
A Meeting in Ulon City

The God of Darkness fell silent.

He had come to catch Hanjun off guard and witness firsthand the failure of the humans that Hanjun believed in.

But things hadn't gone as he expected, and it seemed he had made the trip in vain.

Having crawled out of the Abyss with great effort, the God of Darkness was disappointed not to see what he had hoped for.

His face made no effort to hide his feelings.

His handsome yet somewhat gloomy expression clearly showed his displeasure, like a child openly displaying his emotions.

Hanjun felt no dislike toward him, only thinking of him as a child demanding candy when he didn't get his way.

He couldn't resist stepping closer and patting his head.

The God of Darkness remained expressionless, accepting the head-pat without thinking it was a shameful act.

He and Hanjun were born from the same chaos; they were the closest beings in this world.