
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 48 must be about her!

How to use the yin power to get rid of the yin qi entangled in the target, this point was naturally taught by Master Jiang to Yang Haoran.

  This method is not difficult, there is no skill at all, as long as the Yin energy is exposed, no matter whether it is condensed on the hands or on other utensils, the Yin energy can be dispersed by attacking hard.

  Of course, if the yin energy on the target is ridiculously strong, it is not that simple to easily dispel the yin energy. The yin energy must reach a certain level.

  The yin energy entangled in Guan Hai's body is very strong, but it is only for Yang Haoran today, he has become a night watchman with limited knowledge, and has not seen any big scenes in this regard, so in his eyes, Guan Hai's body The Yin Qi is quite strong.

  But fortunately, the degree of strong Yin Qi has not exceeded his ability, otherwise, if he wanted to disperse the Yin Qi wrapped around Guan Hai's body with a single palm, he would definitely not be able to do so.

  Although he didn't open his ghost eyes again, he couldn't see if there was any Yin Qi on Guan Hai's body, but his ability to sense Yin always existed. Even if he couldn't see it, he could determine whether the Yin Qi on Guan Hai's body had been exorcised by him alone.

  Yang Haoran was quite satisfied with Guan Hai's facial expression, he liked seeing this guy's shocked look very much.

  He used to play tricks all the time, and was always regarded as a magic stick by Guan Hai. Since he really had no real skills, every time Guan Hai mentioned this issue, he would use acting to fool him.

  This is his heart disease. He really wants to prove himself in front of his good brother, but he has no such ability. Now that he has real skills, he didn't want to show it in front of Guan Hai, but the other party didn't cooperate, so he simply did it in front of him. Showing off his face, he satisfied his vanity a little bit.

  "Okay, don't be shocked, there are so many strange people in this world, there is nothing to be surprised about." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  Even though he said so, the small pride on his face was clearly written, and he wished that Guan Hai would be more shocked.

  "I've always thought that Brother Yang, you are a person with real skills. Although I always say that you are a magic stick, it's just to stimulate you to show some real skills. Looking at it now, I, Guan Hai, really didn't miss it! "Guan Hai looked excited.

  For a person who is not familiar with Guan Hai, if he heard Guan Hai's words at this time and saw his excited expression at this time, he would definitely think that his words came from the bottom of his heart.

  But who is Yang Haoran, he has known Guan Hai for not a day or two, and he knows Guan Hai's character like the back of his hand, so he naturally doesn't believe Guan Hai's nonsense.

  "You are fooling around. I want to believe that you really have seen hell. However, although none of your words are true, brother sounds very comfortable." Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

  "It's good to be comfortable, it's good to be comfortable, brother, what other services do you need?" Guan Hai asked hastily with a flattering face.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran felt very awkward in his heart, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on his body for no reason.

  "If you don't disgust me, I don't want to serve you. I need to learn something from you." Yang Haoran said with a smile.

  "What else do you know? You and I know the bottom line. You know my situation. There is nothing to know."

  Guan Hai still wanted to talk poorly, but Yang Haoran shut him up with a single word.

  "This matter is related to your life. If you don't deal with it in time, you will die."

  When Yang Haoran said this, although the smile on his face was still there, Guan Hai felt that he didn't seem to be joking.

  "Really?" Guan Hai didn't believe it, hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice.

  "Really!" Yang Haoran answered with certainty.

  After receiving Yang Haoran's affirmative answer, Guan Hai put away his playful thoughts, sat up straight, and became serious.

  "What do you want to ask?" Guan Hai asked suspiciously.

  "What have you been doing lately? Why did you get so angry for no reason? Did you come into contact with any strange people or evil things?" Yang Haoran asked.

  Hearing this, Guan Hai frowned, and didn't answer Yang Haoran immediately, but had a thoughtful expression on his face.

  In fact, Yang Haoran had already had some guesses in his mind. In his opinion, the reason why Guan Hai was haunted by Yin Qi was probably related to Wang Qing. See if Guan Hai himself realizes the problem.

  Guan Hai thought for a moment, then shook his head, and said, "I don't seem to have come into contact with any strange people or things."

  Of course Yang Haoran was dissatisfied with Guan Hai's answer, but he didn't show anything, but asked another question that seemed to be wrong.

  "What are you up to lately? Why don't you have a call?"

  This turn was too fast, Guan Hai was unprepared for a moment, and his face suddenly changed.

  Yang Haoran has been observing every change of Guan Hai's expression with a smile all the time, seeing that Guan Hai's expression is not right, his smile became more intense.

  "I've been busy recently, so I haven't had time to contact you. By the way, didn't you kid also contact me? Why did you go?"

  Guan Hai hurriedly changed the topic, but Yang Haoran didn't like him.

  "Are you related to that Wang Qing?" Yang Haoran hit the nail on the head.

  Guan Hai's face changed again, and then he smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, you can see that I have gotten a little close to this woman recently, because you are very opposed to me approaching her, in order to prevent you from looking at this woman Heart, so I haven't contacted you during this time."

  Regarding Guan Hai's answer, Yang Haoran was not surprised at all. When he saw Wang Qing in the hospital today, he knew in his heart that Guan Hai must have gotten involved with this female college student named Wang Qing.

  "Haizi, if you continue like this, sooner or later you will suffer a lot because of women." Yang Haoran rarely put away the smile on his face, and reminded Guan Hai with a serious face.

  Guan Hai didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile to Yang Haoran: "I've lived this kind of life for several years, if something happened, it would have happened long ago, why would I wait until now."

  Yang Haoran shook his head, disapproving of Guan Hai's statement, he continued to say: "Isn't it a disadvantage to be entangled with yin energy? If I guess right, you will be entangled with yin energy, and you must have something to do with Wang Qing! "

  Seeing Yang Haoran's words were so certain, Guan Hai was dubious, and asked, "Is it true?"

  "I also felt the presence of Yin Qi on her body, but the strange thing is that the Yin Qi on her body is much weaker now than when I first saw her, but the Yin Qi on your body is quite strong."

  Yang Haoran's words made Guan Hai frowned, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face again, while Yang Haoran continued to speak while the iron was hot.

  "Before you met her, there was no yin energy on your body. Since you met her, you have been haunted by yin energy. She has yin energy on her body, and you have not come into contact with strange people and people during this period of time. Things, if this matter has nothing to do with her, I really don't know how the Yin Qi in your body came from."

  Having seen Yang Haoran's abilities just now, and now seeing Yang Haoran speak so seriously, Guan Hai couldn't help but suspect Wang Qing as a woman.

  "Think about it again, did any strange things happen to you during this time?" Yang Haoran asked.

  Guan Hai frowned, thought for a while, he still shook his head, and said: "I haven't been in touch with you during this time, I'm often with Wang Qing, and I get drunk every day, you know, my life is In this way, not a day is sober. If there is anything strange to say, it is that my mental state is getting worse day by day these days."

  "You will feel that your mental state is getting worse day by day, which means that you were already surrounded by Yin Qi at that time." Yang Haoran shook his head, Guan Hai's words did not provide him with any useful information.

  However, Yang Haoran suddenly thought of something. When Jiang Zhenzhen was haunted by the carrion old woman, she would have nightmares every night, so he asked Guan Hai: "Did you have any nightmares during this time?"

  Hearing this, Guan Hai suddenly smiled bitterly, and said: "Hehe, I have often had nightmares since I was a child, and it's not just this time."

  Hearing that Guan Hai had a nightmare, Yang Haoran quickly asked: "Did you have a nightmare repeatedly, and a person appeared repeatedly in the nightmare?"

  Guan Hai thought for a while, then shook his head, and said, "That's not true."

  What he said made Yang Haoran frown on the contrary, with a look of doubt on his face.

  "Could it be that the yin energy on Haizi's body does not come from the undead, but from some other evil thing?" Yang Haoran couldn't help thinking this way.

  There are many channels for the formation of Yin Qi, and it is not limited to the soul after death. Guan Hai is full of Yin Qi and has no nightmares, which made him have some other guesses.

  However, Guan Hai has just made it very clear that he has not been in contact with strange people or things during this period of time, so how did he get the yin energy on his body?

  I couldn't figure it out in my heart, but Yang Haoran still had a solution, so he said to Guan Hai: "If you don't find out the root cause of your yin qi contamination, it is very likely that you will be tainted again, although I have the ability to remove the yin energy from your body However, if it goes on for a long time, your body will not be able to bear it, so we must find out the problem and solve it, so as to ensure that you will not be hurt again."

  "Then what should we do?" Guan Hai asked.

  "As I said just now, this matter must have something to do with that female college student Wang Qing. If you want to find out the root cause, you have to start with her. You should take a rest this afternoon, and you will ask her out tonight and treat her with her." You should be able to understand some situations." Yang Haoran said.

  "What if we don't get any useful information from her?" Guan Hai asked worriedly.

  "Then I can only think of other ways, but don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter for you." Yang Haoran promised.