
5.06.3 Don't bite my Behind.

It was easy to see how much Remira wished to say to me, how much hatred she held for me in her heart, and how much she didn't wish to be here. 

As in a way, even without our shared past, we would still be enemies due to the camp we belonged to. But such personal vendetta had no place in this room with something godly sitting above us. 

Only a fool out dared to bring in their personal grievances here, and although Remira was a fool, she was not the fool of such ilk. 

And the only reason she was here was probably something similar to me. She must have been called here either for her past actions, or she caught the interest of Blue Rose while snooping around the area when the battle took place. 

There can be some other reason, but none of them would be something along the lines of Remira being there willfully. Making her somewhat similar to me.