
The Abyss (Part 1)

"Plus, with the quarry next door, the resources are readily available, so selling them in Ulon City doesn't cost much," the blacksmith continued, "Of course, if they are shipped to Lindblum City or sold to merchant caravans, the price would be different."

Geva asked with interest, "So, are all the weapons were forged here?"

The blacksmith waved his hand and pointed in a direction, "See that oddly shaped place over there? That's where the ironworks is located. All the weapons are forged there and then transported here."

The blacksmith pointed to the location outside the city.

The arcane masters and chronomancers were curious about how such a strange-looking building could produce such extraordinary weapons.

They wanted to see how the ironworks operated.

Father Barry, who was leading them, said, "Of course, you can. Right now, the demons don't dare to act recklessly, so it's not that dangerous to visit the ironworks."