
The God Of Basketball

The ordinary Yang Jian traveled to 1995 because of a basketball mobile game and became a Chinese student participating in the NBA draft. He entered the NBA with super physical fitness and started the most brilliant professional basketball career. God was also a man before, but he did things that man could not do, so he became a god.

Alderweild · Sports
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35 Chs

Chapter 29 [A heart to be the boss]

Yang Jian's agent Steve Oldman came to Seattle and has no plans to leave in the short term.

He went out and recommended himself, but in the end he only had Yang Jian as a client. If he didn't come to Seattle to help Yang Jian handle various affairs, he would have nothing else to do.

A fat man with insufficient qualifications, no big-name clients, and a poor image cannot attract clients despite his ability. Oldman's ability to survive in the agent circle is also due to the butterfly effect caused by Yang Jian.

If it were last season, Oldman would have had only one undrafted client and would have wanted to die. Now he is full of hope and firmly believes that Yang Jian can become a star.

Oldman currently has nothing to do in Seattle. No merchant will seek out Yang Jian for endorsement just because of his performance in the summer league. Occasionally appearing in newspapers will not make him very popular, even if he is the first Chinese to play in the NBA.

With no job, no entertainment, and no family, Yang Jian focused all her energy on the basketball court.

It's not that he doesn't like to play, it's just that there was really nothing to play in 1995.

Before time travel, he couldn't live without the Internet. He used computers and mobile phones every day... surfing the Internet, checking Moments, ordering takeout and online shopping. What entertainment was available in America in 1995? Arcade? Singing karaoke? Going to a nightclub? None of this attracted him.

The United States did have high-consumption entertainment activities that he had never experienced before, but he didn't have that much money to spend.

Efforts will definitely be rewarded.

Yang Jian and Snow continued to practice until early October, and his shooting, dunking, dribbling skills, etc. all improved. Snow's progress is much slower, mainly because he has the experience of defending speedy players and dares to shoot three-pointers.

Snow was the one who witnessed Yang Jian's growth and was filled with admiration.

He simply couldn't believe those fancy dunk moves that Yang Jian made, many of which Jordan had never done. In the summer league, Yang Jian's most beautiful dunk was just a big windmill. Now he can turn around 360 degrees and dunk and alley-oop crotch dunks.

The distance of his dunks also became farther and farther, and he completed a take-off dunk from the free throw line. Although he didn't dunk every time, he took three standard dribble steps, not an illegal dunk by running with the ball.

Genius is not terrible. What is terrible is that genius is handsome and hardworking. It is said that the stupid bird flies first, but if a magical bird works hard to move forward day and night, then people have to look forward to his achievements.

Snow now feels that joining the Sonics with Yang Jian is a great blessing in life. He can't become an All-Star himself, but in the future he can tell others that he is Yang Jian's good friend, which will make countless people envious.

After more than two months of training, Yang Jian has become more and more confident. He believes that he can not only be a starter for the SuperSonics, but also produce beautiful data.

His personal information has changed a lot from when he first traveled through time.

Name is Yang Jian, age 19, nationality Chinese. He is 190cm barefoot and weighs 88kg.

Physical fitness 90 (top), basketball skills 51 (average), shooting accuracy 56+10 (average shooter), spirit 21 (average).

His basketball skills include four.

Dunk: LV4. (You can complete a large number of difficult dunks, and you are only one step away from the top of the world)

Catching shot: LV4. (Your catching and shooting movements are done in one go, making it difficult for defenders to block your shots)

Shooter: LV3. (You have been able to skillfully use Hersey Hawkins' shooting movements, but your shooting percentage is still far behind that of an excellent shooter)

A great jump shot. (Cannot upgrade)

Other skills, none.

Comprehensive evaluation: 72 points B+, a qualified starting player in the NBA.

The overall score of the "God of Basketball" system increases by 5 points. If Yang Jian's score exceeds 75, it will be an A- evaluation. He guessed that the system would then evaluate him as a "second-rate star" or an "ordinary star".

The regular season hasn't started yet. Once he has a tacit understanding with his teammates and plays a role in the game, his rating will definitely increase.

He practices crotch dribbling, behind-the-back dribbling, stepback and other movements every day. He feels that he is already very proficient in basketball skills at 51, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. It will be easier for him to practice breakthroughs when he practices with his teammates.

On October 4, the SuperSonics held a media day.

During breakfast, Oldman told Yang Jian and Snow a lot of things to pay attention to. Yang Jian felt like a freshman going to school to report and being talked about by his parents.

"When new players enter the NBA, they have to carry shoes, bags, and buy things for the old players. You don't have to do it, but if you do these things, it will be easier to build a good relationship with the core members of the team. If they are willing to pass the ball, it will be easier for the new talent to stand out." Oldman said.

Snow asked: "You just want to pick one of the three stars when you carry your bag?"

"That's not necessary. The team usually arranges for the old to lead the new. It depends on which veteran will lead you. You just need to have a good relationship with him."

Yang Jian asked calmly: "What if there are marginalized people or veteran role players who act like the boss and ask me to do some excessive things besides running errands?"

One incident was particularly impressive to him. After Yao Ming joined the Rockets, blue-collar insider Kevin Cato asked Yao Ming to tie his shoelaces, and the cameraman happened to film it.

Where does Cato, a blue-collar player who averages 17 minutes per game, have the courage to randomly instruct the top pick Yao Ming? ! Yang Jian felt that if he were the top pick in the draft, he would directly complain to the management and ask Cato to get out as soon as possible. Anyway, he is just a substitute, not someone the team cannot lack. Isn't it difficult to find such a blue-collar guy?

Oldman smiled and said: "If it's a fringe person who's putting on a show, don't give him a good look. You're Chinese, so you can pretend you don't understand the NBA. You're going to be a star in the future, and not everyone is qualified to boss you around. "

"That's what I want to hear." Yang Jian nodded.

"Don't mess around, try to have a good relationship with your teammates." Oldman Khan said.

"There is a Chinese saying that 'I will not offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will offend them.' As long as others don't offend me, I have a good temper. Don't worry, I have my own sense of proportion." Yang Jian smiled. road.

If it's shopping, running errands, carrying bags, etc., he has no problem. He can also accept lively atmospheres such as playing tricks, wearing funny clothes and carrying a flowery school bag.

But if someone treats him in an insulting way, he will never give the nigger a good look. I have never heard of a white person doing this kind of thing in the NBA. It is a major characteristic of black people.

Yang Jian feels that whether he resists or accepts something like this can tell a player's character. Players who dare to resist have a higher ceiling because they have the heart to be the boss.

Ceballos had been teammates with Kobe for half a season, bullying Kobe on the team and instigating Kobe to do this and that. Finally one day, Kobe was irritated by Ceballos's swear words on the bus. He angrily yelled at Ceballos and told him that if he cursed again, he would break his face. In the middle of the 1996-97 season, Ceballos was sent to the Suns by the Lakers.

Kobe was traded from the Hornets by the Lakers using star center Divac as a bargaining chip, and Ceballos actually thought he could be his big brother. Obviously, this is a fool.

The same thing happened to LeBron James. Ricky Davis, the "triple-double king", asked James, who had just arrived with the Cavaliers, to pick up his shoes. Shortly after the start of the 2003-04 season, the Cavaliers traded away Davis. Afterwards, Davis also publicly stated: "I thought at the time that the team came to him to help me."

Before James even played a regular season game, he signed a seven-year, $90 million sneaker contract with Nike. If such a person helps Davis, how big a contract should Nike give Davis? The answer is that Nike simply doesn't like him.

Some black players have no brains at all. Yang Jian doesn't know if there are such people in the SuperSonics. If they meet them, they won't be polite.

Yang Jian only signed a one-year contract, but showed amazing potential. As long as the SuperSonics management is not stupid, there is no way they would allow anyone on the team to force him away.

He joined the SuperSonics to help the team win a championship, not to be a clown and make fun of the old players.

Respect is mutual, and some people naturally don't like others riding on their heads.