"I think I see it up ahead." Dashing off the branch of a tree, Shisui saw the top of the barrier keeping the Reishi inside the Soul Society overhead. "Good, I don't think I would have lasted another day." Letting out a relieved breath, Rei and the others got closer and closer to their destination, but it didn't take long to realize something was wrong.
"You know, for an Afterlife, I wasn't expecting there to be so much smoke." Hearing Zabuza's comment, Rei frowned. Looking up for himself, he saw Zabuza was right. There was a lot of smoke accumulating at the top of the barrier. Because of how it had built up, it had almost cast a dark cloud over the entire place.
'What's going on?' Still confused, soon, all four of them arrived at the wall surrounding the entire Soul Society. Not wasting time, Rei walked up the wall and immediately began to manipulate it. Holding out his hand, he turned a small portion of it into its raw Reishi form, creating an opening,g and walked inside.
With the other's following suit, they walked inside as the wall closed up behind them. As soon as they stepped into the Reishi rich area, their bodies were instantly rejuvenated, and their souls were stabilized. The same also happened for Rei as the feeling of weakness he had begun to disappear. Even from how far away they were, the smoke was a clear indicator, and Rei began to panic slightly.
'I can't sense Fuyumi, Seiki, or Ren.' As Rei's thoughts began to swirl, so did the aura around his body. Appearing as a controlled flame, it looked as if Rei kept himself under control, but in all honesty, it was the calm before the storm. Feeling the pressure Rei was giving off, both Haku and Zabuza looked at Rei.
'Compared to when he used that sword last time, this is completely different... It's even stronger.' Shisui, who was feeling this for the first time, was about to reach out and speak to Rei, but he was suddenly pushed back before he could. A massive shockwave covered the entire area as Shisui, Zabuza, and Haku all covered their eyes.
By the time the strong force of the wind had disappeared, Rei was nowhere in sight, and it was obvious which direction he had gone. "That's not good. He was already strong enough when he had his temper under control and his power, but now…" Each of them didn't need Haku to finish to understand what would happen if Rei lost it.
On the other hand, at this point, Rei was almost flying across the ground traveling at top speed. As he made his way towards the residential area at a blinding speed, he could already see the burning buildings coming into view. A large portion of the buildings was on fire while some entire streets were destroyed.
'How did this happen? I was only gone for a week?' A bunch of whys went through Rei's head as he neared the border around the Residential Area. Only till he spotted bodies on the ground did he take measures to slow down, sliding and ripping into the ground, and he stopped himself.
It was like a repeat of what happened to his clan, but it felt even worse. This time he had the ability to stop it, but he wasn't there too. He left, and this was the result. This was on him and no one else. Looking around as he walked forward, Rei looked at the corpses on the ground. A mix of Sound and Leaf ninja headbands was all he had to see.
"I killed Orochimaru… The only person who could have done this was." Kabuto's face flashed in Rei's mind, which was then followed by Danzo's. "This is my fault..." Rei's eyes seemed to have gone ghostly as he muttered to himself. "I should have killed Danzo and Kabuto when I had the chance…" Reaching for Ryujin Jakka Rei's Reiatsu began to grow violent.
In a wave felt across mile's the temperature inside of the Soul Society began to rise. "My god…" Having been trying to follow after Rei, Shisui, Zabuza, and Haku were the first ones to feel the overwhelming pressure Rei was releasing. Just from how violently it was pressing down on them, they could tell it was unrestrained and unhinged.
Staring at the sight they saw before them, Zabuza could do nothing but laugh. "Just how much was he holding back?" Rising into the sky, a pillar of fire could be seen for miles. As it twisted and turned, the air began to turn dry as all the moisture evaporated away. At the central building, it didn't take long for this feeling to reach them as well.
With Sai standing over Fuyumi, Seiki, and Ren's bodies, they were just barely alive. Sai's fist were dripping red with blood, and as he stood there, he and everyone else felt a wave of heat followed by an unyielding amount of pressure pounding down onto him. "Hmm?" Confused by where that feeling was coming from, both Guren and Kabuto began looking around.
Everyone could feel it, but no one knew where it was coming from. And in that instance, they heard Ren's voice as he slowly lifted his head. "You guys are so screwed…" Despite the bad shape he was in, he forced himself to smile as he sensed Rei. 'If you had gotten here a little sooner, maybe we all could have gloated about it...'
Hearing Ren, Kabuto felt a sense of glee as he spoke to everyone in the hall. "It looks like our guest of honor has arrived. I doubt it will take him long to get here, so everyone prepares yourselves." However, before anyone could even listen to Kabuto's order's their eyes shifted to something else.
Standing at the front gate of the main hall they were in was the person they were waiting for. Rei coated in an intense inferno just waiting to be released. 'He got here faster than I thought, but that's fine.' With Sai still by the kids, Kabuto felt he had Rei by the throat as he began to speak. "I have been waiting for this moment for over two years now, Rei."
Pulling off his hood Kabuto revealed his face as he smiled cynically. "I have been waiting for so long for my revenge against you. And now It's finally come." As he spoke, Rei remained silent as his eyes slowly moved from Kabuto to Sai. Seeing him standing over Fuyumi and the others along with his bloodied fist was all it took.
Moving faster than anyone in that room could track, Rei had disappeared. "What?" Sai, who was standing farthest from the entrance, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest as he looked down. Ryujin Jakka's blade was sticking straight through him as his eyes trailed up to Rei standing in front of him. "Oh…"
With a single word to sign off his existence, Rei turned Ryujin Jakka ever so slightly, and immediately, the flame's erupted from inside of Sai's body. Burning his inside's fire shot out from every point in Sai's body as slowly his skin began to melt. It was a gruesome scene, yet at the same time, it seemed so emotionless.
There was no effort in Rei's movements as he removed Ryujin Jakka from Sai's chest. The flames continued to burn away at his charred body to the point it had begun to turn to ash. "You…" Looking at Rei Kabuto's face turned from one filled with confidence to one filled with fear.
"Kabuto, I don't care… I don't care about your reason. I don't care about your situation, and I don't care about anything you have to say." Rei's words were so cold and to the point that Kabuto couldn't even say anything in response. Guren and the rest of the Sound and ROOT ninja in the room remained completely still as fear developed them.
They had picked the wrong target. They knew that now. The consequences of their actions were bearing down on them. And in that instant, the only thing they could do was nothing. With how fast Rei could move, they couldn't escape, and they knew that. "You don't care? I burnt down the homes you built. Had your only loved ones beat you to near-death, and that's all you can say!"
Throwing caution to the wind, Kabuto's rage was on full display as he screamed at Rei. He had done so much to get to this point to see Rei fall into despair. To force him into a position so that he could have to listen to him. But he came here and proved that all of his planning was fruitless because of one thing. Rei was too strong for any plan he had prepared to cope for.
Having listened to Kabuto's words, Rei glanced at him for just a moment. "The words of a deadman do not have weight." That was all Rei said as he waved Ryujin Jakka in an arc-shaped motion. Flying out like a large wave, fire engulfed the entire area in front of Rei as the building shook from the sudden flames.
Everything the flames touched was immediately engulfed and erased. Destroying everything on one side of the room without prejudice, everyone had limited time to react. "Crystal Style: Crystal Encampment Wall!" Casting a Jutsu, Guren created a large crystal wall in an attempt to block the flames. The wall stretched across the entire length of the room, and for a moment, it had seemed to have worked.
However, as the crystal cracked and fire poured through faster than it could recover, it proved futile. "This shouldn't even be possible…" Looking on in disbelief, Kabuto's thoughts seemed to have slowed. 'Am I really so insignificant? So forgettable that I am being wiped away like this… Damit… Damit!'
Echoing in the flame's multiple screams were yelled out before being silenced. However, only one truly stood out as a screech of pure rage. "Dammit!" In one large explosion, a wave of fire engulfed everyone and everything ripping through the central building and shooting into the sky. The flames grew to over ten times their original size as the flames finally disappeared.
Over a few minutes later, after the incident, Zabuza, Haku, and Shisui had finally made their way to where Rei was. With an entire portion of the building and the wall surrounding it being melted away, they walked up slowly. Observing the destruction around them, it didn't take long to spot Rei sitting on the floor next to Fuyumi and the others.
A strange green barrier like structure was hovering around them. Just judging off their injuries, the three of them could only assume Rei was healing them. Taking another look around, Zabuza walked up behind him. "So where are the bastards that caused you to do all this?" Rei didn't answer right away as he spoke in a melancholy tone.
"Gone." Hearing him, Zabuza glanced at the kids and back at the area around them. "Relax. I'm fine. I'm not going to explode or something. This was an eye-opener for me and proved that I was still acting way too ignorant. I had been doing everything based on the hope that the world around me would wait for my plans and goals to work out properly."
Listening to Rei silently, they heard him continue. "Once these three are healed, I'll be dealing with all of my unfinished business. We're going to use Danzo as a display for everyone else to see. I'll make sure that when we're done, people will think twice about ever daring to attack this place or the people that live in it." Rei's voice began to grow slightly hoarse as everyone looked at him.
"I'll guarantee it."
Hope you enjoyed the chapter I tried not to make it too drawn out or too short! Danzo is next on the list and this is going to mark a big shift in the story.