting hearts out of them. She saw a very tall man, well above two meters in height, wearing grey sweatpants and a red T-shirt which covered his athletic body. His face the most handsome face she had seen, yet, featuring a mildly sharp jaw, a perfect nose and mesmerizing black eyes which stared directly into hers. A smirk formed on his face, making him look a little mischievous but even more attractive to look at. Bulma´s cheeks heated up when she saw that. Then she heard Master Roshi´s voice: "Excuse me, young man, can I help with something? If lost your way to the mainland I would gladly help you out!" Master Roshi said with his usual calmness. He could not sense any Ki from this young man, but the ability to fly said otherwise. The Youth moved his eyes from Bulma to Roshi and said with a laugh in his deep, gentle voice: "Thank you for the offer, Master Roshi, but I already arrived at my destination."

When his deep voice entered Bulma´s ears, her face heated up even more. It was just too sexy coupled with the man´s otherworldly features. She suddenly realized something.

'Was he the guy kami mentioned to her?' she wondered.

Lucian turned his gaze at Bulma again and saw her blush which made him very satisfied with himself.

"Hello, beautiful Lady, I assume that you are Bulma?" he asked with his gentle voice.

Bulma was now sure that this man had to be Lucian.

"Yes, that is correct. And, are you Mister Lucian?" Bulma asked slightly absentmindedly.

"You know him, Bulma?" Roshi asked in astonishment.

"That's right. Kami asked me a few months ago to build a gravity room for him, but I don´t know anything else about him or what wanted a gravity room for." She answered Roshi while her eyes stayed on Lucian the whole time.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Lucian, a Martial Artist who has lived his whole life in the middle of a great forest to the West. After that Raditz guy died, Kami summoned me to his lookout to ask for my help in the fight against the Saiyans. I agreed and in return, he contacted this lovely Lady to build a gravity room for me," he observed the even further reddening Bulma until he continued, "I also wanted to thank you personally, Bulma, for the delicious food and the beautiful picture you sent me. It motivated me very much. And please, just address me as Lucian." Lucian said sincerely with a wink. Bulma´s seemed to be on fire now. Master Roshi was astonished: 'To think there was someone on earth who was important enough to be summoned by Kami himself for a personal request'

He said: "Well, Lucian, in that case, you are here to wait for the Saiyan´s arrival, I guess. But the others are still with Kami."

"It is true and I already know that the guys are still away. The main reason I am here is to meet with Bulma. I wanted to get to know her before the fight tomorrow." Lucian said with a smile.

Bulma was flabbergasted.

'He came only for me?'

"Then please come in and join us for dinner" Roshi invited him.

"It would be my pleasure. By the way, I heard from Kami that you are a pervert, old man. I think that was only a rumor, but if you did something to this lovely Lady I would have to torture you until you never want to see women again. Fortunately, that doesn´t apply to you, right?" Lucian asked with narrowed eyes and a smile on his face.

Roshi´s face lost its color and he mumbled: " Yes that´s right." Bulma nearly began to shout at him but remembered the handsome man beside her and lost all her anger immediately.

Together they went inside and ate dinner. Later that night Lucian went outside, sat down on the beach and watched the ocean. Shouts could be heard from the house a few minutes later, Lucian was pretty sure that Roshi was a pervert again. That's the Bulma he knew from the series. Loud, smart and sometimes quite savage. He turned around and saw Bulma´s beautiful figure approaching him.

"Hey there," Lucian said.

"Hey" she answered softly.

"Come, sit down and watch the ocean with me, Bulma"

"Sure, Lucian" Bulma nodded and sat down rather close to him.

They looked at the ocean in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Lucian turned his head to her and asked: "So Bulma, what do you normally do when there are no enemies threatening earth? I only know that you are a scientist, nothing specific."

Bulma was surprised by his interest in her.

"Well, I usually invent stuff and in my free time, I like to take bubble baths and eat strawberries. What about you, Lucian?" She asked gently.

"I usually train, eat and sleep. In my free time, I sometimes went to nearby cities to play some Poker in the Casinos, eat at the Restaurants or just do some errands for what you need every day. That has been my usual routine for the last 16 years, the year I arrived on earth." he answered truthfully.

Bulma wondered how someone could have been so dedicated doing nothing but train for over a decade.

"You said you arrived on earth 16 years ago. What were you doing before that? Living on another planet?" she asked straightforwardly.

Lucian looked directly into her eyes. With a little hesitation, he said:"I don´t remember what happened before I arrived here. I don´t have any memories or got any information from the little space capsule I came in," he saw Bulma´s eyes widening when she heard it, but he continued, "I only know my name, the fact that I´m a Saiyan and memories about martial arts and Ki Control. I am 20 years old now, but I never had any real friends, just casual acquaintances. When I heard that Goku was a Saiyan just like me I was quite happy. There was at least someone from the same home as me. But I will have to meet some time until he arrives here, am I correct?"

A few tears had formed in Bulma´s eyes at this point. To think he had been so lonely all these years. And to not have any memories from your childhood or parents must have been horrible. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

"Don´t worry, now you have me and there are still my other friends. I will introduce you to them. They would surely be happy to become your friends, too."

Lucian was actually touched by what she said, but he also noticed something else.

"Thank you very much. But what exactly do you mean by 'you have me now'? I might actually understand in another way than you had intended to. Especially if it´s a beautiful young Lady holding my hand." He said in a low voice next to her ear.

Bulma´s cheeks and ears started to glow in a red tinge again.

'AH, he is totally correct!' she thought with worry.

"But," he slowly continued, "don´t worry, how about we go on a date after the fight tomorrow?"

Bulma nearly fell over. Was he interested in her? Such a handsome man would be the perfect boyfriend. And he was gentle, too. But when she thought about the fight with the Saiyans she was still worried.

"I would love to go on a date with you, but are you sure there won´t be a problem tomorrow? I heard the enemies will be very strong." She stated with genuine worry apparent on her face.

Lucian just smiled:" Don´t worry about them. I could take them on in my sleep. Although I´m only 20 years old, I am very strong. I saw a scouter on the house while we were eating and must have tested it out?"

Bulma was surprised by two things. His age on the one hand and his absolute confidence in the other. So was even younger than her. What a good catch!

"Yes, I tested it before. it said that Master Roshi had a power level of 139 and Krillin one of 206" she said immediately.

Lucian was ready to impress her. "Those two are the strongest humans on the planet, but that isn´t much in the universe. The Raditz guy Goku and Piccolo had a power level of 1500 and I can tell you that because I can see power levels without a scouter. I don´t want to sound arrogant, but my power level is exponentially higher than his."

Bulma couldn´t believe it. She had seen before what people with power levels of around 200 like Krillin could do. A value of 1500 was a few times that and now Lucian said that his own was exponentially higher than 1500? Unbelievable. This calmed her down a lot and gave her an even better expression of Lucian.

'What a guy' she mused to herself.

"I believe you, Lucian. I was really worried even though Kami reassured me of your strength, I am not a fighter myself, so I can only wait for you guys to go in action," she said softly and leaned her head on his shoulder with the last question which bothered her on her tongue,"There is still something that bothers me. I am already 29 years old, would you still be willing to go on a date with such an age difference between us?"

In response, Lucian hugged her shoulder gently and turned his head to her.

"Who cares. I have only known you for a few hours now, but I am certain of a few things. You are very beautiful, you have a gentle heart and you care about your friends a lot. That is what I care about. Something like age is unimportant, especially for someone like me. I just want us to enjoy our time."

Bulma buried her head even further in him when she heard that. Yamcha was after her beauty and that led to him cheating on her in the end, but Lucian was so different. He was not a superficial Jerk like the other guys she met before. The only other people who acted so gentle with were her parents and Son Goku. His presence was just unnaturally calming to her.

"I´m glad to hear that. I really am, Lucian" she whispered and drifted off to sleep.

Lucian naturally did not have anything against sleeping with a beautiful woman in his arms and laid down with her on the soft sand.

Master Roshi peeked through the window with a nosebleed, completely lost in his perverted fantasies again.

If you don´t like the pairing or how the situation was handled up to this point, that´s too bad. But if you like it, I guess I wish you a great time reading it. Bulma is my favorite female character thus she had to be paired with my OC although she may seem different from the original in this chapter character-wise, that will change though. She´s just changes persona with her boyfriend radar on, I presume. I smile just thinking about it.

LordNumpfcreators' thoughts