
Scene 1-Act1: Regular old school

Computer screen flashing 1 winner 2 losers.  Riku," Dudes I'm telling you it's broken it's broken." Galaxia,"Ha, says the loser just kneel before my grace you know where you belong beneath my feet." Riku, " Hahaha damn where'd you get that joke from." Ganys,"Hmph, foolish foolish children if it wasn't for a certain individual interventions, I would have had victory within my grasp." Riku Smirking," Ganys last time I check excuses were for the weak or is it just you."

(Sits shuffle backwards)

Galaxia smiling devilishly ," You guys we all know how to settle this dilemma now don't we."Riku & Ganys in unison," Well of course." Riku, " Are you guys really up for this cause I have to warn you I'm kinda tough" Galaxia,"Tough, Hahaha all I see is a subject that needs to be taught a lesson." Ganys," That's going easy on him, tell you what guys bow down swear your allegiance and I might save you this royal asswhopping."Riku rushes with a low kick towards Ganys ,"Like hell I would."Ganys counters with Brazilian kick. Galaxia dashes toward the confrontation throws a punch at Riku and a mid kick towards Ganys." It seems subjects don't yet know their place."DEEPEN VOICE Galaxia, " On the ground or beneath me."Riku blocks Galaxia's punch with a strange smile," Sorrry your highness I might've forgot to care." Ganys dodges Galaxia's kick, then observes the situation. " Guys stop we should all know by now these fights never end with a victor, it's been three years and still no victor."Riku & Galaxia." Then what do you suggest we do instead?" Riku, Ganys , and Galaxia backed down at the same time. Riku & Galaxia looking at Ganys. Ganys," We could always have an anime battle."Galaxia,"Any limitations?"Ganys," Nope, all things are welcomed." Riku,"Anything?" Ganys & Galaxia in unison," Yes."Riku,"Ok"

(5 minutes later)

(Riku, Galaxia, and Ganys arguing in an bewildered manner)

(School bell rings)

Riku," Ugh, what classes you guys got?"

Galaxia," Psychology."

Ganys, "Automotive."

Dejected Riku,"Lucky I have history"

Galaxia & Ganys , " Aren't your history class gonna go over a segment of god history "

Riku,"No just some new kid, and it's gonna be god this god that I swear it gets under my skin."

Galaxia & Ganys,"Then talk to him about the other gods you know it'll make him mad."

Ecstatic Riku,"Hahaha, then class today might be then I thought cause today, is the day that know it all Aaron learns a lesson about the gods, today is the day a battle shall commence between Christianity and Greek mythology."

Galaxia & Ganys," Greek mythology?"

Riku," Yeah it's my favorite it has all this adventure in its history and my favorite goddess BIA Greek Goddess of the forces."

Galaxia," You'd pick such a weak goddess, I'll go with (Nun the being of beginnings)."

Ganys ," Trash I'd go with (Markus Thompson)."

(5 minutes to bell)

Riku," Sorry guys gotta go beat Aaron for once."

Galaxia & Ganys ," For once you've lost to him before."

Riku," Yeah it was when I tried some smaller religions."

Galaxia," Sorry slave you need to use the five to fight one of the five."

(Riku & Ganys)" The five?"

Galaxia," Yeah you know Christianity, Islam, Hinduism,Judaism,and Buddhism."

Riku, "Greek mythology isn't there."

Galaxia," When speaking of religion fan base and popularity can only get you so far, don't worry about the list it's not complete yet."

Ganys shamelessly," Yeah took the words outta my mouth with the whole religion thing I knew all of that."

Galaxia,"You didn't know a thing did you?"

Ganys,"You wanna go?"

Galaxia,"Thought you'll never ask."

Riku," Hey Hey Hey.."

Galaxia & Ganys," What?"(Galaxia & Ganys ask as they're assuming fighting stances)

Riku," We're late."

Galaxia," Knowing my teacher I know he won't let me in."

Ganys,"Mine neither."

Riku,"We can go to mine my teacher just might say something like don't make large commotions or something."

Galaxia & Ganys,"Fine we'll go to your class, we can teach that Aaron guy a lesson."

Riku," Alright lets go."

(Scene 1 Act 1 ends)