
The God of Cliché is my director!

For millennia, the cliches of the world have been kept at bay by the clans of the earth, led by the Hoshinomori family, who have been at war with the "God of the cliche" maintaining balance and peace in the world. Now it is the turn of the 40th generation to put an end to this war, graduating from high school without falling into monotony, but ... Will they be able to achieve it considering that the principal of their school is the God of the Cliché himself?

KuroganeYume · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: "The first born of the new generation".

We arrived at the main hall just as the entrance ceremony had started, apparently Haru was assigned to class 1-B, while I was assigned to class 1-A, upon learning that, we said our goodbyes and went to our respective positions.

–– "A very good morning to all students present, welcome to the fortieth entrance ceremony of Kurishe Private High School." –– Hehe, what a name. –– "Now, let us receive the director of this Institute, let us receive and listen attentively to our lord, Samuru-san."

The lights went out and from one moment to the next, a beam of light let itself be seen in the center of the stage, showing the silhouette of a young "Man", with shoulder-length black hair, blue eyes covered by gray glasses and pale complexion, yes… it was him.

–– Good morning my dear students, I hope you are happy and energized to start this school year, I also hope that each of you can bloom like a cherry petal and show the world how special are the students of this great institute.

It was incredible the silence that took over the room as Samuru-san's speech, you can tell that this guy is a god, the aura he gives off is totally different from the people present here, well... not counting a small group of people.

–– I hope that everything we can teach you and deliver to you, is just the seed that begins to germinate in all of you, thank you very much for choosing this institute to spend your three years of school life with us… and to a small group of students, I hope the routine of being high school students will take hold of you, hehe.

Well, well, what a clear message he threw out just like that, it's obvious he's referring to us.

–– In closing, I would like to introduce the elite of this institute, please come to the stage when you hear their names.

–– "Student council president, class 2-A, Miyamoto Arata."

–– Yes!

Miyamoto Arata-senpai, eldest son of the Miyamoto clan, specialists in survival skills, Arata-senpai is a guy who is always innovating with all kinds of ideas, a personality that fits his name like a glove. He is physically taller than me, with blue eyes, platinum blond hair and a normal complexion.

–– "Of the incoming freshmen, Class 1-A and Class 1-C, Takumi Hatsu and Takumi Ichiro."

–– Yes!

Voices sounded fully synchronized across the great hall, this time it was the turn of the Takumi twins.

–– See you on stage Akira-sama, hehe. -- A sweet, but at the same time worrying voice came through my ears.

–– Why did the crazy woman have to touch me?

The person with the voice was none other than Takumi Hatsu, one of the daughters of the Takumi clan, specialists in information and infiltration. Physically she is a girl of average height, purple eyes and green hair, her skin is similar to velvet. Of all the firstborns she is the most skillful when it comes to sneaking, let's say she is almost perfect, but... her personality leaves much to be desired, she is explosive, stubborn and obsessive, so much so that for her I... I'm already her husband, seriously, this girl is scary.

On the other side is Ichiro, a boy with short blue hair and purple eyes, he's about my height, dark complexion and in simple words, he's a guy who follows his instincts for almost everything he does, he's quite cunning, and he helps me a lot with his crazy sister, I owe a lot to Ichiro.

–– "Also a new entrant, from class 1-B, Furukawa Haru."

–– Yes! –– It's Haru's turn.

Furukawa Haru, from the Furukawa clan, who for years has been the right hand of my family and in this generation has not been the exception, Haru has been my companion since we were little, he has been my sparring partner and now he is my personal escort, that has made our relationship is no longer the same we had before, in fact we had not seen each other since the promotion ceremony five years ago. His appearance has not changed much over the years, he still has those turquoise eyes and shoulder-length purple hair.

–– The last announcement will be made by me personally. –– Samuru-san took the reins of the presentations. –– It makes me totally happy to introduce this boy, so last but not least, let Mr. Hoshinomori Akira take this stage.

–– Yes! –– I let out my voice, causing a deep echo in the hall.

I could feel the stinging gazes of everyone in the room as I approached the stage, especially Hatsu's, I'm sure that this chick is raping me in her mind right now…

Once on the stage, I turned around and stood facing the audience, after that Samuru-san resumed her speech.

–– Before you are the people who are considered the elite of this institute, therefore, they are our greatest pride and I hope that each of you see yourselves represented in them, now please, let's give them a strong and warm applause.

The shower of applause was not long in coming, it was incredible how from one moment to the next the solemn atmosphere that dominated the hall was abruptly changed by this deafening noise.

–– Akira-kun. –– Suddenly Samuru-san called my name. –– Could you say a few words to your "people", Leader-san?

–– No problem. –– I accepted the proposal and approached the podium. –– I'm not one for many words, so, I hope that even though for you we are something like the elite of this place, you see us more as your companions and friends, and to close....

I stared at the audience for a couple of seconds, then glanced sideways at the people behind me, sketched a small smile and raised my left index finger upwards, saying.

–– Let us break that ceiling that limits us and rise to the sky that expands before us, thank you very much.

A second shower of applause, accompanied this time by shouts, was loudly heard, while the other firstborns approached where I was, I moved away from the podium and formed a line next to them.

–– We hope to have a good year with you! –– Together with these words we bowed to the audience while the shouts and applause increased in intensity.

These are us, the first-born of the new generation of the "anti-cliché" monks, the generation that… will put an end to this war.