
The God of Death

What would you do if you where the God of Death. Thats something Adam never thought he would ever answer.

Lucifer_Samuel · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Becoming a God

Adam was your normal average guy. Not like in novels where there a loser and everything. He was just normal. He had a job, a car, a home. They weren't the best but he was like any mid tier child from a mid tier family.

It was like any normal day. He was walking back from his daily morning walk and it was almost 8 AM. Adam was happily thinking about a girl he like from work who is he had a HUGE crush on. Just as he open his door a hole appeared under him and he fell right in.

Adam didn't scream cause this actually felt relaxing to him. Falling through dark hole that seem to never end always made him calm, but all good thing come to an end. With a thud Adam hit the floor or whatever it is.

"Right when I was really feeling it," Adam looked before him and saw something very, absolutely, extremely unexpected. Gods. Well he didn't know if they were Gods but he had that feeling. Who else could have such a Godly feeling? Morgan Freeman?

"So... who are you guys?" Adam head was going faster than a cheetah, racing to figure out what was before his eyes.

"Where the Greek/Roman Gods. Cause you know the Roman were too lazy to think up there own Gods." said a big dude with white hair and a thunderbolt behind him.

(Note: Single ' means it's in his head)

'Zeus, has to be Zeus. Why would they call me here is the thing?' Adam just looked and them. It was a very long stare. Then something clicked in his head. The Greek Gods are arrogant. They would never talk to mortal like this.

"Ahh... we were so close to getting him." says a woman who Adam thinks was supposed to be Artemis. All of the other quote on quote "Greek Gods" nodded and they they all transformed into normal looking people. They looked so normal in fact you could mistake them for humans.

"You can all leave now," says the man who was Zeus. The other Gods leave and Adam and whoever the man was where left alone. Adam then realized he didn't even know where he was. They were in a study. It was a fairly normal study. A desk in front of a window facing the door. A bookshelf on the left and right with a couch on the left side facing the bookshelf. It was a pretty nice study. Unless you count the fact that there was a void outside the window.

"So your probably wondering why your here. Your here to become the God of Death, Now don't think your the only God of Death or that your special. There are many Gods of Death for all the many worlds. You were picked from a wheel. Think of it like winning a lottery except you don't have the choice or enter or not or the choice of saying no. My name is Azrael if you want to know." Azrael looked at Adam as if wait for a website to load.

Adam was fairly calm. On the outside, on the inside he was a hot, bubbly, steam mess. Now you would think he would be happy but think about it. Would you be happy if you just learned your becoming the God of Death. He had a life unlike most novel protagonist, okay maybe that was harsh but like could you really say they had one when the Author said they had no life.

"I have so many questions but I will ask the important ones. What world am I the God of, are there other Gods in that world, can I go back to Earth?" these were important questions. If Azrael says something other than Earth then he would be much happier. Who want to see their friends die? The second questions was for information. He did want to be the only God in a world.

"Athen is the world, it is a new world and there will be other Gods. You are one of the 4 most important. There is the God of Space, Time, Life, and Death. The 4 Overlords as most people call them. You can go back if you can find it and bypass the defense the Gods of Earth have set up. Now be on your way. Being the God of Oblivion isn't easy you know." with a flick Adam was sent through another hole then thrown out into emptiness.

'Fuck you Azrael, fuck you and everyone of your children.' Adam opened his eyes or tried. He didn't have any eyes at all. He had all 6, yes 6, senses yet had no body. He did the one thing he had read about in novel. He condensed himself as much as he could. It took a few tries but he got it. He looked Hades from Hercules but with no fire on his head and 3D. The fire was replaced with a head of black hair.

'Hey I'm a God now what's stopping me from being inhuman.' horns grew out of his head and black feather wings from his back. He of course didn't forget to give himself a suit. He looked like a very classy devil. Now that was done Adam looked around again and realized there where other forms of energy trying to condense themselves.

'Oh well they can figure it out themselves. Betrayal is real.' Adam kept condensing his energy and sucking in more as he waited for them. By the time they became liquids he had already could have condensed himself from a gas to a solid 3 times. It was taking much longer than he thought. So he tried to do something else with his energy. He started making things. His control was slowly getting better. When all the other energys had finally become solids and humanoid he could already make a ball, of what he called Death Energy, the size of an asteroid.

'Finally there done, that took forever.' Adam looked at then and saw they must have learned from him cause they all looked human with just a few little changes. The God or should I say Goddess of Life looked like an Elf. Adam could tell she was the Goddess of Life based off the complete opposite feeling of her energy from his. That made the other 2 have to be the Gods of Time and Space. He just didn't know who was who.

"Hello there fellow Gods, what do you guys rule?"Adam smiled at them and asked. He was clearly looking at the Gods of Space and Time but who payed attention.

"I am Life and you must be Death. Names Lia," said the girl who's name was Lia.

"Space, my name is Chrome" said a man who looked like a protagonist. He had the handsome face and lean body just his hair was literally made of space and his eyes.

"I am Time as you tell. My name is Lear" said a girl who looked like a human with just very dark hair.

"Yes I am the God of Death Lia my name is..." Adam really couldn't just call himself Adam. That was no God like name. Adam decided to steal a name from the Romans. "My name is Pluto."

Tell if you think it's good. I'm kinda new to writing!

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