(A few weeks after the previous chapter) (MC POV)
Billions of Martians watched me as I entered through the doors of the adamantium vault of Parliament.
All 687 Members of Parliament were here, surrounding me. Vox transmitters broadcast my every step as I made my way toward the center of the temple.
In one hand I carried the official book 'The Codex of Mars', and in the other an ornate scroll decorated with a double-headed eagle. An unrolled scroll was coming to my neck. Handwritten on exquisite parchment, the first copy of the Treaty of Olympus Mons was proudly on display.
I stand in the center of the temple and wait for a few minutes and watch how only silence can be heard through the temple and the whole of Mars.
I burst forth in a mass of light and gold and begin the speech "Children of Mars, once in ages past mankind was scattered to the stars. Countless worlds looked to distant Sol as the cradle and nexus of the species. It was a wondrous age when we claimed the stars ours. Humanity has grown to unprecedented heights and unlocked the secrets of the cosmos".
"However, this Age of Glory came to an end when the twin threats of Metal and Mesa set the galaxy on fire. Anima Silica, the artificial minds we created in our quest for knowledge and power brought unimaginable doom. The threat of metal has torn apart the once united human worlds".
"Humanity has fallen from its height possessed by the tides of Mutations, Witches, Xeno and Abominable Intelligences. Destroyed by a machine rebellion, humanity has lost its technology, and once heavenly worlds have been turned into hellish worlds of suffering".
"The dark side of the human psyche returned as brother tore brother apart and sister ate sister in a cannibalistic frenzy, so lies and deceit, murder and crime destroyed all human existence during the Old Night. Just as savage tribes killed each other for the right to rule Hell, so the surviving human societies clashed in a murderous frenzy".
"But now is the time for this period of misery to end and prosperity to begin".
"As we all know, prosperity is a state of wealth, success and happiness. This is the ultimate goal of every individual and every nation on earth. For millennia, individuals and nations have strived to achieve prosperity, but unfortunately they have failed, now is our time to try and succeed".
"In order to achieve prosperity, we must come out of the dark ages and embrace innovation, technology and change for the better".
"We are still using outdated systems and technologies that do not serve our needs. We need to embrace the new age and technology to make sure we leave the dark ages behind".
"Our technological base must be improved, we must advance our technological development and improve the living conditions of ordinary people".
"We need to ensure that everyone benefits from the new system, not just a few. We must address the issue of inequality and ensure that everyone has access to health care, education and other essential services".
"Prosperity is the most important goal of our time. To achieve prosperity, we must emerge from the dark ages and embrace innovation, technology and change".
"We must reclaim our throne, we must reclaim our technology base, reconquer and return all human inhabited planets, we must eradicate the hostile xenos and integrate the friendly ones".
"Harmful mutations and unapproved witches must be eradicated and replaced with Abhumans and Sanctioned Psykers".
"This devastated area was still reeling from the War on Iron when the threat of Metal reared its head. Warp touched people used to be rare, not anymore. The Immaterium reached new heights of insanity and isolated the fragments of man. They were easy prey for things spawned from broken minds and alien monsters".
"The Age of Miracles is long over and we have now survived the Dark Ages. That era is coming to an end. We will no longer hide isolated in the shadows, afraid of parasites and scavengers. It's time for a new era! The age of unification! Age of Empire!"
"For too long, humanity's twin homes Terra and Mars have been alone in the dark. Today I come to ask for unification. Not conquest, not subjugation but unity".
"Mars and Terra will no longer be twins but one! The heart of humanity's new empire. The one who will dispel the darkness and usher in a new and eternal Golden Age!"
"I did not come as a conqueror but as a unifier. This contract is not a shackle or surrender of sovereignty, but an opportunity to become part of the greatest undertaking in human history! So I leave the choice to the Citizens of Mars. Will you join the newly born Empire of Man and help claim the birthright of our species?"
"With determination and cooperation, we can create a brighter and more prosperous future for all. Let's start this journey together and build a world we can all be proud of," I finish my speech and look straight through all 13 billion Martians.
For a few seconds burdened by the burden of fate, all of Mars fell silent.
Not a single human voice, mechanical or otherwise, spoke, and the great factories and industrial complexes seemed even quieter because of it. A single voice buried deep in the crowd on Tharsis broke the silence. The young Tech Priestess took a deep breath that was only possible thanks to the Omnissiah's blessing and shouted as loud as her mortal vocal cords could, "OMNISSIAH WILL!"
The moment those fateful words left her mouth, the Red Planet erupted. Billions have sung that simple, galaxy-changing phrase. Titan Warhorns blared, Industrial Vox-Emitters were repurposed, and translations of the phrase in the myriad binary dialects of Mars echoed through the Data-streams of the Mechanicum.
As the chanting continued to shake all of Mars, I alone with the scroll approached the main producer of Mars and handed over the scroll. The ancient cyborg bowed low and signed the scroll. The scroll had close to 200 points.
Each of these points and the hundreds of other articles that make up the Treaty were accompanied by a vision. Each one is taken from my own mind or soul from the afterlife. The visions explicitly showed the reasons for the article and its importance.
I look through all 13 billion and see in each of them a fanatical look of loyalty and faith.
I shouldn't have let Adept Seymon and the Void Dragon i come. I mean I caused some shocked reactions when I broke out of the crust of Mars with the Dragon and Seymon on it.
Introducing the founders of the Mechanicus and the Dragon made it easier for me to implement my reforms and gave me a complete advantage in negotiations.
Only one thought appeared in my mind 'Was it really worth it?'.
I climb Bucephelus and enter him.
I enter the main room where my Custodes are waiting for me with news from Terra.
I sit on the throne and take the documents and only a smile crosses my face.
Everything according to plan.
There was no appearance of Nighthaunter, that's good means that the dark future was erased.
Arik Taranis' training of Magnus went the same as in the original timeline.
The fleet that was supposed to arrive on Terra seems to have arrived earlier. A flotilla of dilapidated ships crossed over to Sols Mandeville Point closest to Terra. The losses were smaller, in the original they lost a third of their number, due to my changes they lost singular of their number.
The flotilla, like the original, consisted of thousands of refugees from a nearby star system who followed the Holy Woman's vision of the "Light of Salvation".
I managed to obtain a pardon for Belisarius Cawl and he has already boarded the ship.
I watch the Luna reports and look through the Warp for any sign of Chaos corruption. There is nothing.
No future intrusion of chaos.
With Luna full of my new supporters, was there any need to dismember Sagittarius 17's soul and feed the remains to my angels. With just one thought, I killed him by causing him to self-immolate.
Still, he didn't do anything wrong and wouldn't rebel, but he was a potential traitor and had no value to me. He got what he asked for.
I watch a few more report and shake my head in frustration.
Damn it, what did I do?
This was not in the original. My attempts to maintain the original timeline as much as possible have officially failed.
The future may contain some fragments of the original, but it has slipped out of control.
I stand up from the throne and open my own warehouse and watch [The Command Thrones] come out of the warehouse right next to my throne.
I take the throne of command in my hands and place it next to my throne.
I spend the next few minutes merging my throne and the command throne into one main throne.
I look at the new throne and a smile crosses my face.
Seven to the new throne. At least I have control over something.
I telepathically command The Cognatu Ferrum to initiate a protocol to return home in one week.
It will take just enough for all passengers and equipment to board the Bucephelus, given the sheer amount of people and equipment that needs to be loaded.
The next chapter will cover the return to Terra and the conversation with Erda and Leet. Unlike the original, this version of the chapter will contain smut. In the next 24 hours I will publish a chapter made up of a list of ideas for this fanfiction. It will contain some, but not all, of the ideas I have for the future. So leave your opinion about it.