
The God's Games

[ Warning before you read: No Romance and Slow Paced Story, if you don't like it please don't continue! ] Hanjun, who used to live alone, wakes up in a strange, old church in a different world called Eorera. In this world, there are two gods: the God of Light and the God of Darkness. A thousand years ago, the God of Darkness created demons and attacked humans. The God of Light was nowhere to be found, and people believed they were abandoned. Hanjun finds himself mistaken for being the God of Light by an old priest who was praying for help against the demons. Even though Hanjun is not actually a god, he ends up in a divine body on a stone throne, realizing he has lost most of his powers. He decides to help the humans by recruiting players from Earth through a game he creates called "God's Games Online." He sends out gaming equipment for free to a few selected players, who will enter the game to help protect Ulon Town from the approaching demons. Hanjun also creates a game system and an NPC guide, using the old priest named Barry to lead the players. Hanjun hides his true identity As "Holy Son" and starts preparing to gather faith and regain his power to protect the people of Eorera.

A_S97 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
198 Chs

New NPC (Part 3)

The deep tracks left by the cart wheels suggested that they were carrying a lot of goods.

The merchants were surprised to see people working in the pit.

Both sides were so taken aback by their first encounter that they stood there for a while without saying anything.

The player who is lead the townspeople in their work was Pork Rib Boss.

He then asked, "Is there anything you need help with?"

The head merchant finally snapped out of his daze.

He had traveled to many places, but only Ulon Town had caught his eye.

What were they building here?

It was supposed to be a small town, but it looked like it was already the size of a large city.

"Is this Ulon Town?" the merchant asked.

Pork Rib Boss replied, "Yes, it is."