
The God of Jesters

Come here folks, let me tell you a wondrous story about a bizarre world. A world with two moons and three suns. A world where death is never the end and birth is just the beginning of misery. A world filled with stories of love, war, and betrayal. A world where the gods are bored of the mundane as much as you. And then there is I, the maestro of this bizarre world that exists solely to entertain you. So follow me and enjoy the misery as much as I do. ***** A mentally ill man who only finds the meaning of life in twisted entertainment stumbles upon the supernatural world. A world full of chaos, and entities that can cause one to go mad. But what if you are mad to begin with. Let’s watch our Jester as he crafts entire plays to entertain an audience that only exists in his head. #delusional-protag #evil-protag #mischivious-protag #tragedy #multiple-povs #curses #horror #lovecraftian #hidden-world #narrator #magic #infinity-novel

GoGo · Horror
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514 Chs

7.10.1 Ghouls.

The last month we had been eventful for Amir. 

Ignoring his activities in Sector 32 among other researchers and Faust, Amir had learned a great deal of things about his fellow young nobles all in order to be ready for the upcoming meeting.

Not the best way to use his precious time, but it was mandatory considering the objective his Grandfather had thrown at him along with cousins who wouldn't mind killing each other for the throne or whatever their purpose was. In Amir's eyes, this was all a childish dream of some youngsters that could never come true. 

Of course, he thought the same for his good cousin Ludwig. Who remained oblivious to his position and dreamed too big. 

But that was life, you have to dream big and strive for it if you hope to come close to your goal. Even if that goal is impossible to achieve. By the time you stop, you will always be in a better position than the time you started.