
The God of Destruction Is a Dad?!

Henry Murray was the widely-renowned God of Destruction. He spent his entire childhood with his hands soaked in blood. Being so young, yet so powerful. Henry had a limitless future with his potential, but sadly, faith had different plans for him. Inflicted with an insidious poison, he wallowed in pain and distress until he discovered that he had a... daughter? With renewed vigor and hope in sight, Henry decided to dedicate the remaining years of his life to the one and only princess of hi—oops, we can't forget the wife! My daughter likes to eat cakes...? Let's open a bakery! Oh, my daughter wants to watch a movie? Book the entire movie theater for me! Wait, she's a foodie? Well, let's make a restaurant! For his daughter, Henry was willing to go to any lengths. There was nothing that he couldn't do as a doting dad and as the God of Destruction!

TheAdventurer · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Solid Copy

"Young master!" The bodyguards were stunned silly by the cruelty that they had observed.

They immediately rushed over and checked George's injury.

"How vicious!" The bodyguards sucked a mouthful of cold air. Every joint and every bone in George's arm had been broken with a single twist, it was a miracle that George hadn't died right there and then to cardiac arrest from suffering such a painful injury!

However, he might be able to escape today with his life, but his arm would forever be useless.

Not even the most expensive hospital in Dalaget could salvage his arm.

Christine repeatedly blinked her eyes as she stared at George in a daze. She only closed her eyes for a moment, yet such a turn of events had already happened? Who was this handsome young man? Why was he helping her?

"Mommy! Mommy! Are you okay?!" Shy Shy rushed over from the outside when she heard the commotion. Her eyes were full of worry and her complexion looked as pale as a sheet of paper.

Evidently, the young lass had been startled by George's shrill scream. She thought that it had come from Henry, but taking a look at what was happening—it seemed that Henry was winning!

Shy Shy had always been a smart and perceptive girl; it only took her a single glance to see what was going on.

"Shy Shy! Why did you come here? Didn't I tell you to wait outside? Are you okay?" Christine hurriedly brought Shy Shy into her arms.

"I'm okay, Mommy... Uncle here told me that he's going to help me protect you from bad people!"

Shy Shy held Henry's sleeves and dragged him over to Christine.

"Uncle?" Christine took Shy Shy deep into her embrace as she stared warily at Henry.

The latter felt hurt when she saw the cautious look on Christine's face.

She had always been a sheltered girl who knew knowing about the cruelty of the world.

However—after that event five years ago—she had evidently matured. As to whether this was a good change or not, Henry still didn't know.

Christine might've become too scared and afraid to trust anyone else apart from herself and her daughter.

Henry inwardly sighed as he stared at Christine.

When he saw that she was wearing nothing but a pair of a baggy white t-shirt and short pants that revealed a great amount of skin, especially her snow-white thighs.

Henry's face underwent a few changes.

Although none of them showed on the outside, his heart descended into turmoil.

He had seen countless heart-thumping scenes and observed quite a number of beauties in those war-stricken countries, so he should've been immune to any beautiful woman out there.

But right now, Henry had to admit—that if Christine was a honey-trap of that country to lure him over to their side, then that trap would be incredibly effective.

Christine was indeed a beautiful woman, but there was always a higher summit.

Compared to those world-class beauties, Christine's body and complexion were lacking.

Yet, in Henry's eyes...

She looked more beautiful than them.

'Am I becoming one of those 'simps' that kids nowadays use to mock husbands who fawn over their wives?'

A silly thought emerged in Henry's mind.

'All right, I'll be a simp if I must be...'

Shaking his head, Henry placed these thoughts into the deep recesses of his mind.

"I see, I see... I understand now... So that is the reason why you're so adamant about refusing our offer."

"It's because you already have a lover!"

George gnashed his teeth as he stood up.

He didn't seem to mind the condition of his arm as he glared angrily at Christine, "To think that you would actually betray the family to hook up with a brute who dared to broke my arm!"

"All right, just you wait... I came here under the orders of Grandpa, let's see how he reacts when he hears of what you have done to me!"

"I am sure that when he finds out what you have been doing behind the family's back... You and that lover of yours, as well as that bastard child of yours, will die!"

"All right," The emotions on Henry's face disappeared. It was replaced by this sort of detached indifference that if someone who knew about his identity stared at him at this moment—they would be scared out of their wits.

Those who were close to the God of Destruction, Vajrada Shivada knew that once his face became devoid of emotions...

It would be the start of a slaughter!

Henry's hand trembled as his eyes turned bloodshot.

The bodyguards staggered backward as they stared at Henry in fear.

These bodyguards were military veterans who once fought in the border territory of Dalaget.

They were more familiar with killing intent than any random joe in the street. However, despite their familiarity with this concept, they still couldn't withstand the sheer heaviness of the killing intent that Henry had unleashed at this moment!

Henry clenched his fists.

Fury had flooded his heart the moment George called his daughter, 'bastard child'.

No mercy!

Henry cried out in his heart.

"Go! Uncle, go! Scare the baddies away!" Shy Shy cheered from the sidelines.

Henry's figure abruptly froze.

The anger in his heart receded.

What am I doing?

Was I about to kill someone in front of my daughter?!

Henry awakened from his trance.

He wanted to dedicate the remainder of his life to raising up his daughter in the very best environment and the most sheltered way possible.

If Henry spilled blood in front of his daughter, she would then discover how fragile life could be...

When that happened, she would then understand how ruthless the world could be...

Wasn't that the same as robbing her of her innocence at such a young age?

To be honest, it wasn't that Henry didn't want her daughter to know just how ugly the world was...

But Shy Shy was just a four-year-old girl!

Someone as young as her shouldn't be shoved into this kind of world! She must be protected at all costs... Henry was planning to give her a childhood that he desired the most, yet he ultimately was unable to achieve for himself.

This was why...

He must not shed blood in front of his daughter.

Henry lifted a smile.

The killing intent in his heart simmered down as his bloodshot eyes returned to normal. The detached indifference on his face disappeared, replaced by a more casual look as he eyed the bodyguards and warned them with his eyes.

The bodyguards quickly received Henry's signal and they immediately understood what he meant as they sighed in relief.

"Sir, we have to go now!" A close subordinate of George approached him with a bitter smile on his face.

"What the fuck are you talking about? How dare you order me around?!" George glared at his bodyguard, "What am I paying you guys for?"

"Am I paying you all to just stand there and watch me take a beating? Come here and beat this brute for me!" George pointed at Henry and the bodyguards exchanged bitter smiles.

In just a few seconds, they came to a mutual understanding and they simultaneously made a decision to...

"I quit!" A bodyguard who had been with George for almost half a decade already bowed in George's direction and directly left the room.

"What?" George stared at the middle-aged man in shock, "Ruel, what the fuck are you doing? You're quitting? Why? And why now?"

Ruel turned around and surreptitiously glanced at Henry before he replied, "Young master, I am your bodyguard and my job is to protect your life..."

"But you are not even going to listen to my advice, so I am quitting now before I see you die and let myself experience a failure in my job."

"I will die? Just what the hell are you talking about?" George was so angry that veins bulged on his forehead.

Henry lightly chuckled, "You should listen to your bodyguards. In fact, not only you would die—they would also die if you continue to order them around like this."

George stared at Henry in astonishment.


The bodyguard named Ruel remained steadfast in his decision, "Young master, seeing that you're still not going to listen to my advice. Let my decision be final. I had a good time working with you, young master. But I would love to retire with my life intact. Goodbye!"

"I'm sorry, young master..."

"We'll be off now, young master."

The other bodyguards also bowed in George's direction as Christine and Shy Shy stared at this baffling scene in a daze.

George was now alone in the apartment and he felt like a naked man without his bodyguards.

Gnashing his teeth, he glared in Henry's direction before turning to look at Christine in disdain.

"Bitch! You're lucky that the brains of my bodyguards are malfunctioning today!"

He then furiously stormed off the apartment without even closing the door shut.

"What a rude person, he didn't even close the doors." Henry walked over to the door and closed it by himself.

But as he was trying to lock the doors... he used the microphone attached to his sleeves and contacted Patrick.

"Make it look like an accident."

"Solid Copy."

Only two words sealed George's fate.

Henry might not kill anyone in front of his wife and daughter, but it didn't mean that he couldn't borrow a knife!

It seems that George just epsteined himself xD

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