
A Strong Foe!

"Ah before I forget." Came the AI's voice. This was followed by the sound of a snap and a wave of silver energy surrounded us before dispersing.

"What was that?" I asked.

"That was the restraints on your being released as well. I would highly recommend you check your overview. Now that you are no longer restrained you can check your actual stats. You skills now show how much MP it costs per use as well as how much essence your abilities use. You can see your equipment and the stats they provide as well. let me know when you are ready to proceed with the training."

After a moment of silence, I call up my 'overview'.

A familiar blue box appeared again with more information than before.

Name: Azarias Yelnats

Age: 25

Level: 1

EXP to Level:100

Rank: A

Class: Pawn

Sponsor: Unknown

Ability: Fusion (Level E): Allows the user to fuse things together. Fusion restrictions rank E-D and common-uncommon.

Temporary fusion 10 Essence.

Permanent fusion 50 Essence

Health: 150

Mana: 150

Essence: 50

Strength: 6 Attack: 21

Intelligence: 1 Magic Attack: 1

Constitution: 1 Critical Chance %:10

Wisdom: 1 Agility: 10

Charisma: 1 Defense: 10

Speed: 1 Magic Defense: 10

Stat Points: 25

Skills: Stealth (3MP per sec), Shadow Step (10MP), Bullet time (40 MP)

I examined my stats with a critical eye, taking note of my strengths and weaknesses. My health and mana were decent, but my essence was lacking. I made a mental note to focus on building up my essence reserves, as it would be essential in using an ultimate skill in the future. 'Well I can't really expect much since I'm level one. But I also have 25 stat points so there is that.

With our stats analyzed and our determination renewed, we prepared ourselves for the next training exercise. As we stepped into the arena, we could already hear the snarls and growls of the unrestrained Goblins. There were at least five of them, all armed with crude weapons and ready to attack.

"Remember what I said," the AI reminded us. "These Goblins may not be as strong individually, but as a group they can be dangerous. Work together and stay alert."

Without hesitation, the Goblins sprinted towards us with wild rage in their eyes. We scrambled into position, each of us taking hold of one or two of the approaching enemies. I surged forward, my hand already glowing a brilliant blue from the energy coursing through it. The Goblin swung its sword at me, and I acted fast, trapping the blade between my fingers coated in earth and using my fusion ability to lock it firmly in place.

Njoya moved with lightning speed, dodging every single blow and retaliating with quick slashes and shield bashes that took down two Goblins in a heartbeat. Captain Xander wielded his swords with deadly precision as shadows from the ground shot up like spears, impaling the Goblin before him.

Zillah didn't give the Goblins an inch, dashing around them and throwing her gauntlets through the air with ferocious combos that easily dispatched another Goblin. Naomi kept them all back with her archery skills, releasing arrow after arrow and making sure each one hit its mark, eliminating yet another enemy with every shot.

As we fought, we could feel the adrenaline pumping through our veins. The Goblins were tough opponents, but we managed to work together and take them down one by one. When the last Goblin fell, we looked at each other, sweat pouring down our faces, but with a sense of accomplishment.

"That was intense," Njoya said, panting heavily.

"But we did it," Captain Xander said, a satisfied smile on his face.

Zillah let out a victorious laugh. "I can't wait to see what else the AI has in store for us," she said.

Naomi nodded in agreement. "We're going to face tougher challenges, but as long as we work together and stay focused, we can handle anything," she said with determination.

It felt amazing. Using these skills and abilities felt exhilarating. We were all celebrating our victory when Naomi let out a cry of pain. We all look at her and see an arrow protruding from her left thigh. A quick glance at her health bar showed it dealt about a quarter of her health. We heard what sounded like a low pitch gurgling. Standing about 50 yards away are 10 goblins. It appears they have been watching us for quite some time. Upon closer inspection, I'm able to see three goblin that stood out. Two of them seemed to be shamans because they are wearing robes to hold onto some staffs. Then there was one larger goblin that held a twin bladed axe in his hand. He towered over the other goblins by at least three feet.

"How is everyone's MP and Essence?" I asked.

"Honestly I'm only at about a quarter MP. I haven't used any essence. Although I don't think transforming into a goblin is going to help us." replied Njoya.

"I'm at about half MP and a third of my essence," Captain Xander responded.

"I have about the same as the captain," I chimed in.

Naomi gritted her teeth and pulled the arrow out of her leg. "I'm at half MP, but I haven't used any essence either. I'm not going to be much use up close."

"I still have all my essence but I'm low on MP." replied Zillah. Before we could continue to plan I heard the whistling multiple arrows flying through the air.

Reacting on instinct I use 'Bullet time' Slowing them down enough for us to scatter out the way. I look up to see four of the Goblins closing in on our position at a very fast speed.

I quickly assessed the situation. With five of us and ten Goblins, we were outnumbered. The Goblins were also well-armed and appeared to have a variety of skills and abilities. We needed to come up with a plan, and quickly.

"Alright, here's what we're going to do," I said, taking charge. "Njoya and Zillah, you two take out the Goblin Archers. Naomi, keep firing at the Goblins with your bow and keep them at bay. Captain Xander, you and I will handle the melee Goblins. I'll use my Fusion ability to immobilize them, and then you can finish them off with your swords."

Everyone nodded in agreement and we quickly split up into our assigned roles. Njoya and Zillah charged towards their opponents, dodging a barrage of arrows as they dashed forward. Naomi quickly followed suit, sending out a flurry of her own arrows to keep the Goblins distracted. But the Goblins had cleverly anticipated their plan, and the one with an axe began retreating back towards the shamans. From afar, I could see a deep red aura emanating from them. 'This can't be good', I thought to myself. Then suddenly, the axe-wielding Goblin let out a terrifying battle cry and with one powerful swing decapitated the two shamans in a spray of blood.

The aura emanating from the shamans dissipated, and the axe-wielding Goblin's strength seemed to increase, the muscles on its forearms and chest visibly bulging. It charged towards us with a renewed vigor, its axe glowing with a red aura. I could feel the ground shake with each step it took, and I knew that we were in for a tough fight.

I could feel the intensity of the moment between Captain Xander and I, as we wordlessly sprinted towards the Goblin. I quickly attempted to use my fusion ability to immobilize it, but it broke free far quicker than anticipated. Realizing how dangerous its axe was, I prepared to use 'shadow step' but before I could use it the goblin surged forward quicker than I thought and it struck me across my side, opening a remarkably deep gash. I used shadow step to distance myself, however it was too late; I felt my life begin to drain away as I fell to my knees clutching my wound. Peering at my HP bar, I could see that I had only a quarter of my life left. 'Shit from one hit!!'

Captain Xander charged at the Goblin with a rage in his eyes, his twin swords glinting in the sunlight. He quickly dodged the Goblin's axe swing and with a sharp slice, he cut off the Goblin's left arm. The Goblin howled in pain, but it didn't seem to slow it down much. Captain Xander and the Goblin exchanged blows, each move more brutal than the last. I struggled to stand up, feeling the world around me start to fade. 'I can't let my team down,,,,I won't let them down!!'

I watched in awe as Captain Xander and the Goblin locked weapons in a fierce battle. A fire like no other ignited within me, and I knew what I had to do. With newfound strength, I rose to my feet and joined the fray.

Mind going into overdrive I quickly think to use my fusion ability to fuse some skills together: Fuse Skills Temporary! A list of skills that my team purchased appeared before me. 'I look at my Essence and see I have 30 essence left. 'Ok,' I thought, first the Goblins closing in on Naomi. I chose Explosive Hit and Shadow Step and with a surge of energy the Fusion completed, creating a new skill: Shadow Explosion.

Captain Xander was still trading blows with the axe-wielding Goblin, while Njoya and Zillah were tied up with the archers. Naomi was still firing arrows, but the Goblins were getting closer and closer to her position.

Drawing upon the energy within me I closed my eyes and focused. Setting my sights on the Goblins approaching Naomi, I released the Shadow Explosion with devastating results; sending them flying back and leaving them stunned. Naomi took advantage of the opportunity and rained down a barrage of arrows on them, taking them out one by one.

My attention shifted to Captain Xander and the Goblin with the axe, who were still at it. I mustered every shard of strength within me, weaving 'Whirlwind Shot' and 'Earthquake' together into a formidable force, the 'Seismic Whirlwind'.

I aimed my pistol, my fingers caressed the trigger fondly; a prelude to the symphony of destruction that was about to be unleashed. The ball of concentrated earth energy whistled through the air, thundering toward the Goblin, the harbinger of his doom. The moment it made contact, the force spun him around like a puppet twisted in the hands of an invisible puppeteer.

"Captain now!!!" My voice echoed through the tumult, an unwavering call to arms.

Without a moment's hesitation, Captain Xander lunged, his sword, brilliant with an unearthly gold, cut through the stunned Goblin, cleaving its grotesque form in half with a single precise slice. A thunderous silence fell over the battlefield as we stared at the fallen adversary. Our battle was won and we all let out a sigh of relief. We gathered together afterwards to check for injuries and make sure everyone was alright. In spite of our wounds, we had managed to come out victorious.

We stood there, the five of us, looking at each other with relief and gratitude. We had just faced a tough battle and come out on top, but the fight had left its mark on us. Naomi was limping, her leg bleeding profusely, while I was clutching my side, trying to keep the gash from opening again. Njoya and Zillah were also nursing bruises and scrapes, but we all knew we had won the battle. "We did it," Njoya said, his voice barely above a whisper.