
The God of Flesh

Gods ascend and descend as times change. The old die out for the new to come in. But for this creature it is new. Born from the enemies of gods and the minds of modern men it seeks nothing but to consume everything that gets in its way. I would like to mention this is going to be a story I am going to work on my whole life. Meaning I am not going to stop writing until the day I die. Just for a reminder I am 21 years old meaning I owe you all over 7665 chapters (oof) and I am trying to build my own personal business so I can have more time to write and go to college. Meaning I will have to stockpile a lot of chapters before releasing them one by one. Please understand I don’t want to not write I want to it is like an insane itch that comes at me everyday telling me to write. Also I got a water pallet to fall on my left knee causing me to lost time needed to write and am in pt and may need surgery. If anyone wants to support my work please comment in the chapters 1-3 as I will have to edit the rest. I will see if I can do a mass release of at least 100 chapters on October 8th 2022 then increase it as I get more time. If you want this story to continue I will write but I must warn you all I will write just need to figure out a way to get more time to do this thing. I thank you everyone for your patience and hope you enjoy the story. Till then remember I am always working. Update 2022 24 April, hey guys I have some bad news my computer finally died and I lost all my work… I am going to have to redo all the work I have done so far I almost had the 100chapters ready and now I have to wait about a month for a new computer before I start working on it again, I had to save up for a few months and temporarily leave college for a while in order to save up for it, but as soon as I get the computer I am going to go for one of my fall back plans so i at least have the information always available on YouTube and I will be streaming my writing sessions just in case as well. I will have spare Grammarly documents and google docs this time instead of just Microsoft word as well on top of all of this. I don’t know if I will be able to meet the deadline for this so I just thought you should know what is going on. The story will go on no matter what I refuse to stop until I die of old age. Update again 2022 September 28, I am sorry to inform everyone, but I will be unable to meet the deadline I set for myself. Family is currently facing some very difficult times right now and was unable to write for the past week because of it. I Will try to write as many chapters as I can but I may not even make 50 chapters probably a lot less than that due to time constraints. I will do my best to do as much as I can but be warned it is not the full 100. A lot of things happened this year and I have only myself to blame for this situation. I will take this as a learning experience and will device and continue marching forward. I am not giving this up just have to change my plans by a lot to make sure both me and the people I care about can live. So I am going to approach this from a more business mindset to keep me going from now on. I am going to make sure I get this done. I owe over 8k chapters now plus the hundred. I got a lot of work to do.

Lethal_Eternal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Chapter 1. The begining

"Test Subject number 3847. The Subject has lasted 784 hours and 18 minutes since the initial submersion before dying from compound 3378-C. Time of death 8:42 A.M."

'What is going on? Who is talking?'

The creature opens its eyes, only to be blinded by a bright red light. Feeling a throbbing pain all over it, the creature notices a bright circular object from above, dyed red from the liquid surrounding it. Looking around it notices that its inside of a tank. With hazy eyes it's vision begins to clear more seeing a large room filled with people in white coats and yellow hazmat suits taking notes.

One of them takes a quick glance up seeing the creature looking back at him, he quickly shouts, "Quickly, call Dr. Steward this instant, the subject is still alive!"

One of the men in the white coats instantly bolts out of the room past large steel doors towards the right while the others start to gather around looking at the creature.

Not knowing what is going on the creature just stares trying to understand its situation. Having been called 'test subject' and 'still alive' unnerved it for some odd reason.

'Seems as though I am in a lab of sorts and I am an experimental subject. How did I even get here in the first place? In fact, who am I anyway?' while contemplating this a strange white humanoid figure appears in front of it.

"Ah, seems like you reincarnated all right." It said with a large grin revealing completely black human teeth. "If you are wondering what's going on it is all part of the deal we made, in exchange for your memories and your previously failing body, I gave you this one in its place. But although your memories have been erased, I wasn't able to take the mental corruption that had affected your mind for some reason." It said disappointed.

"Because of this, I decided to give you one last gift so you wouldn't feel too cheated." A white orb formed out of nowhere before placing it into the creature, "There, in your previous life, you always wanted this and given your current circumstances, you will need it."

Soon, the sound of rushing footsteps could be heard before a bald researcher, with a long triangle-shaped nose protruding from the center of his face comes into the room past the thick steel doors. He has huge bags over his eyes and look as though he would collapse at any moment started laughing hysterically yelling "Yes the experiment is a success! With this subject, we can now commence more human trials using subject 3847 as a base."

Looking at this fellow the creature only felt pure confusion as this seemingly unstable man was talking nonsense.

The white figure lets out a sigh before explaining "You are currently in a lab and are an experiment to this moron right here. Though he created the main body, I had to make many adjustments to make it work."

The creature just looks at the being while thinking 'Just what is going on here and what is your end goal in all of this?'

Smiling at this the white figure just says, "you'll figure it out with time again, you were extremely smart last time to the point it even frightened me. What I can tell you though is the extra gift I gave you will offer a few hints to this as time goes on while helping you grow."

The white figure suddenly starts to fade. "Looks like they are trying to get rid of me again. I can answer one more question for you before I leave."

Taking a moment to process everything, the creature asks "What am I exactly? What is my name?"

Seemingly annoyed it responds, "That's two but I suppose I should show you what you are but try looking in the reflection of the glass in the tank."

The creature looks focusing completely seeing a completely red lump of writhing flesh surrounding a singular blue eye. Its form constantly changing as flesh constantly contracted and extended creating and reabsorbing tendrils making it move around everywhere in the tank. Surprised it suddenly lurched backward in the liquid letting out an ungodly scream as a mouth and teeth form around the eye so powerful if it weren't for the liquid muffling it would have shattered the eardrums of researchers outside.

The figure not surprised by this development just says "Remember this is the body you asked for even if you don't remember, as for your name though is now the God of Flesh" with that the figure disappears leaving the creature in its tank. With this, a blue screen pops up in front of it.

[Host: The God of Flesh

Level: 0/5

Exp: 0/10

Species: Primal base (I)


Health: 145

Strength: 50


Agility: 35

Intelligence: 121

Weight: 145 lbs.

Biomass: 0

Energy 30/75

Evolutionary Energy: 0

Active skills:


Passive Skills:


Innate Skills:

Devour level 1- can consume any living organism gaining biomass and new abilities

Mental Corruption level 1- Host is innately insane mental damage is reduced by 5%]

Taking a moment to calm itself down it looks at this strange blue box filled with the numbers it was unsure what to make of it chose to focus its attention back to the scientists in front of it knowing that there wasn't much for it to do right now.

Focusing once more on the scientist's conversation one of them with black hair and a scrunched-up face talked to the pointed nose one saying "We can begin tests ready as early as tomorrow but are you sure you want to do this so soon?"

With that, the pointed nose doctor looked at him angrily "We are testing today, I don't care what has to be done get the transport ready, we are already behind schedule by a month already and our enemies are already closing in on us. We need it ready as soon as possible."

Now looking more sheepish the scientist runs out of the room as fast as possible with all the staff leaving only the pointed nose scientist in the room. "Hahaha, soon the world will feel the same pain I have felt, with you I can finally make it possible, don't disappoint me." leaving the room.

Having time to think by itself now the blue screen once appeared in front of it.

[Quest initiated: escape from research complex, reward 5,000 exp and new ability.]

Looking at this it thought "I don't understand what is going on or why I am a lump of flesh, but I have to agree with the fact I have to get out of here." Taking a moment to look around it notices that only the floor is attached to something and a metal cap was above it. "I should try breaking out of this tank first though if I am going to get anywhere."

With that, it tries shaking itself side to side in the liquid. Each time it shakes the entire tank shifts with hit breaking apart the metal seams holding it down while causing the glass to crack. It suddenly comes to a stop after doing so for a minute as a red light and speakers begin to come to life shouting "Warning, Intruders in the research ward. All research personnel is to evacuate designated safe zones."

'Just how much of a coincidence can this be?' It thought as it continued crashing around the tank more determined to escape. The glass of the tank begins leaking the mysterious red liquid and metal groans as it tries to break out. It stops once more hearing guns firing from the other side of the door and people screaming from outside the door.

A man screams "Hurry up and open the door!" as another shouts back "I am trying the card reader isn't working!" all the while in the background gunshots were was being heard. "Move it!" another voice says with that the door opens.

With that seven researchers fall in and immediately scramble to the walls two of them have blood on them and one of them heavily injured being dragged by two other better-looking researchers. when one of them shouts "Quickly close the door they're coming."

Then as if on cue gunfire comes in through the doorway hitting one of the researchers in the shoulder letting out a loud scream. Before one of them heads over swiping a card closing the door behind them before breaking the console. "This should help buy us some time before reinforcements arrive to pick us up." He said before falling on the ground breathing heavily.

The creature just looks at the beaten people seeing them either resting or tending to the wounded. "Seems as though I have to fight my way out of this." The creature thought looking down at the people below suddenly feeling a new sensation all over it.

[Host hunger grows, health will reduce by 5 every hour host has not eaten, daily task, reward 10 exp]

Surprised at this development the creature sees its HP reduce instantly. "This is bad, I have to escape now!" With that, it uses everything it has and breaks through the glass plopping itself onto the ground. All the researchers stare in its direction seeing the writhing pile of meat on the ground, The God of Flesh is now free.

Hello, welcome to my story. I am a college student so please be warned I am at most going to post once a week at most. If multiple people want to read more of the story I will attempt to post more chapters during the week. But please keep in mind I have to prioritize my studies at least for about 8 months a year. In between breaks I will post more often just don't be surprised if I am more active some times of the year compared to others.

The main reason I am making this because throughout my life I have read hundreds if not thousands of different stories during my life. From elementary school through college a good story is what I always look forward too at the end of the day to help me cope with the stress of real life which I am sure is what many readers do, giving people another reality where they can imagine being in. Though this is actually my first attempt as a writer, I hope that everyone helps me along the way as I grow more as a writer and helping me learn from my mistakes.

If you want to support me I am interested in making a ******* account one day if anyone wants to read some rough drafts of certain chapters that won't be posted on webnovel. But, I am only planning on doing that after reaching 1000 readers and are actually curious about that sort of stuff.

I will be reading comments to the story as often as possible and will make adjustments to any errors you see. I normally read from what I have initially written and then transcribe it to the next chapter, for example, I will read from chapter 1- chapter 50 before writing anything to make sure everything makes sense and edit it so if the story changes don't be surprised and reread it if you want everything to make sense. (no this is not for me to get more views, I just don't like unfinished work or something that doesn't make sense in the long run)

Other than that I hope everyone enjoys the story and make sure to comment if anything seems amiss.

Lethal_Eternalcreators' thoughts